Teacher: Boyajian


Lesson Plans –01-14thru01-18


Grade Subject:WC Pd 7-8

Monday Day: /

South Asia has a plethora of geographic landforms and features.

/ Tuesday Day: / South Asia has a plethora of geographic landforms and features / Wednesday Day: / South Asia’s climate makes it a unique part of the world.
Essential Questions/Standards:
How does India’s geography influence its history and culture? / Essential Questions/Standards:
How does India’s geography influence its history and culture? / Essential Questions/Standards:
How does the climate of South Asia affect the people that live there?
Instructional Strategies:Discussion and notes
Methods/Activities/Activation –
Notes and examples from slides and textbook
Formation of the sub-continent of India / Instructional Strategies: Class work (Individual) with Chapter 7 Worksheets
Methods/Activities/ Activation –
Introduce idea of fables in culture and how to read them / Instructional Strategies:Discussion and Notes
Methods/Activities/ Activation –
Introduce Monsoon Cycle
Procedure/Materials/Graphic Organizer
Power Point Slides and notes / Procedure/Materials/Graphic Organizer
Chapter 7 Worksheets- “Making Generalizations” and “Two Fables of Ancient India”
Textbooks / Procedure/Materials/Graphic Organizer
Notebooks, Power Point Slides, textbooks
Discussion and examples from students / Evaluation/Summarize:
2 Chapter 7 Worksheets / Evaluation/Summarize:
Journal: Explain the importance of the monsoon cycle to India?
Day: / South Asia’s climate makes it a unique part of the world. / Friday
Day: / South Asia’s climate makes it a unique part of the world. / Additional Information:
Essential Questions/Standards:
How does the climate of South Asia affect the people that live there? / Essential Questions/Standards:
How does the climate of South Asia affect the people that live there? / Remediation:
Tests/quizzes/Assessments: 01/22 Notebook Check #2
01/25 NHD Update
Other Activities & Reminders: (field trips, assemblies, parent/teacher conferences)
Duties: Day
Lunch :
Recess :
Instructional Strategies:Discussion and Notes
Methods/Activities/ Activation –
Review form previous day and move into resources and people / Instructional Strategies:Class Work with Textbook Chapter 7 Section 2 #1-5, Map Study pg 164 #1-3, Map Study pg 166 #1-3
Methods/Activities/ Activation –
Utilizing notes and textbooks to answer and complete the assigned work.
Procedure/Materials/Graphic Organizer
Notebooks, Textbooks and Power Point Slides / Procedure/Materials/Graphic Organizer
Class work from the textbook
Discussion / Evaluation/Summarize:
Chapter 7 Section 2 #1-5
Map Study Pg 164 #1-3
Map Study Pg 166 #1-3
Journal: Describe how the cultural diversity of India was started.