2012 St. Owen S.O.S. (Shelter) Volunteer Sign-Up

Sun. May 20-Sun. May 27

Please fill out & drop in offertory basket, or return by mail to St. Owen Christian Service, 6855 Franklin Rd., Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301

Name______Home Phone______

E-mail______Cell Phone______

MEALS: BREAKFAST: Prepare, serve and clean up on ONE or MORE morning(s) DAY(S) interested______

BAG LUNCHES: Provide six or more wrapped & labeled sandwiches and deliver to Parish Center the night before/ or donate other lunch items such as fruit, granola bars, cookies, chips, bottled water, boxed drinks, etc. for ONE or MORE days of the week.

_____I can make six or more sandwiches,wrapped & labeled

_____I can donate the following lunch items______

_____Around 8:30 p.m., I can put lunch items on table and supervise guests filling their lunch bags and marking their names, & returning lunches & food to refrig.

DAY(S) interested______

DINNER: Prepare an entiremeal or one dish at home or center to serve about 7:30 p.m. Includes serving and clean-up.We serve about 40-50people every evening. Youth Group to sponsor Wed. 5/23 Choirs to sponsor Thurs. 5/24. Can your “group” or perhaps several families get together and sponsor one evening dinner Sun. 5/20, Mon. 5/21, Tue. 5/22, Fri. 5/25 or Sat. 5/26? DAY(S) interested______

My “group” can prepare and sponsor an entire dinner______

I can provide a dish and help serve and clean up______


HOSTS/HOSTESSES: Be our guest for dinner and come share a meal with our guests. Converse with them and ask them about their day. Time is flexible. Guests arrive around 6:30 p.m. Dinner is around 7:30 p.m.

DAY(s) interested______.


A.M.: Drive your own carto pick up guests from St. Owen and drop them off at the Southfield S.O.S. shelter near 12 Mile & Southfield Rd. or possibly to a job site or school. Minimal time commitment. If you are on your way to work, you can stop by St. Owen early and pick up a group & transport them before you go on your way to work. We need many drivers to transport 35 guests daily.

DAY(S) interested______

A.M. On-Call Driver: I will be available to drive if needed DAY(S)______

P.M.:Drive your own car to pick up our guests between 5:00 & 7:00 p.m. at the Southfield S.O.S. shelter near 12 Mile & Southfield Rd. and bring them to St. Owen for dinner and lodging. Minimal time commitment.

DAY(S) interested______

LAUNDRY:In the morning, pick up and wash one to two loads of our guests’ towels and sheets in your home (no personal laundry), return it that afternoon/evening. DAY(S) interested______.

SET-UP:Looking for those with trucks or larger vans to drive a few miles to previous church and pick up and transport mattresses, bedding, etc. to St. Owen. Sun. May 20, 10:00-noon

______Yes, I have a truck or van and can help.

Need others to unload trucks and set up mattresses and put bed linens on mattresses; especially strong adults, students in high school looking for service hours, college students, or scouts.

______Yes, I can help unload trucks and set -up on Sun. May 20from 10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

CLEAN-UP:General clean up, clean & gather bedding and stack mattresses for pick up by the next hosting church. May involve laundering sheets, pillowcases & towels.

Sun. May 27 Circle time preference (9:00-11:00a.m.) (10:00-noon)


This involves overseeing activities and lights out as well as wake-up calls. 2 persons are needed for each shift (preferably one of each gender). Duties are minimal. There is a critical need for volunteers in this category.

NIGHT interested______

SHIFT preference:_____ (9:00 p.m.-12)/ ____ (Midnight-6:00 a.m.)

SPECIAL TALENT: Are you a musician, magician, etc.? Are you a beautician who can offer haircuts? Can you offer “resume preparation” help or looking for work skills? Are you a lawyer who can offer legal advice? Can you go outside and play ball with the guests or their children? Can you play cards? Share your talent with our guests.

DAY interested______TALENT/ SKILL______

STAND-BY SUPPORT: This involves being on-call to fill in whatever area needs coverage for that day. DAY(S) interested______


Thank you for your support!

Karen Heuer

Christian Service Director (248) 626-2320,