Minutes of a meeting of Wimblington Parish Council held on Tuesday 10th September 2013 in the small room of the Parish Hall. Addison Road, Wimblington at 7.00pm
Present MT Davis (Chairman) J Clarke, AR Knowles, E Wright, R Wright (Clerk), P Hart, M Moulton, A Thomas, D Rose,
A Hodgson, B Smith
Apologies for Absence G Bellard (holiday), C Brown (illness), P Crawford (illness), E Gowler (work), A Swinden (family)
Pursuant to the National Code of Local Government Conduct Members are reminded that they must declare
If they have anydirect or indirect pecuniary interest in respect of any item to be discussed at the Meeting - none
Andrew Hodgson of Savills on behalf of George Scarborough Ltd spoke about a proposed development at March Road, Wimblington. The development extends to approximately 80 mixed unit dwellings with 30% affordable housing included.
The Council were concerned that residents need to be informed of the development and access to the site. The Council were assured that a full consultation with local residents would be held after talks with Fenland District Council. The access onto March Road would be looked into bearing in mind that a proposed speed reduction scheme was in place.
Matthew Hall of Morton & Hall Consulting Ltd sent details regarding development at Nix Hill off Manea Road, Wimblington. The development planned to convert Barns to Offices, refurbish existing cottage as part of an equestrian centre, form stables, create a ménage but use the existing access. In general no objects were raised but concern as to adequate grazing for the site was raised. The matter would be taken back to Matthew hall.
783/13Confirmation of minutes–RESOLVED – that the minutes of meeting held on 13thJuly 2013 were correctly recorded and that they be signed as being a true record.
784/13Police representative report -The Chairman referred to the police report that had been circulated.
The Chairman mentioned that as of today, eCops, the email messaging service dedicated to sending information and appeals, direct to you, is moving to the Neighbourhood Alert platform. The address is .
RESIDENTS of Wimblington/Stonea, Doddington and Benwickare being invited to air their views at the next Neighbourhood Forum at the Church rooms New Street Doddington 7pm on 21st October.
Members of the district policing teams will be available at the events to answer questions and respond to any concerns.
The New Horizons Outreach Vehiclewill be at New Street Doddington, on Monday (Oct 21st) the bus will be at the location from noon until about 6pm.
The Chairman also mentioned a new scheme for volunteers is being set up by Neighbourhood Alert to help in the search for local people suffering from dementia who might go missing. Volunteers can register on the website.
785/13Matters Arising
a) CATS – Further to minute 774/13(a) the Clerk reported that M Knight had removed the items from the car park. However, two wooden sleepers still remain at the side of the hall and he had been asked to remove them as well.
b)Flag Pole – Further to minute 774/13(b) The Clerk reported that he is still looking into the purchase of a pole.
c) Wimblington Surgery – Further to minute 774/13(c)–The Chairmanreported that no further news on the tenancy was available but internal alterations to the reception were taking place. The residents at North Witchford Lodge had now agreed the car parking issue and it was hoped that plans could now be submitted.
d) Fun Day – The Clerk reported that funds of £938.17 are held as a result of the 2013 Fun Day. The Chairman reported that the day was very successful and asked whether the Council would support the Fun Day in future years if funds were depleted say due to weather conditions. The Council; agreed in principle to support the Fun Day.
786/13Income Expenditure
a) The members considered and approved the following accounts for payment
Greenwood Tree SurgeryPollard tress WMPF1395.00 279.001674.00
Fenland D CWheeled bin 120.44
CamSARFun day – first aid 63.00
G WhitfieldInternal Audit 123.75
Fenland DC Wheeled bin 120.44
Cambs CC Clerks pension 229.33
R WrightClerks salary 639.70
Mrs M Moulton Booking Clerk 80.47
R BarkerCaretaker 200.83
Greenwood Tree SurgeryPollard tress WMPF973.00194.601167.60
British GasElectricity – hall119.24 5.96 125.20
British Gas Hall maintenance 20.00 4.00 24.00
Fenland DC Hall rates 120.00
Petty CashAdvance 100.00
T HampsonGrass cutting1080.00216.001296.00
Anglian WaterWater – cemetery 69.73
Anglian WaterWater – WMPF 23.19
Anglian WaterWater – hall 95.36
e.onElectricity pavilion27.001.35 28.35
Cambs CC Clerks pension 229.33
R WrightSalary etc 612.01
Mrs R BarkerHall duties 134.12
Mrs M MoultonBooking Clerk 80.47
British GasHall maintenance20.004.00 24.00
Fenland DC Hall rates120.00
British gas Hall gas127.466.37133.83
b) The Clerk presented a schedule of income of £19,965.05 and expenditure of £21,381.66
c) Internal auditors report – The auditor’s report had been circulated and Councillors accepted his report as read.
d) Risk Management & health & Safety – G Bellard sent a risk assessment form for the allotments.
Observations on the following applications
FYR13/0599/FA Merill 4 Hill View Ind Est Eastwood End – change of use – dog care – still pending
FYR13/0449/FJ Tuck 5 Addison Road – extension – no objections
FYR13/0454/FA Amos West 9 March Road – single storey dwelling – no objections
FYR13/0470/FJ Ones Madisson Lodge Horsemoor Road –dwelling – WITHDRAWN
FYR13/0497/FL Poll 1 Bridge lane – cart shed, stores and demolition – no objections
FYR13/0496/TRTPO M Marchant 29 Norfolk Street – works to lime tree – no objections
FYR13/0510/FJ Gribble 32 Eastwood End – extension – no objections
FYR13/0553/FM Deptford 2 Church Street extension with demolition – no objections
FYR13/0554/LBM Deptford 2 Church Street internal works and rear extension – no objections
788/13Highway Matters/Street Lighting/Transport
a) Streetlights –The light at the corner of King Street and Meadow Way and is No 14 had beenreported by two different people, both elderly andboth reported it on the free phone number more than once. Both have also reported it at the one stop shop in March. It has now been out for three weeks.The light outside 30d March Road had also been reported but no action taken. It was agreed that the Clerk investigates if a problem exists.
b) Footpaths and highway issues. Problems with dog mess and rubbish had been reported outside the school, although it is evident throughout Fenland. M Brooks of FDC had been informed and appropriate action had been undertaken.
The issue of vegetation at 5 Bridge Lane was being addressed.
The Clerk referred to an application for a Road Closure Order at Sixteen Foot Bank, Stonea Level Crossing on 28/29 December 2013.
The resident of 33a March Road complained about the Community Payback workers who had cut back the hedge in Linwood Lane. The matter had been referred to Cambs CC
The state of the footpath from Bridge lane to Eastwood End still causes concern although it has been reported on numerous occasions.
c)JFMHIS – The Council were successful in the bid to reduce the speed limit in March and Doddington Road. The estimated cost is £8,000 making the Council’s contribution £800. G Wiseman had drawn up plans that had been circulated to all Councillors and the scheme was gaining momentum.
789/13Recreation Ground
a)WMPF–The Chairman reported that FDC had agreed to collect rubbish from the bins at the War memorial Playing Field and the bus shelter on a weekly basis at a cost of £150per annum.
A meeting with the Fisher Parkinson Trust had taken place and good vibes about a grant were received. Since the meeting a letter had asked whether the Council would agree to a grant being paid in stages. The Chairman also reported that along with the Clerk she was meeting a representative of Cambs Football Association about possible funding.
b) Parkfield – no report.
790/13New Cemetery/Churchyard
a) New Cemetery – The Clerk reported that all was in order at the cemetery.
b) Wimblington St Peters Churchyard –The question about Closed Churchyards was being investigated
791/13Parish hall
a) General matters – The issue of the bees had been monitored and Cllr Wright agreed to contact C Brooks to discuss the matter.
b) Other matters -Cllr Davis had nothing to report.
792/13Correspondence & Other matters
a)Cambs CC – Connecting Cambridgeshire – The Clerk reported about superfast broadband planned to more than 90% of Cambridgeshire by the end of 2015
b) Care Network – Community Navigators – new three year project
c) Allotments – The Chairman reported that the gate pillar had dropped and an estimate from M Doe to rectify would cost in the region of £400 - £450. It was agreed to proceed with the repairs
793/13Date of next meeting8thOctober2013 Cllr Wright gave her apologies. Meeting closed at 8.25pm