Dent 483: Oral Surgery3

(1 credit hours: 1 clinical)

JordanUniversity of Science and Technology
Faculty of Dentistry
Department of Oral Medicine & Surgery
Summer Semester
Course Syllabus
Course Information
Course Title / Oral Surgery 3
Course Code / Dent 483
Prerequisites / Dent 481 & Dent 482
Course Website / N/A
Course Coordinator / Prof. Ma'moon Rawashdeh
Office Location
Office Phone
Office Hours
Instructor (s)
Course Description
This course is a continuation of the two previous oral surgery courses (Dent 481, Dent 482) and it is a practical training in oral surgery.
Text Book
Title / Contemporary Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Author(s) / Larry Peterson
Book Website
Assessment Policy: Exams may include vivas, practicals, and written components
Assessment Type
Midterm / 40%: (Minimal Requirements)
1.Perform successfully Two extractions 10%
2. Perform successfully Two Local anesthesia techniques (infiltration & Nerve block) 10%
3. Assist in Two surgical procedures 5%
2. Two written full case presentation handed to course 15%
Final Exam / 60%( may be vivas, practicals, project, and written components)
Clinical Assignments / This includes the management of patients: assessment of complaint, relevant medical history, relevant dental history and clinical examination to reach diagnosis. The students have to perform different techniques of local anaesthesia, do simple extractions by the use of forceps and elevators.
Managing the assigned patients during the clinic sessions under supervision of the attending staff.
Minimal Requirements
1.Perform successfully Two extractions
2. Perform successfully Two Local anesthesia techniques (infiltration & Nerve block)
3. Assist in Two surgical procedures
2. Two written full case presentation handed to course coordinator. The case evaluation involves:
The following four criteria are evaluated for every clinical case.
1. Medical history: Areas of evaluation include a thorough current and past medical history, past and current medication and their action, allergies to drugs or latex, and a past surgical history. Tobacco, alcohol and or drug use.
Critical Error: Failure to identify a significant finding in the medical history that contraindicates dental treatment, such as a recent myocardial infarction, blood dyscrasias, radiation therapy to the head and neck region, and or medication usage; failure to identify a drug allergy or latex allergy; failure to identify the need for antibiotic prophylaxis according to the AHA guidelines.
2. Diagnostic work-up: Areas of evaluation include the chief complaint of the patient, history of present illness, vital signs to routinely include blood pressure and pulse and a temperature for those patients with an odontogenic infection, radiographic interpretation and a complete, head and neck and oral examination.
Critical Error: Failure to record vital signs; failure to develop an appropriate differential diagnosis that correlates to the chief complaint, radiographic findings and the clinical examination.
3. Procedure: Areas of evaluation include anesthesia technique, instumentation, flap design and execution, alveoloplasty as needed, closure of surgical wound, biopsy technique & infection control. For a non-surgical procedure, referral for endodontic therapy, pain management and or restorative or prosthetic repair.
Critical Error: Inappropriate anesthetic technique; gross violation of infection control guidelines; extraction of the wrong tooth; unnecessarily traumatic, surgical procedure which injures adjacent tissue, excessive bone removal.
Attendance / Students expected to attend more than 100% of clinics
Participation / Interactive
Course Objectives / Weights
This course is designed to provide students with:
Current concepts and evidence based knowledge of oral surgery and the management of medically compromised patients.
Practical skills in the removal of teeth and roots. In addition to assisting in minor oral surgical procedures.
Teaching & Learning Methods Dent 481 & 482
Duration: 16weeks, (16contact hours in total, depending on national holidays and university calendar):
Lectures: Nil
Clinical : one 2-hour clinic/2weeks
Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to
Related Objective(s) / Reference
1 / Routinely use universal precautions and comply with regulations regarding infection control, hazard communication, and medical waste disposal in order to protect patients, employees, and the community.
2 / Establish rapport and maintain productive and confidential relationships with patients using effective interpersonal skills.
3 / Identify the chief complaint of the patient and obtain a history of the present illness.
4 / Obtain a reliable and valid medical, medication, family, psychological, and dental history.
5 / Evaluate the health risks of each patient including the use of tobacco products, alcohol, and other unhealthy substance abuse behaviors.
6 / Establish the comprehensive patient record as a legal document and maintain accurate patient treatment records using problem-based evaluation, when appropriate.
7 / Perform a comprehensive extraoral, intraoral, and limited physical examination appropriate for the patient
8 / Prescribe, perform and interpret a radiographic examination appropriate for the patient
9 / Relate extra-oral and intra-oral clinical findings to the presence of systemic disease(s) and discuss how the disease(s) affect overall health, treatment planning and delivery of dental care.
10 / Obtain informed consent for proposed dental treatment
11 / While Successful completion of the practicalcomponent of the course should lead to the following learning outcomes:
Manual skills:
  1. Practical competence in history taking and patient examination
  2. Practical competence in local anaesthesia & simple exodontias
  3. Manage common intraoperative and postoperative surgical complications
  4. Explain the indications, contraindications, and techniques for the management of complex conditions requiring surgical treatment.
  5. Identify and discuss the need for advanced surgical procedures and proper referral for specialty care.

Useful Resources
  1. Minor Oral surgery by Geoffrey L Howe
  2. Contemporary Oral & Maxillofacial SurgerybyLarry Peterson
  3. Medical Problems in Dentistry by C. Scully & R.A. Cawson
Other relevant chapters or articles from other books/journals
Additional Notes
Attendance: Students must attend 100% of all scheduled classes and Clinics. Class participation is required. Should anabsence be necessary, student should contact the course instructor by telephone immediately. Work missed canONLY make up with an excused absence.
- Each unexcused absence will result in a grade penalty of 1% point deducted from the final total grade
- No make-up exams or quizzes will be given for unexcused absences
- Late arrivals to class are unexcused absences
- All course make-ups, test, and so forth, must be completed within 14 days from the date of the excusedabsence.
Additional Notes
Professionalism /
  • Gross violations of the formal codes are governed by University laws, which delineate the procedures to determine whether a violation of the code of ethics occurred and, if so, what remedies should be imposed.
  • We encourage students to abide with the more sensitive approach to this by allowing the practice of a high Morality (or proper behavior), which defines right and wrong by the society, philosophy, religion, and individual conscience.
  • Students and their instructors often make ethical choices reflexively/ But ethically sensitive situations, where time, emotions and marks are pressured, it becomes all too easy to be blind-sided by temptation/ The best antidote to ethical lapses is to commit in advance to a set of ethical principles - your personal ethical code that follows or grows to it.
  • Any difficulty or concern during the course should be passed directly to the course coordinator.

Makeup Exams /
  • It is applicable when an acceptable and valid excuse is presented at the applicable time

Drop Date /
  • N/A

Cheating /
  • It is unethical and illegal by any means
  • JUST regulations will be applicable

Attendance /
  • It is mandatory for all lectures

Absenteeism /
  • To receive course credit, a student should attend a minimum of 90% of the contact hours of the class.
  • Students who are absent for the lecture must contact the course coordinator prior to the class.
  • If absent from lectures, then the course coordinator will refer to related guidelines set by the university.
  • Any student who is absent on a test day, will have to demonstrate an acceptable medical or social statement explaining the illness or personal crisis as instructed by their faculty.
  • Individual instructors may accommodate by arrangements for a make-up test only when a written request is sent to and approved by the Dean.

Students with Special needs /
  • Any student who feels that s/he may need accommodation for any type of disability is encouraged to contact the course coordinator who will be happy to help in any way.
  • Accommodations to the course plan can be tailored to the needs of specific individuals after consultations with the dean.

Participation /
  • All students are highly encouraged to participate in the classes.

Individual conferencing and consultations /
  • The course coordinator is always available to talk with the student when problems arise.
  • If you have any problems that require the attention of an instructor, do not wait until the problem is insurmountable.
  • If a student must talk with the course coordinator after office hours, an appointment can be made for that time.
  • Do not allow tension to build-up to unsolvable proportions.

Course changes /
  • Information contained in this course outline is correct at the time of publication.
  • Content of the courses is revised on an ongoing basis to ensure relevance to changing educational, employment needs.
  • The course coordinator reserves the right to add or delete material from courses and will endeavor to provide notice of changes to students as soon as possible.
  • The timetable may also be revised accommodating to holidays and unexpected off days.