15 Matching questions (using the 15 lettered choices that follow this list)
1. What is "suburban sprawl"_____
2. Where do fast food chains put attractive girls? Why? Is this an acceptable practice?_____
3. What happened when Pascal tried to start a union at McDonald's?_____
4. How have small towns across the U.S. changed because of the fast food and automobile industry? What has been a lost as a result?_____
5. Why doesn't McDonald's give "excellent" or "exceptional" evaluations?_____
6. Why did some Hindu followers sue McDonald's?_____
7. How are smells and memory connected? why is it so important to fast food companies?_____
8. How do artificial flavors compare to real flavors for children?_____
9. How does McDonald's choose the best places for new restaurants? Where do they place them?_____
10. How was McDonaldland similar to Disney Land?_____
11. What happens to food during processing techniques? How is this problem remedied?_____
12. What does "brand preference" mean? How do the corporations establish that?_____
13. Why do scientists analyze French Fries in a laboratory? What do they then do?_____
14. Is it acceptable to produce ads for young children? Why or why not?_____
15. What was so special about the taste of McDonald's fries?_____
They put them behind the counter to attract other customers. This is not acceptable because those who aren't as attractive can't get a job because they aren't "good looking" enough.
More suburbs have spread out and grown up; also more neighborhoods.
Ray Kroc used to fly over the neighborhoods and schools looking, now they use military satellite. They place them at busy intersections, and near schools.
It had bright colors just like Disney Land; also the architect who helped Disney Land also helped McDonalds.
They hired more people to outdo the signatures he needed.
The children like the artificial flavors more.
Because they don't eat beef in their religion and the french fries had parts of beef fat in their oil.
when the food is made the flavor goes away and they create different flavors out of chemicals to add to them.
They have lost a lot of fields and family owned busnisses, and gained more people
No, its not good because its convincing them and telling them all these lies that they will just think are true and grow up thinking they are true.
Whenever you smells something, it normally takes you back to a specific memory that you had with that smell. Its important because they'll remember McDonald's when they smell a McDonald's cheeseburger (it'll get more visitors to visit more than once)
They use a specific, special oil that had beef fat in it.
They check their sugar content, color, and starch content. In the fall they add sugar to the fries; in the spring the reduce the amount of sugar in the fries. They do this to keep the same taste.
It means that they are convincing people to like a certain brand; they do this by establishing a relationship early.
They don't want to have to pay more for those who get that "award"
15 Multiple choice questions
1.20x higher than what they payed for them.
a. Why did Ray Kroc switch to frozen fries?
b. Who manages most of the fast food restaurants? Is this acceptable, why?
c. What kinds of workers do fast food restaurants need?
d. What kind of profit can fast food restaurants make on french fries?
2.They have been bought out by larger businesses
a. What kinds of workers do fast food restaurants need?
b. How was McDonaldland similar to Disney Land?
c. What aspect about fries was important to Ray Kroc?
d. What has happened to small farmers in Idaho who grew potatoes?
3.It is ran by executives living in distant cities or states.
a. Who runs a "corporate farm?
b. What is a "McJob"
c. Who was JR Simplot?
d. How is a smell created?
4.The first mascot was Ronald McDonald, they fired the first actor because he was too over-weight.
a. Who became the successful McDonald's mascot? Why was the first actor fired?
b. What kinds of workers do fast food restaurants need?
c. How was McDonaldland similar to Disney Land?
d. Who does the fast food industry like to hire the most? Why?
5.They both knew how to hire the right people; and they linked products to peoples feelings.
a. How did Kroc market McDonald's?
b. What kinds of workers do fast food restaurants need?
c. What did Ray Kroc and Walt Disney do to become successful?
d. Why did Ray Kroc switch to frozen fries?
6.They use dead bodies of bugs to make the red color and use cochineal which turns into carmine.
a. How is the color red used in Dannon strawberry yogurt made?
b. How is a smell created?
c. How many ingredients might there be in a additive?
d. How was McDonaldland similar to Disney Land?
7.They cut class and drop out.
a. Why is it important for corporations to get young children to eat fast food?
b. What aspect about fries was important to Ray Kroc?
c. What do studies show about kids that work more than twenty hours a week while attending school?
d. What kind of profit can fast food restaurants make on french fries?
8.The combination of textures you notice as you eat it.
a. What is "suburban sprawl"
b. Who runs a "corporate farm?
c. What does "mouthfeel" mean?
d. What is a "McJob"
9.Fisherprice; its bad because its making the parents come back and spend more money because the kids want the next toy.
a. What was so special about the taste of McDonald's fries?
b. Who makes the "Happy Meal" Toy given out at McDonald's? Why is that a problem?
c. What is "synergy" give an example.
d. What happened when Pascal tried to start a union at McDonald's?
10.Its how to make someone remember an ad; to play the same ad over and over, and another name for it is brainwashing
a. What does "brand preference" mean? How do the corporations establish that?
b. What does "mouthfeel" mean?
c. Why do scientists analyze French Fries in a laboratory? What do they then do?
d. What does "brand stickiness" mean? How does it work? What is another name for it?
11.30 or more
a. How is a smell created?
b. How many ingredients might there be in a additive?
c. How was McDonaldland similar to Disney Land?
d. How did Kroc market McDonald's?
12.If your parents take you to fast food, then you'll decide its good and you'll take your kids, they'll take their kids, and so on
a. Who does the fast food industry like to hire the most? Why?
b. Why is it important for corporations to get young children to eat fast food?
c. What kinds of workers do fast food restaurants need?
d. Is it acceptable to produce ads for young children? Why or why not?
13."Just add hot water," its all assembled; not prepared. Its like an assembly line.
a. How are smells and memory connected? why is it so important to fast food companies?
b. How is the color red used in Dannon strawberry yogurt made?
c. How is the food cooked at Taco Bell? What is food preparation at fast food restaurants similar to?
d. What kinds of workers do fast food restaurants need?
14.To bring in children; their parents spend money.
a. Why do fast food restaurants build playlands and give out toys?
b. What kind of profit can fast food restaurants make on french fries?
c. Who does the fast food industry like to hire the most? Why?
d. Why did Ray Kroc switch to frozen fries?
15.Because they may be putting an unknown chemical in our food which may get us sick, and we may be poisoned.
a. How do artificial flavors compare to real flavors for children?
b. Who does the fast food industry like to hire the most? Why?
c. Why is it important for corporations to get young children to eat fast food?
d. Why does it matter that flavor companies don't have to list ingredients of additives?
14 True/False questions
1.Why did Ray Kroc switch to frozen fries? → He marketed it by saying it was a safe, clean, all-american place for kids.
True False
2.What's the difference between natural and artificial flavors? → Its very unhealthy, and unsafe.
True False
3.What is a "McJob" → its a job that's low-paying and little opportunity to get ahead.
True False
4.Why were the ways that children nag their parents studied at a university? → They hire teenagers because they accept low pay and long hours. They are unskilled workers.
True False
5.What's wrong with children eating unnaturally colored and flavored foods? → They use different methods to produce them; but they aren't always different.
True False
6.What is "synergy" give an example. → The combination of textures you notice as you eat it.
True False
7.How did Kroc market McDonald's? → They mix chemicals to make artificial flavors; which gives its smell.
True False
8.What kinds of workers do fast food restaurants need? → Upbeat, friendly people.
True False
9.Who was JR Simplot? → They mix chemicals to make artificial flavors; which gives its smell.
True False
10.What aspect about fries was important to Ray Kroc? → The preparation, having the same size, same look, and same taste.
True False
11.Who manages most of the fast food restaurants? Is this acceptable, why? → Upbeat, friendly people.
True False
12.Who does the fast food industry like to hire the most? Why? → They hire teenagers because they accept low pay and long hours. They are unskilled workers.
True False
13.How long does a typical fast food restaurant stay at the job? What are reasons they leave? → Teenagers manage it, its not acceptable because they aren't as mature and wise in decision making.
True False
14.How is a smell created? → A potato farmer who invented the frozen fry
True False