South Pasadena High School

American Lit Honors

Room 313

Mrs. Taylor

1. What will we study?

American Lit Honors is a study of eras in American literature. The course emphasizes text analysis, writing development, language development, and oral speaking. There are four units that focus on a variety of Common Core State Standards.

Unit 1 Cultural Origins Unit 3 Change

Standards RL 2,4 RI 2,6 W 1 Standards RI 7, W 7,8 L 6

Unit 2 Problems and Progress Unit 4 My Influence on the Future

Standards RL 5, RI 1, W 2, L 5 Standards RL 6, W 3,4 SL 4

2. What will we read?

The Scarlet Letter A Separate Peace

The Crucible Documents from your textbook or online

The Red Badge of Courage Student selected novels

3. How are grades calculated?

Each semester around 1000 points of work will be given prior to the final exam.

The final exam is between 150-200 points, up to 20% of the semester grade.

Points for each assignment are posted on aeries. A (90-100%) B (80-89%) C (70-79%) D (60-69%)

It is your responsibility to maintain a Grade Sheet and always be aware of your grade.

Mrs. Taylor does not give extra credit work.

4. What if I forget my homework?

Homework is given every class period and posted at (click Homework/Teachers at the top of the page, then type Taylor and click on your class period). If you forget your homework, bring the missing work to the next class period for 50% of the points. Work more than one class period late will not be accepted.

5. What if I’m sick and miss class?

Stay current with your classwork and homework by going to (see #4).

When you return to school, clear your absence in the attendance office with a note from home.

Turn in previous homework; you have one extra class day for work assigned during your absence.

To make up a test, you must clear your absence within three school calendar days.

6. What if I have an emergency during class?

You may use up to two passes per semester if you need to temporarily leave class unexpectedly.

Bring water to stay hydrated, but only clear water in a clear bottle.

If you require frequent use of the restroom during class time, bring a note from home.

7. What if I need help?

Stop by room 313 at brunch or lunch if you have questions.

Mrs. Taylor is also available by appointment.