August 2015


For Part-time and Temporary Instructors

1.  IT

a.  Email & Network access:

-  An e-mail address is auto-generated within 24 hours after HR enters EAS info into Banner

-  The employee must activate their own account: Click on ACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT

-  Note: If an employee has worked here before, they may have to have their password re-set. They will need to bring an ID to the IT Help Desk in the basement of the Reed Library. They will then be assisted with a new password.

-  Help desk location: Reed Library Room 23

-  For IT questions e-mail: or call x7444

b.  M and O drives –

-  ‘M’ drive: Generally a personal drive – set apart on the server for your files only.

-  ‘O’ drive: this is a shared drive. Each department has its own shared drive and documents/files can be seen by all in a department.

-  These are very secure drives and important documents/files should be stored on these drives.

- :

-  Request from IT at: , 7444

c.  Webopus

-  Webopus website is

-  The best way to access WebOPUS is through . Login to theFort, then look for WebOPUS in the quicklinks.

-  If someone doesn’t know their username or password they can retrieve them from the Fort login page.

d.  Skysoft

-  Link for software downloads:

2.  Trainings

a.  Canvas

-  Go to:

-  Or, to schedule a one-on-one or a departmental Canvas training by contacting Clint Jacobsen at r 970-247-7683

b.  Title IX

-  Coordinator: Molly Wieser, x7503,

c.  Sexual Misconduct Policy

- - This site has training, procedures, resources, forms, etc..


-  What is FERPA? The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, also known as the Buckley Amendment, helps protect the privacy of student records. The Act provides for the right to inspect and review educational records, to seek to amend those records, and to limit disclosure or information from the records. The Act applies to all institutions that are the recipients of federal funding under any program administered by the U.S. Department of Education.

3.  Important policies and procedures -

a.  Syllabus policy:

If the adjunct is teaching a multi-section course, the department should provide syllabus or syllabus template that includes learning outcomes. The syllabi is posted on Canvas.

-  Withdrawal policy

b.  Athletes missing class

-  Steve Stovall is the Faculty Athletic Representative. His main responsibilities are serving as a liaison between the athletic department/student-athletes and the faculty, as well as compliance with the NCAA regulations.

-  Athletic policy regarding athletes missing class: There is a form that student/athletes turn in to each of their teachers at the beginning of the semester. The form references any travel dates that coincide with classes so that teacher and student can agree as to what will work as a substitute assignment or what else will suffice as a substitute for what was missed that day. Students are required to follow up and remind teachers at least a week in advance of a travel/missed class date. This gives the teacher sufficient time to devise a substitute assignment or otherwise accommodate the missed class. If the student/athlete fails to comply, then the teacher is not obligated to accommodate the absence. This applies to all varsity sports and cycling which is not an NCAA varsity sport.

c.  Registered Students

Students who have registered for classes and decide not to attend have the responsibility to cancel their registration or initiate a withdrawal by following the appropriate procedure. Students are cautioned that they are only eligible for one Post-Census Withdrawal during their undergraduate career at Fort Lewis College. For more information please go to:

d.  Grading: midterm and final

-  Go here for instructions on the grading process:

-  2015 Fall: Mid-term grades due from faculty 12 p.m. (noon) Monday, October 19

-  2015 Fall: Final grades due from faculty 10 a.m. Monday, December 21

-  2016 Spring: Deadline for Application for Graduation (Census date) Tuesday, January 26

-  2016 spring: Final grades due from faculty 10 a.m. Monday, May 2

Go here for the academic calendar:

e.  Incomplete policy - - Link to form:

-  As the faculty handbook states: A grade of Incomplete “I” is a student-initiated grade that must have the Instructor’s approval.

f.  Add/drop deadlines

“Do it yourself” using your WebOPUS account or paper add/drop forms. The below information is found by going to the site below and clicking on ‘New Student Withdrawal Form’:

-  Blue “add” forms and green “drop” forms are available at the Registrar’s Office, Room 160, Miller Student Services Center.

-  Use “drop” forms to drop classes after Census Date – but not entire schedule. The form must be signed by the instructor, have a grade of W or F assigned, and be submitted by 3:30 p.m. of the last day of class in the Summer and 4 p.m. of the last day of class in the Fall or Winter to the Registrar’s Office.

g.  Waitlist process

h.  Student conduct policy

i.  Cheating and plagiarism

The following link is direct to the handbook and has a full explanation:

j.  Bookstore/book orders

if an adjunct is teaching a multi-section course, advise that chair will likely take care of this. You can e-mail Howie Dickman at with an ISBN and class department, number, and section. He is also the best resource for any questions pertaining to course materials for example, if they are rentable or not.

k.  Reed library access

-  Go to the following link to find the liaison for your department to help in access:

l.  Campus police

-  Office Hours: 8:00 AM to Noon, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

-  Phone: 970-247-7491, FAX 970-247-7386, for after hours requests 970-749-6581

-  Location: ASPEN HALL, modular building across from Physical Plant, north side of campus, south of the golf course.

m.  Academic calendar


4.  Administrative assistants - What they can do for you

a.  Office

b.  Computer

c.  Keys

d.  Copy code