Time: 12:10 PM.

Pledge: Paul Rentenbach (subbing in for Jon Gandelot)

Invocation: Theresa Divirgil


Sergio and Lora Mazza, parents of speaker Caey Mazza. Judy Constant, mother of speaker Becca Constant. Joan Sibley, widow of former GP Rotarian, Fred Sibley.




Tina Antoon (7/28), Bill Henderson (7/29), and Bill Scott (7/31).




John Mozena

-- Kim Towar was one of the unfortunate homeowners who lost power at 5:00 PM in Sunday’s storm. She is hoping to get it back by midnight tonight.

-- Per Bob Lucas, August 9th is the last “After 6” in Grosse Pointe Park where Kercheval is closed and vendors set up their tents.

-- John Minnis is handling the program for the GP Sunrise Run. If anyone is interested in advertising or sponsoring, please contact him before August 15th.

-- Per Tom Harwood, three Grosse Pointe teachers will take part in a program on education appearing on WDIV’s Morning Show

-- Charles Burke reminded everyone about Monday Movie Night at the GP War Memorial. Tonight’s movie is

Willie Wonka & The Chocolate Factory.


No report.


-- Tina Antoon passed it to Ted Everingham for his work with the Crossroads lunch program.


-- Our Club has been invited to attend the Kids OnThe Go sponsor celebration event on August 7th from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM at Assumption. If interested, please contact Paul Rentenbach.

-- Paul has extra tickets to the Willow Run Air Show on August 9th. If interested in watching The Thunderbirds, let him know

-- Habitat for Humanity week is scheduled to begin on September 23rd. We will be partnering with GP Memorial Church and there will be sign-up sheets at upcoming meetings.


Outbound exchange students, Becca Constant and Casey Mazza, talked about their experiences.

Becca’s exchange was to Veile, Denmark. Upon arrival, she was met by her three host families at the airport, attended a three week language school, and then headed to a week-long introduction camp with 210 other exchange students.

With her host families, Becca was able to visit London and Norway, took a trip with another exchange student to Germany, and her entire high school class went to Barcelona.

At the end of her stay, she went on a 17 day Rotary Euro Tour where she was able to visit Brussels, Paris, Prague, Berlin, and Venice, among others locations.

Casey’s exchange to France was a different story. It took her a while to become acclimated with her first host family, could not seem to get along with her second host mother, and her Rotary exchange student counselor would not let her do anything. Luckily, her third host family, specifically the host father, the high school students she became friends with, and the Euro Trip made the experience worthwhile.

All in all, Casey is glad she stuck it out. She believes she has become more independent, is happy that she can speak a second language, and has developed a new appreciation for her parents.


$420 in the pot with $201 going to the winner. Gaylord Creedon was not able to find the joker so the pot continues to grow. Thank you to Dave Charvat for supplying the beautiful flower arrangement.


Aug 04: Bob Lucas

Aug 11: Ruth & Richard Gatza –

Henry Ford Heritage


Aug 18: Kristina Marshall – Winning
