
Mayor Wayne Wright and New Westminster City Council

511 Royal Avenue

New Westminster, BC V3L 1H9

Re: Heritage Restoration And Preservation of Holy Trinity Cathedral

Dear Mayor Wright,

A Christian community has worshipped on the site of Holy Trinity Cathedral at 514 Carnarvon Street since September 10, 1859. The current building, opened November 1, 1899, following the great fire of 1898 contains significant portions of the first stone Church constructed on the mainland of B.C. in 1865. The building includes furnishing gifted to the parish from Westminster Abbey and the first stained glass windows made in the Province by the firm Henry Bloomfield and sons. The building continues to house an Anglican community whose members have served the City, the Province and our country from the foundation of the colony. A brass lectern, a gift of Sir James Douglas, was saved from the fire and continues in use today. It is the Chapel to the Royal Westminster Regiment.

I write in support of a proposed redevelopment of 514 Carnarvon Street to enable the preservation of Holy Trinity Cathedral for future generations. The proposed redevelopment will add much needed parking for the neighbourhood and create space of use to the many people now moving into the neighbourhood, including a new outdoor plaza and a hall housing both large and small meeting spaces. Members of the parish envision the space proving of value for existing events such as Show and Shine as well as possible new events such as a downtown music festival. While telling a story of those who have gone before the site will continue to be of common use as we move into an exciting new future for this downtown neighbourhood.

Funding for historic buildings is not readily available from senior governments. Please use the Heritage Revitalization Agreement tool available to the municipality to permit the parish to build a high rise of sufficient size to enable the proposed preservation of an important historic gem in our City.

Yours sincerely,