Form 000.653.F0272

Date 17Jul2009

Page 1 of 12

HSE Audit Protocol



Project or Site Name


Assessment Date


Audit Team Members







Corporate HSE Audit Observations and Recommendations......

Other Site-Specific Audit Items to Consider......

ATTACHMENTS [Add at the completion of the audit.]



On ___(date)______, ___(team)______conducted a Comprehensive Corporate HSE Audit at ______(location)______. The auditor(s) used the Corporate HSE Audit Protocol. The protocol uses a 10-point color-coded scale to score each audit item.

90% - 100% / Exceptional
80% - 89% / Satisfactory
70% - 79% / Improvement Required
0 - 69% / Unsatisfactory

The project evaluation was based on compliance with the P2S HSE Management System. The protocol is divided into 6 sections as follows:

I.Management Leadership and Employee Involvement

II.Worksite Analysis

III.Hazard Prevention and Control

IV.Safety and Health Training

V.Practices and Procedures

VI.Other Site-Specific Audit Items

The project scored a total of _____ points out of a possible ______representing ____ percent an overall compliance rate. The scoring system is designed to show areas of strength and areas that need improvement. All items that fall in the red zone require immediate corrective action.

Recommendations for continued improvement have been noted in the recommendation section of the report. The project will respond to Corporate HSE in writing, within 30days, regarding the abatement of noted items.

I would like to thank you and your staff for your hospitality during my recent visit. Please do not hesitate to call me if I can be of further assistance to you and your staff.


Copyright © 2010, P2S. All Rights Reserved.Health, Safety, and Environmental

Form 000.653.F0272

Date 17Jul2009

Page 1 of 12

HSE Audit Protocol

Project Name: / P2S Business Unit/Group:
Project Mailing Address (Post Office): / Project Address:
Project Number: / _____ Self Perform _____ Construction Manage
Project Region:
___ Americas
___ Asian Pacific
___ Australia
___ Africa
___ Europe
___ US / ___ South America
___ Central America
___ Canada
___ Caribbean
___ Other / Assessment Type:
_____ General
_____ Post Fatality
_____ Post Incident
_____ Requested by Client
_____ Requested by Project
_____ Follow-up
Project Start Dates: / Project End Date:
Date of Last Corporate HSE Audit: / Is this a Union site?
HSE Manager: / Phone Number: / E-mail address:
Construction Manager: N/A / Phone Number: / E-mail address:
Site Manager: / Phone Number: / E-mail address:
Number of P2S Employees / Number of P2S Employees
Number of Hours Worked / Number of Hours Worked
Number of Fatalities / Number of Fatalities
Number of DART Cases / Number of DART Cases
Number of DART-L Cases / Number of DART-L Cases
Number of DART-R Cases / Number of DART-R Cases
Medical Treatment Cases / Medical Treatment Cases
Total Recordable Cases / Total Recordable Cases

Copyright © 2010, P2S. All Rights Reserved.Health, Safety, and Environmental

Form 000.653.F0272

Date 17Jul2009

Page 1 of 11

HSE Audit Protocol

Corporate HSE Audit Observations and Recommendations

Section I: Management Leadership & Employee Involvement
Project Critical Process / Observation / Recommendations / Responsibility/Status
1 / Management participates in STA meetings. (Adopt-a-crew)
2 / Site management communicates lessons learned
3 / The site uses the Safety Perception Survey
4 / Disciplinary action process
5 / Contractors: Prework processes and approvals.
6 / Contractors: Oversight and assurance methods.
7 / Management participates in site safety audits (such as: scheduled weekly audits).
8 / Craft employee involvement. i.e. safety committees, audits, JSAs, STAs, etc.
9 / Ratio of HSE Representatives to workers.
10 / Awards and recognition for safe behaviors and performance.
Section II: Worksite Analysis
Project Critical Process / Observation / Recommendations / Responsibility/Status
1 / Site investigates first aid, recordable, and near misses
2 / Scored audit process.
3 / Site performs comprehensive self-assessment using protocol in Form 000.653.F0951.
4 / Site performs incident and performance statistic review.
Section III: Hazard Prevention and Control
Project Critical Process / Observation / Recommendations / Responsibility/Status
1 / JSA process.
2 / STAprocess.
3 / Hazard Elimination Program.
4 / Site recovery plan for incident and audit findings.
Section IV: Safety and Health Training
Project Critical Process / Observation / Recommendations / Responsibility/Status
1 / HSE orientation process.
2 / HSE regulatory training process.
3 / New employee mentoring program.
4 / Safety Leadership Training (SLT).
5 / HSE toolbox talks.
Section V: Key Practices & Procedures
Project Critical Process / Observation / Recommendations / Responsibility/Status
1 / Site has an approved Site-Specific HSE Manual with signed equivalency form.
2 / Site has all appropriate certifications.
3 / Substance Abuse Program implemented.
4 / Confined space.
5 / Excavations.
6 / Guarding.
7 / Hazardous materials.
8 / Heavy equipment (such as flaggers, operations, and movement).
9 / Hot tap.
10 / Lockout/tagout.
11 / Material handling (mechanical and nonmechanical).
12 / Permitting (such as work, hot, and crane).
13 / PPE
14 / Pressurized lines/testing.
15 / Rigging.
16 / Suspended workbaskets.
17 / Environmental (such as waste disposal, air, storm water, spills, and chemical management).
18 / Work area housekeeping.
19 / Fall protection (including roofs, grating/guardrail removal, and other “fall-through” hazards).
20 / Inspection process for equipment, tools, cords, plugs, and rigging.
21 / Client evacuation and alarm system are effective (audibility, visibility, testing, etc.)
22 / Contractor - mandated HSE representatives sufficient for work scope and risk.
23 / Contractor - orientation, training, and Competent Person designation documented.
24 / Contractor - methods for oversight, coordination, and enforcement documented.
25 / Contractor - methods to ensure occupational injuries & illnesses are documented.
26 / Contractor - methods for evaluating performance for future contracts documented.
27 / Contractor’s - HSE MS submitted, reviewed, approved, & documented.
28 / Contractor - HSE records are on file at the site.
29 / Contractor - is required to follow P2SHSE procedures (requirement documented).
30 / Contractor - final approval for all contractor HSE documents is documented.
Section VI: Other Site Specific Audit Items
Project Critical Process / Observation / Recommendations / Responsibility/Status
1 / Cranes and hoist.
2 / Scaffolds and ladders.
3 / Fab shops.
4 / Rebar.
5 / Barricade tape.
6 / Other (specify).
7 / Other (specify).
8 / Other (specify).

Other Site-Specific Audit Items to Consider

# / Audit Item / # / Audit Item / # / Audit Item
1 / HSE Policy Statement / 27 / Waste Management Issues / 75 / High-Pressure Water Cleaning
2 / HSE Management / 28-50 / Reserved for future Administrative Items / 76 / Abrasive Blasting
3 / HSE Recordkeeping / 51 / Housekeeping / 77 / Tank and Piping System Testing
4 / Security / 52 / Communication and Coordination / 78 / Hot Tapping Procedure
5 / Fire Protection / 53 / Health and Hygiene / 79 / Traveling and Working Alone
6 / Emergency Preparedness / 54 / Pre-Commissioning and Commissioning / 80 / Confined Spaces
7 / Infectious Diseases / 55 / Spill Control and Prevention / 81 / Radiation/Radiography
8 / Hazard Communication Program / 56 / Work Area Lighting / 82 / Lead
9 / Chemical Storage / 57 / Personal Protective Equipment (PPE.) / 83 / Fibrous Material and Asbestos
10 / Mobile Equipment Operations / 58 / Hand Tools / 84 / Tire Management
11 / Inspection Procedures / 59 / Powder-Actuated Tools / 85 / Marine Operations
12 / Respiratory Protection / 60 / Power Tools and Power Equipment / 86 / Railroad Operations
13 / Enforcement and Discipline / 61 / Hot Work (Welding, Cutting, Burning) / 87 / Site Drainage and Sewage
14 / Training and Development / 62 / Electrical / 88 / Hazardous and Dangerous Waste Management
15 / Performance Indicators / 63 / Equipment Operations / 89 / Water Quality
16 / Accident/Incident Investigation / 64 / First Line Breaks / 90 / Storage Tanks
17 / Hexavalent Chromium/Cadmium / 65 / Excavation and Trenching / 91 / Polychlorinated Biphenyls
18 / Safety Task Assignment (STA) / 66 / Steel Erection and Floor and Wall Opening / 92 / Pesticide Use
19 / Regulatory Agency Inspection/Contact / 67 / Material Handling and Storage / 93 / Potable Water
20 / Claims Management / 68 / Signs, Signals, Barricades / 94 / Occupational Medical/Physical Examinations
21 / Process Safety Management (PSM) / 69 / Traffic Control / 95 / Potential Exposures – Other Toxics
22 / Substance Abuse Program / 70 / Fire Prevention and Protection
23 / Strategic Initiatives / 71 / Ladders, Scaffolds, and Elevated Work Platforms
24 / Air Issues / 72 / Concrete, Concrete Forms, Shoring, Masonry
25 / Electrical / 73 / Demolition
26 / Office Areas / 74 / Blasting - Use of Explosives

Note:This form is referenced in Practices000.653.1101 and 000.653.1305.

Copyright © 2010, P2S. All Rights Reserved.Health, Safety, and Environmental