Bayview Water & Sewer District
P.O. Box 637, Bayview, Idaho 83803
November 2, 2017
Call to Order and Roll Call: Chairman Richard Doney opened the meeting at 9:00AM and a roll call confirmed thatVice-Chair Sharon Meyer, directors Stephen May, Robyn Edwardsand Jan Joneswere alsopresent.
Others Present:Ellery Howard with JUB Engineers and Katy Baker-Casile with DEQ.
Guests Present:None.
Consent Agenda and Minutes:Chairman Doney started with an amendment to the consent agenda to include the letter response to Sue Damon regarding requests of testing records. The reason for the amendment is because Ms. Meyer needs the approval from the Board to send the letter out for a timely customer response. Chairman Doney motioned to approve the consent agenda with amendments, seconded by Ms. Jones. All were in favor, motion carried.
Review Contract(s) with JUB Engineer – Ms. Edwards offered the following motions which includes the following six (6) parts A through F:
A. That subject to review of form and content by Legal Counsel we approve an agreement with and award a contract to JUB Engineers for services as described in the RFQ issued by the Bayview Water and Sewer District (here-in after the Owner) August 16 and entitled; Water System Facility Plan and Survey.
a. Un-amended.
B. That pursuant to IC 67-2320 it is proposed that the total fees that shall be paid to JUB Engineers not exceed $42,000.
- Total fees changed by amendment to $92,100.00. Motioned by Ms. Jones,
seconded by Ms. Meyer. Ms. Edwards was opposed. Motion carried.
C. That pursuant to IC 67-2320 the scope of work shall be as set forth in Attachment 1 as prepared by JUB Engineers including all designated tasks one (1) through seven (7) and that the fees schedule shall be amended to show lump sum payments for said tasks.
- Motion amended to strike this section. Motioned by Ms. Edwards, seconded by
Chairman Doney. All were in favor, motion carried.
D. That JUB Engineers shall amend the final agreement to include an explicit provision to return 30 days of float time to the schedule for the sole benefit of the Owner.
- Motion amended to strike this section. Motioned by Ms. Edwards, seconded by Ms. Jones. All were in favor, motion carried.
E. That henceforth no documents tendered by JUB Engineers that fail to include both date and version information allowing specific reference thereto shall be received or accepted by the Owner.
- Motion amended to strike this section. Motioned by Ms. Edwards, seconded by
Ms. Meyer. All were in favor, motion carried.
F. That failing to achieve agreement with respect to the foregoing Items A through E today then pursuant to IC 67-2320 negotiations will be terminated with JUB Engineers and shall commence with the next ranked provider.
a. Motion amended to strike this section.Motioned by Ms. Edwards, seconded by
Ms. Meyer. All were in favor, motion carried.
Ms. Edwards moved to accept the motion as amended, seconded by Ms. Meyer. All were in favor, motion carried.
The Board read the letter typed by Chairman Doney to be sent to Sue Damon. Ms. Edward motioned to accept the letter and send, seconded by Ms. Meyer. All were in favor, motion carried.
The Board authorized Chairman Doney and Ms. Edwards to execute a grant agreement with DEQ for engineering services. Motioned by Ms. Meyer, seconded by Mr. May. All were in favor, motion carried.
Public Comment: None
With no further business to discuss the special meeting was adjourned following a motion from Ms. Edwards, seconded by Ms. Jones. All were in favor, motion carried at 11:24AM.
Respectfully Submitted and Approved:
Jessie RoeRichard Doney
Administrative/Treasurer Chairman of the Board