SIT Meeting 5-5-14

Members Present: Manuel Jacobs, Alicia Mansfield, Bobby Scott, Deborah Aringe, Randy Hunt, Hector Carrion, Valarie Freeman, Antonio Wilkins, and Cassandra Bullard, and Boss Locklear.

Members Absent: Shelia Godwin, John Hodges, Boss Locklear, Bobby Hammonds, Royce Bullard-Locklear, Brantley Oxendine Jr., Jeremy Sampson, Jessie McCormick, Clyde Leviner, Charles Jones, Joshua Locklear, David Oxendine, Todd Shirley, Tammy Lowry, Jennifer Jones, Roxanne Flanagan, Demetrice Reed,Timothy Locklear (parent), and Alexis Jones (student).

Meeting called to order by Ms. Mansfield.

Minutes from March 10th approved as written with no corrections.

SIT Plan Reports:

Goal 1 – ACT scores have been received by the school but the data has not been finalized. Discussion as to how to pull that data prior to next school year. Mr. Leviner to contact Mr. Bobby, Testing Coordinator, to determine if/how to pull the data needed for the report. Strategies reviewed and discussed how we are meeting our objectives. Ms. Mansfield reported that the English teachers are meeting daily.

Goal 2 – Staff development on peer-coaching is ongoing. Ms. Davis is providing support and guidance to Math, Science, English and Social Studies departments.

Goal 3 – Mr. Scott reported that he is trying to get numbers together for report but the data is not available as of yet. Referrals still being made to YDS, Guidance, and Administration for attendance issues. Still having issues with PowerSchool with call outs to parents of students who have missed days at school.

Goal 4 – No report available.

Goal 5 – Mr. Leviner reported that this Wednesday, RCC will administer a remediation for those students who did not score the minimum requirements for admission. Teachers have been identified who will provide this tutoring. UNCP provided lunch last week for all students who have been accepted to attend college there. Ms. Mansfield reported that English department is meeting with professors from UNCP to improve performance in English classes.

Safe Schools – Mr. McCormick stated that no report at this time.

SAT/ACT Plan – Ms. Aringe has the numbers back from the ACT test but no data has been reviewed at this time.

Motion made to adjourn by Ms. Aringe.

Meeting adjourned.

Manuel Jacobs, SIT Secretary