Durrington Town Council listened to what residents wanted in 2006 when it produced the 10 year Parish Plan and a lot has been achieved over the years as a result. It's now time to review the Plan for the next 10 years. A committee of councillors and residents has been set up and an initial consultation period took place in November through our 'Wishing Trees' that targeted all ages of the community in gaining their comments about Durrington and Larkhill.

The committee has considered those comments and developed this questionnaire which has been delivered to households in Durrington and Larkhill.

Your views are really important in shaping the future of the community, so we are asking you to take the time to complete it, we can then determine what the priorities are for the next 10 years and produce an updated Parish Plan.

The questionnaire has been designed to be completed as a household and should only take 5 minutes of your time, there is also the option of completing it online at www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/DurringtonParishPlan

Completed questionnaires should be dropped at the following locations by February 29th 2016:

Town Council Office (next to the Village Hall)

The Library

Durrington Junior School

Thank you for your support.

Chairman Durrington Town Council

SAVE TIME - COMPLETE ONLINE!!! www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/DurringtonParishPlan

About your household

Q1. Please indicate the number of people residing in your household by inserting a number in the relevant box according to their gender and age:

Age Male Female

0 - 10

11 - 15

16 - 17

18 - 24

25 - 44

45 - 59

60 - 64

65 - 74

75 - 84


Q2. How long have you lived in Durrington & Larkhill?

Less than a year

1 - 5 years

6 - 10 years

11 – 20 years

More than 20 years


Please put a cross in the box that best describes your household’s opinion

Recreation and Leisure

Q3. Durrington Town Council considers the retention of recreational space to be essential for the health and wellbeing of its residents.

How important do you believe the retention of the following areas are?

Extremely Important Not No

Important important Opinion

Millennium Park

Avon Fields Play Park / Meadow

Fargo Road Play Park

Recreation Ground

River Park

Q4. Please indicate the importance of improvements and, or additions to the following recreational facilities?

Extremely Important Not No

Important important Opinion

Lighting in play areas

Update Skate Park

Update existing play equipment

Disabled play facilities

Soft play area

Adventure Play Park

Sport clubs for 18-25 year olds

Picnic benches/Additional seating

Waste bins (litter and dog)

Do you have any other suggestions?


Roads and Infrastructure

Q5. Do you think there are any major ‘danger-spots’ on the roads in Durrington?



If yes, please tell us which roads/locations you consider most dangerous.

Q6. Would it be your aspiration to see the following road safety measures?

Yes No

Traffic Calming

Village Traffic Warden

More Zebra Crossings

Stop parking on pavements

20 mph zone(s)

If yes, please state where you would like to see the measures put in place

Q7. How user-friendly are the pavements?





Challenging for pushchairs/wheelchairs

Please tell us which pavements you consider most dangerous or a challenge for pushchair/wheelchair users and why

Q8. In relation to the pavements would you like to see any of the following?

Yes No

Wider pavements

Stop parking on pavements

More dropped kerbs


Improved lighting

If yes, please state where.


Q9. Which bus service do you use?

Bus Daily Weekly Monthly Never



Yes No

Q10. Does the bus service meet your needs?

If not, tell us why

Q11. If available, would you use a 'hoppa' bus service between?

Yes No

Durrington and Bulford Camp

Durrington and Tidworth

Larkhill and Amesbury

Other areas - please state



Q12. The Bluez n Zuzs Discos have been a great success over the past year. Would you like these to continue?



Q13. Would any children in your household like to be the voice of the younger generation by taking part in the following?

Yes No

Local Youth Network (LYN)

School council

Youth Committee

Q14. What would you like to see in the Parish to make it a better place for young people?



Q15. The previous Parish Plan and recent community consultations have highlighted a desire for various facilities that could be incorporated in a Community Hub.

What are your thoughts on providing a Community Hub with the following facilities?

Very Important Important Not important No opinion

Post Point


Coffee shop

Police liaison point

Youth centre

Banking point

Q16. The Parish already has a strong community spirit. Would you be prepared to play an active role in the following?

Yes No

Village Clean up days

River park management

Youth club volunteering

Village show volunteering

Maintaining public rights of way

Becoming a Councillor

If you have said YES to any of these please register your interest by contacting Durrington Town Council: Tel 01980 654772 or email the town clerk -


Q17. How would you like the Town Council to communicate with you?

Yes No







Q18. Have your say. If you have any concerns or ideas for the good and benefit of the Parish please let us know here.

Thank you for completing this questionnaire, please drop this off at one of the following locations by February 29th 2016

Town Council Office (next to the Village Hall)

The Library

Durrington Junior School