Diocese of Kerry Earth Week - 17-23 April 2016


The Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Committee invites Parish Pastoral Councils to take up the urgent challenge put before us by Pope Francis in Laudato Si. He calls on all of us to care for 'our common home'. One of the ways we have not cared for 'our common home' is by allowing a huge loss of biodiversity. Biodiversity is the term used to describe a healthy balance in our world by having a wide variety of species of plants and animals (including bees), which helps maintain our earth in its optimum state encouraging the healthiness of our planet. As part of the Diocese of Kerry Earth Week 2016 we invite individuals and parish communities to join in a practical way to celebrate and enhance our local biodiversity.

Checklist for Biodiversity in Parish Grounds

Step 1:

In assessing parish grounds, have you:

-Plants and shrubs that flower in autumn and winter? e.g. Ivy, Viburnum,Hawthorn.

-Flowering trees? e.g. Alder, Crab Apple, Mountain Ash.

-A native plant? e.g. Hazel, Holly, Honeysuckle.

- A compost area? And mulching? www.stopfoodwaste.ie/home-composting

-A pond or water with wildlife in it?

If you can say yes to any of the above, you are already helping in the fight against the loss of biodiversity and helping to reduce bee decline.

Step 2:

Is there another step you can take as a parish to encourage biodiversity? Here are some options:

-Use organic pest control

-Leave an area of grass unmown,leave an area for wildflowers, nettles, etc.

-Plant vegetables and herbs;

-Use only plants native to your area;

-Plant a native hedgerow; Hawthorn, Dog Rose, Blackthorn

-Install a water butt-

-Leave a wood pile in a shady corner;

-Make an insect hotel-

-Collect your leaves and make leaf mould.

Step 3:

What will we do to continue to prevent the loss of biodiversity? How will we do this?

Who will take responsibility for it? Can we involve others in this exciting project?

Is there further help we need from JPIC on this topic?