Thank you for taking your time and participating in our survey. Your input will help us determine alumni’s perceptions about their experiences at RadfordUniversity. The results will help us understand ways to better serve future Radford students. All of your attitudes, opinions and perspectives will be kept strictly confidential.
How satisfied are you with your overall experience at RU?
Very SatisfiedVery Dissatisfied
How satisfied are you with your overall experience with the College of Business and Economics?
Very SatisfiedVery Dissatisfied
How satisfied are you with RU’s marketing program?
Very SatisfiedVery Dissatisfied
How satisfied are you with the quality of your education received at RU?
Very SatisfiedVery Dissatisfied
How satisfied are you with the marketing program’s ability to prepare you in the following skills and competencies:
Very Very
Make presentations
Work effectively in teams
Utilize Microsoft Power Point
Utilize Microsoft Word
Utilize Microsoft Excel
Communicate orally
Communicate inwriting
Solve Problems
Understand behavior of
Be creative
Conduct analysis of data
Interpersonal skills
Critical thinking skills
Apply general marketing
Identify the best target market
Develop strategic marketing
strategies and problems
Whattopics/subjectstaught through RU’s marketing program have been most helpful in your career to date?
What topics/subject areas, if any, do you think RU’s marketing department should emphasize more?
I would recommend RU to my son/daughter.
AgreeAgree orDisagree Disagree
I would recommend to my son/daughter that they major in Marketing at RU.
AgreeAgree orDisagree Disagree
My marketing education at RU has been very beneficial to my career.
AgreeAgree orDisagree Disagree
In which of the following ways would you be willing to give back to RU’s marketing department, if any. Please check all that apply.
Monetary donation
Be a mentor to RU students
Be a guest speaker for RU students
Offer internships to RU students
Offer job opportunities to RU students
Not willing at all
Now just a few more questions so that responses can be categorized with other alumni taking part in this study.
Gender Female Male
Age<25 25-34 35-4445-54 55-64 65 and older
Please indicate your current employment status.
Employed full-time (40 hours a week or more)
Employed part-time (under 40 hours a week)
Not currently employed
If employed, what is your occupation? ______
Have you received any additional education since you earned your B.B.A?
NoYesWhat additional education? ______
Where? ______
What improvements, if any, do you think RU’s Marketing Department needs?
Thank you for your participation in this study. Your participation is greatly appreciated!