Delivery Outcomemeasures

1Further Education college success rate

The existing target for the Further Education college qualification success rate is for an increase from 59% in 2000/01 to 72% in 2005/06. This target has been achieved two years early; the 2003/04 success rate is 72%. The target has therefore been updated and extended to 76% in 2007/08.

2Work Based Learningsuccess rates

For Work Based Learning institutions, the current target for 2005/06 is 48%. Actual outcomes show an improvement from 36% in 2001/02 to 46% in 2003/04, just 2 percentage points below the 2005/06 target.

3Short-term floor targets and longer-term provider-specific targets

Floor targets are the minimum acceptable levels for success rates by institution type and course type. The current target for Further Education colleges is that all providers meet or exceed the floor targets in 2005/06. CurrentFurtherEducationCollege floor targets (for 2005/06) are as follows. The Learning and Skills Council (LSC) will ensure that such targets, when aggregated across colleges, take account of the overall Further Education targets (see above).

Type of College / Long Qualifications / Short Qualifications
General Further Education (and Tertiary) Colleges / 45% / 55%
Specialist Colleges / 45% / 55%
Sixth Form Colleges / 55% / 50%
Funded further education provision in former External Institutions / 40% / 45%

Currently, over 90% of colleges are meeting floor targets.

For Work Based Learning providers the current aspirational target from a low base is that 90% of providers should meet or exceed the floor targets in 2005/06. Current Work Based Learning floor targets (for 2005/06) are as follows:

Area of Learning / Floor Target
Land-based provision
Engineering, technology and manufacturing
Business administration, management and professional
Information and communication technology
Visual and performing arts / 40%
Science and mathematics
Retailing, customer service and transportation
Hospitality, sports, leisure and travel
Hairdressing and beauty therapy
Health, social care and public services
English, languages and communications / 35%

Note: thefloor target relates to successful completion of an NVQ or the whole framework for modern apprenticeships, and NVQ achievements for learners working towards an NVQ.

Currently, about 60% of Work Based Learning providers are meeting these floor targets, as compared with about 30% of providers in 2001/02. The existing 2005/06 Work Based Learning floor targets will remain in force.

4The Learning and Skills Council (LSC) local planning process

Local LSCs will agree actions with providers through an annual planning dialogue to ensure that they meet minimum levels of performance benchmarks. The LSC will ensure that the national picture of these agreements leads to the following all being met:

  • all unsatisfactory provision is removed from the sector as quickly as possible and by 2008 at the latest using contestability to bring in new provision
  • provision that is only satisfactory is addressed rapidly
  • reduced variation in performance between providers
  • minimum performance benchmarks for colleges and Work Based Learning providers
  • agreed apprenticeship-based completion/success indicator in 2008
  • defined sector contribution to Level 2 at 19, Level 2 for adults and skills for life Public Sector Agreement (PSA) targets

5Success rates in target curriculum areas

Through widespread use of the new subject sector focused teaching and learning resources, backed by coaching and subject networks we aim to double the usual improvement rate in success rates for providers fully engaged in the programme. We also aim progressively to increase the proportion of providers who fully engage with this voluntary programme. Our cumulative targets for the first 11 subject sectors are set out in the table below.

Fully engaged providers (all 3 enablers) - double the usual improvement rate in success rates in priority subject sectors for: /
  • 17% of providers in 2006
  • 29% of providers in 2007
  • 49% of providers in 2008

Partially engaged providers (2 enablers, or partial uptake of 3) – a 50% higher rate compared with the usual success rates in priority subject sectors /
  • 63% of providers in 2006
  • 58% of providers in 2007
  • 43% of providers in 2008

Capacity measures

6New success measures

We have consulted the sector and agreed a package of improved success measures. Essentially, we want learner success for the three main post-16 sectors (schools sixth forms, Further Education and Work Based Learning) all to cover a combination of retention and achievement. At present, there is no retention data for school sixth forms - success in that sector is measured in relation to achievement only. The new measures are set out below. They will be piloted and implemented in phases starting in 2005 and phased in up to 2007. As well as using the measures at provider level to benchmark quality of provision against, we can also use them at national level to assess the success of the programme overall. They are:

  • qualification success rate
  • value added and distance travelled
  • recognising and recording progression and achievement
  • provider responsiveness to employers and learners
  • learner satisfaction
  • learner destinations
  • value for money
  • workforce quality measures


Monitoring will check that all providers found to be inadequate on their first inspection have improved sufficiently to be satisfactory or better at their second inspection. This information will be available on a rolling basis over the period 2005-2009.

8Improved inspection grades in subject sectors

Using the new inspection framework already in place for work-based learning providers and starting in colleges from autumn 2005, our targetsin relation to providers using the new subject sector resources are:

Previous Inspection Grade / Full participation / Partial participation
1 – Excellent / Maintain 1 in all inspections. / Maintain 1 in 80% of inspections.
2 – Good / Improve to 1 in 20% of inspections. / Improve to 1 in 5% of inspections.
3 - Satisfactory / Improve to 2 in 25% of inspections. / Improve to 2 in 10% of inspections.
4 – Unsatisfactory / Improve to 3 in 100% of inspections. / Improve to at least 3 in 95% of inspections.

9Workforce Qualifications

We intend that 90% of full-time and 60% of part time Further Education college teaching staff are qualified or enrolled on appropriate courses by 2006. This is a milestone towards the target that all teachers will be qualified or working towards a qualification by 2010.
Customer and Citizen Perception measures

10Learner satisfaction

The LSC undertakes an annual survey of learners assessing their satisfaction with the training they have received. The first of these surveys was undertaken in 2001/2 and showed that 63% of learners were “very or extremely satisfied” with the learning experience. We want to see this increase to 65% by 2005/06 as a performance indicator.

11Employer satisfaction

We currently monitor progress in meeting employer needs through the LSC’s employer satisfaction survey conducted every two years. 33% of these employers were very satisfied with FE in 2003/4. Our aim is that this should improve to 36% for 2005/06 as a performance indicator.

Summary of Success for All measuresPage 1 of 5Success for All 2005