Annual General Meeting

Minutes of the forth Annual General Meeting of The Link

Held on Thursday 27th November 2014 at 6.30pm in the Green Lecture Theatre


Board - Chris Wade, Malcolm Pemble, Claire Body, Phil Duncan, Georgina Batt;

Chris Perry, Corina Russell (Link Assistant), Mike Spencer (Nailsea United FC),Angie Warmsley (Alchemy DMT Trampoline), Charlie Warmsley (Alchemy DMT Trampoline), Jon Webb (Alchemy DMT Trampoline), Mark Evans (Nailsea Junior FC), Jeff Morris (Proposed Link Director), Matt Christie (Avon and Somerset Police)

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CW welcomed everyone and opened the meeting and introduced himself and the other members of the Board of Directors, and summarised the proceeding for the evening.
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Since the last AGM, two director resignation was received – Trudy Jones, Director of Operations, effected from November 2014; Kirsten Duncan, Community Director, effected from November 2014. Malcolm Pemble has finished office and is not re-electing himself as Community Director. Phil Duncan has notified The Link that at end of December he will resign as Community/ Staff Director.
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Currently there are 2 director vacancies - 2 community. Two nominations were received from Jeff Morris and Meg Hitching, to represent the staff of Nailsea School; Jeff Morris was proposed by Will Hellier and seconded by Phil Duncan. Meg Hitchings was proposed by(?) and seconded by Chris Perry.
Vote of the members - Unanimous
Last year The Link change in date of financial years to tie in with Academic year and school’s accounting period – to 31/8; We haven’t got set of account yet, but accounts upto September have been agreed by Newsham Hanson.
The Link Structure was explained, incorporating 2 part time Link Assistants, 4 directors and a company secretary. The income target for the year is £110k, currently on target at £108k.
New Business: Georgina explained the new lets we have gained over the last year and their class details.
Current & future developments: Focus is on expanding adult education, currently running a selection of craft classes. Joint partnership with North Somerset adult education service to run targeted classes in Basic IT, and pass your theory test.
Currently exploring the demands for 4G development and changes to the community use agreement condition 44, in relation to planning application recently postponed.
Continue to promote AWP advertising banners.
·  Angie Warmsley – Alchemy Trampolining
What is the planning application for?
-  Extended use of the 4G pitch to accommodate the needs of the local community but to also balance the use with the local neighbours.
·  Mark Evans – Nailsea JFC
Timescale of application
-  CP explained that from the recent planning application the Environmental Agency commented that we need a recent sound survey completed and once this has been completed in the new year North Somerset Council will provide us with a method statement and recommend local properties (on Ash Hayes Road and Mizzymead Road) to be contacted re reducing noise pollution in the form on extra bund or fencing. Hope for this all to be in place ready for clubs next September with the promise of not reapply for any changes for another 5 years.
·  Angie Warmsley – Alchemy Trampoline
Will you be bringing in extra changing rooms?
-  Angie mentioned the difficulty to fit all teams in on a weekends and how staff are spoken to rudely due to this. GB explained that the extension of hours are for weekday evening so should effect the current changing room situation, but the cross over times is something that needs to be looked into and improved on.
·  Jon Webb – Alchemy Trampoline
Are you looking at changing rooms over at Golden Valley
-  CP explained that we have looked into the cost of this and it cost £70k so it wouldn’t be something that would cover costs for the amount Golden Valley is used. We understand the changing rooms were designed for school use and not for external lets. Jon commented this was the same for storage.
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Planning application
Sound survey – velodity of accounts have been given to us and a new report will take place and look at exact sounds.
CB and CW have completed home visits to understand the issues/ concerns expresses.
CW thanked all for attending, and supporting The Link. Leaving gifts given to Malcolm, Phil, Kirsten to Phil on her behalf and Trudy will be given hers tomorrow. CW thank them all for their time and support with The Link and wish them best in their futures.
The meeting closed at 7.30pm


The Link/ AGM Mins 27/11/14

Signed (Chair)
