Anxiety, Anticipation, and Contextual Information: A Test of Attentional Control Theory
Adam J. Cocks, Robin C. Jackson, Daniel T. Bishop and A. Mark Williams
Department of Life Sciences, Brunel University London, Uxbridge,United Kingdom
Author Note
Adam J. Cocks, Robin C. Jackson, Daniel T. Bishop, and A. Mark Williams, Department of Life Sciences, Brunel University London, Uxbridge, United Kingdom.
The authors can state no conflicts of interest that would influence the outcome of the research.
Correspondence regarding this article should be addressed to Adam J. Cocks, Department of Life Sciences, College of Health and Life Sciences, Brunel University London, Kingston Lane, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 3PH, United Kingdom. Email:
We testedthe assumptions ofAttentional Control Theory by examining the impact of anxiety on anticipation using a dynamic, time-constrained task. Moreover, we examined the involvement of high- and low-level cognitive processes in anticipation and how their importance may interact with anxiety. Skilled and less-skilled tennis players anticipated the shots ofopponents under low- and high-anxiety conditions. Participants viewed three types of video stimuli, each depicting different levels of contextual information.Performance effectiveness (response accuracy) and processing efficiency (response accuracy divided by corresponding mental effort) were measured.Skilled players recorded higher levels of response accuracy and processing efficiencycompared toless-skilled counterparts.Processing efficiency significantly decreased underhigh- compared to low-anxiety conditions. No difference in response accuracy was observed. When reviewing directional errors,anxiety was most detrimental to performance in the condition conveying only contextual information, suggesting that anxiety may have a greaterimpact on high-level (top-down) cognitive processes, potentially due to a shift in attentional control. Our findings provide partial support for Attentional Control Theory;anxiety elicitedgreater decrements in processing efficiency than performance effectiveness, possiblydue topredominance of the stimulus-driven attentional system.
Keywords: skilled; tennis; perceptual-cognitive; processing efficiency; performance effectiveness.
Anxiety, Anticipation, and Contextual Information: An Application of Attentional Control Theory
The impact of anxiety on performance has been a longstanding topic of debate in psychology. Several scientists have proposed theories to explain how anxiety affects performance (e.g., Cusp Catastrophe Model, Hardy, 1996, Hardy & Parfitt, 1991; Processing Efficiency Theory [PET], Eysenck & Calvo, 1992; Attentional Control Theory [ACT], Eysenck, Derakshan, Santos, & Calvo, 2007). However, despite the wealth of research exploring the links between anxiety and performance, few researchers have assessed the impact of anxiety on anticipation judgements in time-constrained environments (for exceptions, see Smeeton, Williams, Hodges, & Ward, 2005; Vickers & Lewinski, 2012; Williams & Elliott, 1999). Yet, the ability to process information and to anticipate the actions of others under severe time pressure is an essential component of performance in numerous domains such as sport, law enforcement, aviation, and military combat (Vickers & Lewinski, 2012).
In the current paper, we test theoretical predictions arising from ACT (Eysenck et al., 2007) by examining the impact of anxiety on anticipation in tennis. In particular, we examine how anxiety influences the use of low- and high-level cognitive processes using the conceptual framework provided by ACT. We also investigate how anxiety influences the ability of skilled and less-skilled performers to anticipate an opponent’s actions under conditions where varying amounts of contextual information are presented. It has been reported that skilled performers are able to use contextual information, such as situational probabilities and tactical information, to facilitate anticipation judgements in time-constrained domains (Abernethy, Gill, Parks, & Packer, 2001;CrognierFéry 2005).
Eysenck and colleagues (2007) proposed ACT as anexpansion of Eysenck and Calvo’s (1992) Processing Efficiency Theory, which was developed to explain the relationship between anxiety and performance. Two main assumptions are outlined in the theory. First, that cognitive anxiety manifests itself in the form of worrisome thoughts; these thoughts impact working memory by depleting limited attentional resources, thereby reducing the amount of free attentional capacity to engage in coincident task demands. The second assumptionis that anxiety increases motivation to avoid its negative effects, which leads to increased cognitive effort and the recruitment of additional processing resources (Eysenck & Calvo, 1992). These two assumptions help to form the primary prediction of PET;thatprocessing efficiency, which isan index of the individual resources invested to achieve a given level of performance, is negatively impacted more so than performance effectiveness, which is the level of performance indicated by a behavioural measureof a specified task(Eysenck, Payne, & Derakshan, 2005). Specifically, because anxiety draws on one’s attentional resources, processing efficiency suffers more greatly than does performance effectiveness.
ACT was proposed to address some of the limitations of PET (Eysenck et al., 2007). The theory predicts that high-anxiety will lead to allocation of attentional resources towardthreat-related stimuli, be they external or internal(e.g., worrisome thoughts;Eysenck et al., 2007). This impairment and pre-empting of attentional resources leads to a shift in the attentional systems such that anxiety leads to increased reliance on the bottom-up, stimulus-driven attentional system, as opposed to the more top-down, goal-directed attentional system proposed by Corbetta and Schulman(2002)(Eysenck et al., 2007). In addition, ACT retains the main prediction of PET, namely that processing efficiency is impacted more so than performance effectiveness under anxiety-provoking conditions (Eysenck et al., 2007).
Competitive sport affords a dynamic environment in which to test the applications of PET and ACT, as rapid decisions are required, with concomitantly high demands onperception, cognition, and action. It has been shown thatexpert sport performers are more adept at picking up low-level biological motion information from an opponent during anticipation (for reviews, see Müller & Abernethy, 2012; Williams & Ward, 2007). However, it hasbeen reported that experts are able to use higher-order cognition to harness contextual information from a scene in order to inform their anticipation judgements (McRobert, Ward, Eccles, & Williams, 2011). Rather than relying solely on kinematic cues, they formulate their decisions through the pickup of additional contextual information (e.g., situational probabilities;Abernethy et al., 2001).McRobert et al. (2011) reported that, when displaying video clips of a cricket bowler to skilled and less-skilled batters, both groups performed betterwhen six bowls from the same bowler were displayed consecutively (high-context) in comparison to six deliveries from six different bowlers (low-context).This conceptualisation of the uses of contextual information is akin to the interactive encoding model proposed by Dittrich (1999). The model argues that the perception of biological motion within a visual scene involves the low-level, bottom-up structuring of motion information in combination with high-level, top-down encoding.
The impact of contextual information on anticipation has been shown in tennis. For example, expert performers within fast ball sports are able to decipher important cues from the probabilistic information available before the onset of any postural movements (Müller & Abernethy, 2012). In addition, Farrow and Reid (2012) found that older, more highly-skilled tennis performers were more able toutilise game score information to produce faster responses to serves within a simulated match situationthan were younger, less-skilled players. Thislatter finding suggests that situational probabilities associated with the specific game scenario play an important role within the initiation of anticipatory responses. Crognierand Féry (2005) reported that,when performing an in situ task, the ability of tennis players to employ tactical initiative and to harness situational probabilities determined whether they would successfully anticipate an opponent’s attempted passing shots. The authors suggested that contextual information is generally masked within laboratory-based tests of anticipation,due to the relatively short duration of the video clipsused. Moreover, the inclusion of court positioninginformation within a tennis scenebenefits anticipation in skilled performers (Loffing, Wilkes & Hagemann, 2011; LoffingHagemann, 2014). However, it has yet to be ascertained whether the presence or absence of preceding shot sequences, along with the presence or absence of opponent postural information, has an impact upon the accuracy of anticipation judgements.
Since the use of contextual information implies the involvement of higher-order cognitive processes, this shift from low- to high-level cognitive processes should indicate increasing recruitment of the top-down, goal-directed attentional system housed within the dorsal frontoparietal network (Corbetta & Schulman, 2002; Corbetta, Patel, & Schulman, 2008). This system is guided by “current goals and pre-existing information about likely contingencies” (Corbetta et al., 2008, p.307) and is led by prior experience and representations of similar scenarios. In contrast, it may be suggested that the ability to pick up low-level biological motion is directed by the bottom-up, stimulus-driven attentional system, which “detects salient and behaviourally relevant stimuli in the environment” (Corbetta et al., 2008, p.306). Accordingly, the addition of contextual information to a scene should increase the contribution of the goal-directed attentional system relative to stimulus-driven, bottom-up processing of postural cues.
If the above assumption is to be carried forward, it is reasonable to proposethat a shift from the goal-directed to the stimulus-driven attentional system should occur when under conditions of high-anxiety, as previously described within ACT (Eysenck et al., 2007), possibly leading to prioritisation of different sources of information. For example, it may be proposed that the impact of contextual information (e.g., the position of the players relative to the court, tennis ball, and each other) will be attenuated when a tennis player attempts to predict the outcome of an opponent’s actions under anxiogenic conditions, as the stimulus-driven processing of postural cues, for example predominates.
In the current study,we test some of the predictions of ACT using a tennis anticipation paradigm. Specifically,we examine how state anxiety influences the use of low- and high-level cognitive processes, with regards to the prioritisation of different informational sources when varying levels of contextual information are available. In this case, the level of contextual information is varied by manipulating the availability of postural, shot sequencing, and court position information. The impacts of these manipulations are observed within skilled and less-skilled tennis players.We propose a number of hypotheses. First, it is predicted that overall processing efficiency will be lower under anxiety-provoking conditions, in the absence of increased performance effectiveness (response accuracy). Second, although the manipulation of contextual information coupled with anxiety induction is somewhat exploratory, we hypothesise that reduced performance and processing efficiency, along with an increased number of directional and depth errors will occur within trials that make no postural cue information available in comparison to the other conditions. The latter differentiation is especially expected under high-anxiety as the stimulus-driven system will have little salient information to which it can attend.Finally,in accordance with the expertise literature,we hypothesise that skilled performers will produce greater response accuracy and fewer directional and depth errors than low-skilled performers.
A total of 12 skilled (mean age = 20.67 years, SD = 2.35yrs) and 12 less-skilled (mean age = 21.83 years, SD = 3.51yrs) male tennis players participated. This sample size is larger than previously employed by researchers who have reported significant effects when testing the uses of contextual information (see McRobert et al., 2011)and the impact of anxiety on anticipation (see Williams & Elliott, 1999). The skilled participants had British Tennis Membership Ratings (BTMR) between 10.2 and 8.1 and a mean of 10.54 years (SD = 4.41yrs) tennis playing experience. The less-skilled group did not possess a BTMR and had a mean of 7.75 years (SD = 7.31yrs) tennis playing experience. Written and informed consent was obtained from all participants and Institutional Research Ethics Committee Approvalwas obtained from the lead institution.
Test Stimuli
Three types of video sequences were created for the experiment. The first showed only the opponent’s postural information; that is, all court markings and previous shot sequences were removed from the original video sequence (Fig. 1a). The second was a computer animation developed using Hawk-Eye (Hawk-Eye Innovations Ltd., Basingstoke, UK) data that depicted the dynamic court position of both players represented by cylinders, as wellas court markings and the ball position (Fig. 1b). The final clip type showed the original video sequence containing the players, ball, and court markings (Fig. 1c).
Figure 1a was filmed with a high definition video camera (Sony Handycam HDR-PJ420VE, Tokyo, Japan) mounted on a wall which was 1.90 metres above ground level and 6.40 metres behind the baseline at the end of the court. This camera was trained on the player at the far end of the court and zoomed in by 2x optical zoom so as to attempt to removethe player on the near side of the court from view. The footage obtained was then post-produced using Pinnacle Studio 15 (California, USA) to remove all court markings from view leaving visible just the ‘opposing’ player (the player at the end of the court opposite to the video camera), part of the net, and some of the background immediately behind the opposing player. Figure 1c was filmed with a high definition wide-angle lens video camera (Contour ROAM, Seattle, USA) from the same positional dimensions as the previously mentioned camera,enabling all aspects of the court and surrounding areas to be present within this stimulus condition. The animations of the video sequences (see Fig. 1b) were developed using 3-D coordinates of both players and the ball trajectory captured using the Hawk-Eye system. These coordinates were then fed into the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) Rendering Engine (Julien Pansiot, London, UK) that produced the finished animations, which retained the court markings and ball movement and depicted the players as vertical cylinders.
The stimuli chosen for the experiment were selected using criteria delineated by LTA coaches, which depicted the most likely situations whereby anticipation would be necessary within tennis (e.g., when the opponent would be performing more attacking shots, such as passing shots and drop shots). A total of 48 match situations (12 for each directional outcome; short left, short right, deep left and deep right) were chosen to be displayed in the three contextual conditions, generating a total of 144 test stimuli.The postural cue only condition (Fig. 1a) comprised a single shot executed by the on-screen performer occluded at ball-racket contact, whereas the animation (Fig. 1b) and the wide-angle (Fig. 1c) clips began from the serve through to occlusion of the target shot at racket-ball contact. The 144 test stimuli were divided into 12 blocks of 12 trials. The inter-trial interval was set at 4 seconds, with the inter-block interval set at 15 seconds at which time the instructions of the task were re-presented. Additionally, only a single form of video stimuli was presented in each block, so as to avoid possible annoyance due to differences in displayed stimuli (see Loffing et al., 2011).
Film clips were projected using an Optoma HD25 2-D projector (Watford, UK) onto the wall of the testing area, creating a 1.68m × 2.20m image size. Participants stood 3.92 metres away from the screen, such that the player, when stood on the far baseline, subtended a vertical visual angle of 2.56 degrees and 3.14 degrees when stood at the net. The four rectangular segments, representing the four areas of the ‘near side’ court in which the ball could land, were marked out at the participants’ feet, with each rectangle measuring 46cm x 80cm in size (see Fig. 2 for schematic).
Design and Measures
The experiment employed a 2 (Skill Level) × 2 (Anxiety Condition) × 3 (Context Condition) mixed-factor design;Anxiety and Context Conditions were within-participants factors.Response accuracy and processing efficiency (response accuracy divided by mental effort ratings) were the dependent variables.
State Anxiety. Competitive state anxiety was measured using the Mental Readiness Form-3 (MRF-3; Krane, 1994). This 3-item questionnaire was completed by participants after each block of 12 trials. Each item required a response on an 11-point Likert scale from ‘not worried’ (1) to ‘worried’ (11) for cognitive anxiety; ‘not tense’ (1) to ‘tense’ (11) for somatic anxiety; and ‘not confident’ (1) and ‘confident’ (11) for self-confidence. The MRF-3 was incorporated to keep in line with previous research into the application of PET and ACT to sport (see Wilson, Wood, & Vine, 2009; Wood & Wilson, 2011).
Response Accuracy. After each video was occluded, participants were asked to indicate where on the court they thought the ball would land by stepping onto one of four rectangular zones displayed in a 2 × 2 numbered gridon the floor of the testing area (1 = short left, 2 = short right, 3 = deep left and 4 = deep right) and to state the associated grid number (see Fig. 2). Response accuracy was measured as the percentage of correct responses produced by the participants.