· Carson Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
· Clark County Department of Aviation, McCarran International Airport
· Nevada Department of Transportation
· Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada
· Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County
· Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority
Nevada Unified Certification Program (NUCP)
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE)
Tuesday, March 26, 2013 – 10:00 A.M.
Physical Location:
RTC Southern Nevada
600 S. Grand Central Pkwy.
Las Vegas, NV
Conference Room 108
Conference Call
Phone Number: (567) 314-6002
Passcode: 34897
I. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Susan Pansky at 10:03 a.m.
Members Present:
Susan Pansky - Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority
Kathy Keever - Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority
Laurie Weeks - Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority
Ken Smithson – Carson Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
Debbie Munoz - Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County
Kris Hughes - Nevada Department of Transportation
Yvonne Schuman - Nevada Department of Transportation
Dana Olivera - Nevada Department of Transportation
Sharon Hauht - Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada
Amy Shaw - Clark County Department of Aviation
Catherine Smith – Clark County Department of Aviation
Others Present:
Joan Woods, ACC
Bob Eatmon - Federal Highway Administration
Kevin Ressler - Federal Highway Administration
Patty Mamola - Bowling Mamola Group
Mark Knobel - Avansino, Melarkey, Knobel, Mulligan and McKenzie Law Offices (Attorney for Patty Mamola)
Frank Juarez – FJ Transport
II. Approval of Minutes of the February 26, 2013 Meeting (For Possible Action)
Ms. Pansky introduced this item and entertained comments from the committee. Ms. Schuman had comments related to listing members who are absent for a vote; summarizing issues, discussion and outcomes in the minutes, rather than attempting to capture all the details; clarification that NDOT’s SBE element had been approved by FHWA and they are seeking public input on its implementation; clarification on how a request for DBE information should be handled between a requesting agency and the processing agency; and that minutes should identify all participants on the conference call.
MOTION: Amy Shaw
SECOND: Yvonne Schuman
Voting Aye: CAMPO, McCarran, NDOT, RTC South, RTC Washoe, Reno-Tahoe
Voting Nay: None
Abstaining: None
Vote: Unanimous
Absent: None
ACTION: Minutes of the February 26, 2013 meeting were approved, as corrected.
III. Approval of Agenda (For Possible Action)
MOTION: Susan Pansky
SECOND: Debbie Munoz
Voting Aye: CAMPO, McCarran, NDOT, RTC South, RTC Washoe, Reno-Tahoe
Voting Nay: None
Abstaining: None
Vote: Unanimous
Absent: None
ACTION: Agenda for the March 26, 2013 meeting was approved.
IV. Public Comment (Period 1)
No public comment.
V. New Business
a. Nevada Department of Transportation Certification Review:
i. FJ Transport – Reno, NV (For Possible Action)
Ms. Pansky introduced this item and Ms. Hughes reviewed the agenda materials. Ms. Pansky entertained comments/questions from the committee and there were none. Ms. Pansky entertained public comment and there was none.
MOTION: Kathy Keever
SECOND: Yvonne Schuman
Voting Aye: CAMPO, McCarran, NDOT, RTC South, RTC Washoe, Reno-Tahoe
Voting Nay: None
Abstaining: None
Vote: Unanimous
Absent: None
ACTION: Approve certification of FJ Transport.
ii. Bowling Mamola Group – Reno, NV (For Possible Action)
Ms. Pansky introduced this item and Ms. Schuman reviewed the agenda materials. Ms. Schuman indicated that NDOT was not recommending denial at this time, but deferring to the UCP Committee for a decision. Ms. Pansky entertained comments/questions from the committee. An extensive discussion ensued about activities, events and dates related to Mr. Bowling’s involvement in the company.
Ms. Pansky entertained public comment and Mr. Knobel spoke on behalf of Bowling Mamola Group, responding to the issues of ownership and control in NDOT’s Certification Summary Report.
Ms. Schuman expressed concern about the public comment period being used to offer testimony, and potentially changing the nature of the public meeting into more of a public hearing. Ms. Schuman continued by responding to each of Mr. Knobel’s statements. Following extensive discussion, Mr. Ressler expressed that the standard that needed to be applied was whether, when looking at the whole picture, there was more evidence than not that Ms. Mamola was in control of the company.
MOTION: Susan Pansky
SECOND: Debbie Munoz
Voting Aye: CAMPO, McCarran, RTC South, RTC Washoe, Reno-Tahoe
Voting Nay: NDOT
Abstaining: None
Vote: 5-1
Absent: None
ACTION: Approve certification of Bowling Mamola Group.
b. McCarren Certification Review:
i. Joco Concessions, LLC – Atlanta, GA (For Possible Action)
Ms. Panksy introduced this item and Ms. Shaw reviewed the agenda materials. Ms. Pansky entertained comments/questions from the committee. In response to a question, Ms. Shaw and Ms. Smith elaborated on the joint venture nature of the enterprise, but how Joco Concessions was its own business that met the DBE requirements. Ms. Pansky entertained public comment and there was none.
MOTION: Susan Pansky
SECOND: Debbie Munoz
Voting Aye: CAMPO, McCarran, NDOT, RTC South, RTC Washoe, Reno-Tahoe
Voting Nay: None
Abstaining: None
Vote: Unanimous
Absent: None
ACTION: Approve certification of Joco Concessions.
c. Accept Resignation of Susan Pansky as Chair of the Nevada UCP, Appoint Vice Chairperson Yvonne Schuman as Chairperson of the Nevada UCP for the remaining 2013 Term and Appoint a new Vice Chairperson for the remaining 2013 Term. (For Possible Action)
Ms. Pansky introduced this item and explained that she was leaving her position with RTAA, and after April 10 would no longer have involvement with the NUCP. A recommendation was made to separate the two appointments into separate motions.
MOTION: Amy Shaw
SECOND: Susan Pansky
Voting Aye: CAMPO, McCarran, NDOT, RTC South, RTC Washoe, Reno-Tahoe
Voting Nay: None
Abstaining: None
Vote: Unanimous
Absent: None
ACTION: Approve appointment of Ms. Schuman as Chairperson.
A nomination was made that Ms. Munoz be appointed Vice Chairperson.
MOTION: Yvonne Schuman
SECOND: Kathy Keever
Voting Aye: CAMPO, McCarran, NDOT, RTC South, RTC Washoe, Reno-Tahoe
Voting Nay: None
Abstaining: None
Vote: Unanimous
Absent: None
ACTION: Approve appointment of Ms. Munoz as Vice Chairperson.
VI. Discussion
a. Encrypted Emails for Sensitive Application Information (Susan Pansky)
Ms. Pansky stated that she was turning this item over to Ms. Schuman, and the committee could make decisions about how to handle sensitive information going forward.
b. Inclusion of Certification Dates to Company Profile on the NDOT Website (Yvonne Schuman)
Ms. Olivera stated that invoices to accomplish this work had been sent to all members.
c. Mandatory DBE/ACDBE Certification Training (Joan Woods)
Ms. Woods stated that 170 people had completed the online modules, and approx. 600 persons have enrolled. The first live training will be held in late April at FAA headquarters. There is a “soft close” deadline of April 15 to complete the modules, but FAA will likely be lenient. Once the modules are started, they should be completed within 60 days.
d. SBE Program Approval
All members gave an update on the approval status from their respective oversight agencies. This item will remain on the agenda until all members have received approval of their small business element. A discussion ensued about adopting a standard form for small business certification.
e. Providing Application Summaries and On-Sites to Applicants prior to Public Meetings (Susan Pansky)
Ms. Pansky expressed the view that applicants should be provided access to their certification summaries and onsite reviews, so they know what is being recommended and can prepare for the UCP meeting. After a brief discussion, the consensus was that the summary could be provided, but not the onsite review.
f. Other
Ms. Schuman reiterated concern about confusing the attributes of a public hearing with a public meeting; and the need to provide adequate public notice for how to attend the meeting by conference call if the alternating physical location is not convenient.
VII. Public Comment (Period 2)
No public comment.
VIII. Next Meeting: April 30, 2013 at 10:00 a.m.
Reno-Tahoe International Airport, River Room
2001 E. Plumb Lane, Reno, NV
IX. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 11:32 a.m.
Nevada Uniform Certification Program
March 26, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 6