Investigation Report No. 2768

ACMA file reference / 2012/279
Broadcaster / Special Broadcasting Service
Station / SBS One
Type of Service / National Broadcasting Service (Television)
Name of Program / Black Music: An American (R)evolution
Date of Broadcast / 19 November 2011
Relevant Codes / Broadcasting Services Act 1992
  • Section 151
SBS Codes of Practice 2006
  • Code 4.5 (Classification Categories)
  • Code4.7 (Time Zones)

Investigation conclusion

  • No breach of code 4.7 (Time Zones) of the SBS Codes of Practice 2006.

The complaint

On 13 February 2012, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (the ACMA) received a written complaint, via email, about thedocumentaryBlack Music: An American (R)evolutionwhich was broadcast by the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS)on 19 November 2011.

The complaint alleged that the M-classified program contained inappropriate language and violence for the time of broadcast – Saturday afternoon.

Not satisfied with the response provided by SBS, the complainant forwarded the matter to the ACMA for investigation.

The program

Black Music: An American (R)evolution is a two-part documentary that examines the role contemporary music played in shaping and reflecting the African American experience in the USA during the second half of the 20th century. SBS describes the program in the following terms:

The documentary tracedthe development of human rights for African Americans from the 1960’s to the election of Barack Obama as the first black [President] of the United States. It did this by mapping the trajectory of black music from the sounds of Motown to the present day. It is through tracing the changing types of music produced and performed by African Americans that the documentary provides a continuing perspective on the role music played and is playing to support equal rights for all Americans’.[1]

The program uses a combination of narration, excerpts from songs and contemporaneous video footage such as news and documentary reports.

The second episode of Black Music: An American (R)evolution was broadcast by SBS at 1.00 pm on 19 November 2011 with an M classification. The program was broadcast with two consumer advices. The first advice was verbal andon screen and stated:

SBS advises that the following program is transmitted outside its normal classification time zone under 4.7 of the SBS Codes of Practice.

The second advice stated that the program was classified M and contained ‘coarse language, drug use and some violence’.


The assessment is based on a copy of the relevant broadcast provided to the ACMA by SBS, and submissions by the complainant and SBS.

Relevant Provisions

The SBS Codes of Practice 2006 (the Code) contains the following provisions that are relevant in the matter raised by the complainant:





PG – Parental Guidance (parental guidance recommended for persons under 15 years of age)

PG programs may contain adult themes and concepts which, when viewed by those under 15 years, may require the guidance of an adult. They may be shown:

  • between 8:30am and 4:00pm on weekdays; and
  • before 6:00am and from 7:00pm on weekdays; and
  • before 6:00am and after 10:00am on weekends


M – Mature Audience

M, MA15+ and MAV 15+ programs are those which, because of the material they contain, or because of the way the material is treated, are recommended for viewing only by persons aged 15 years or over. While most adult themes may be dealt with, the degree of explicitness and intensity of treatment will determine what can be accommodated in the M, MA 15+ and MAV 15+ classification categories.

M: The less explicit or less intense material will be included in the M classification. M programs may be shown between:

  • Noon and 3:00pm on weekdays that are school days; and
  • 8:30pm and 5:00am on any day of the week.



The reasons for a M, MA, MA 15+ and MAV 15+ classification will be shown before the program.



The time zones indicated for each classification in Code 4.5 are guides to the most likely placement of programs within that classification. The recommended placements are not hard and fast rules and there will be occasions when programs or segments of programs will appear in other timeslots. For example, an arts program or a segment of an arts program classified M may appearduring a weekend daytime schedule. SBS should have sound reasons for any departure from the time zone for a program classification.

Programs that deal in a responsible manner with serious moral, social or cultural issues may appear outside their normal classification period provided a clear indication of the nature and content of the program, in the form of consumer advice for example, is given at the start of the program.


Complainant’s submissions

In correspondence to SBS, dated 19 November 2011, the complainant stated that they were concerned about ‘bleating foul language and violence’ being broadcast at an inappropriate time when young people may be watching. The complainant further described the broadcast of the program as ‘irresponsible programming’.

The complainant forwarded this correspondence to the ACMA on 13 February 2012for investigation, without further submissions.

Broadcaster’s submissions

In correspondence to the complainant,dated 14 December 2011, SBS outlined code 4.7 (Time Zones) of the Code and also submitted the following:


The SBS Classifier submitted that:

This two part series was purchased for the arts slot, and the first instalment conformed to the PG classification. The second episode warranted the M classification for coarse language. Ordinarily, such material would be excised from a program, but in this instance it was neither possible nor desirable to do so. The language was firmly enmeshed in the program, and it was an essential feature of the artistic and political expression. As such, there was a strong justification for broadcasting the program intact.

The program was appropriately classified M and it was preceded by a notice to this effect accompanied by consumer advice. Given that it was a legitimate arts documentary where the classifiable element was essential to the content, it remained suitable for broadcast on a Saturday afternoon.


In this case, the warnings and advice combined prior to the broadcast provided sufficient information and time for parents and guardians of children to take whatever action they deemed necessary.

SBS would note that the use of the arts program exemption is the exception rather than the rule. And in this case the coarse language used at times in the documentary was justified by the content, which was largely about urban black Americans and how they have struggled to achieve equal rights.


In correspondence to the ACMA, dated 8 March 2012, SBS submitted the following:


The program was purchased for the Masterpiece/arts slot. SBS considers Saturday afternoon between 1pm and 4.30 pm to be the arts slot on its schedule.


The practise of showing arts documentaries in this time zone is well established, it has been occurring since 1995. Therefore regular SBS viewers are familiar with the genre of material they are likely to see on SBS at this time.


SBS considered that Black Music: An American (R)evolution was a bona fide arts program which showed the influence music can have on the political landscape. It was an example of how the arts can lead the way to social reforms which in this case lifted an entire people from subservience to the highest office in the land.

In considering the material, SBS was cognisant that the material which warranted the M classification was confined only to the later sections of the 2nd episode in the series. SBS decided that, provided suitable consumer advice was given, it was reasonable to broadcast the series in the arts slot on the SBS weekend schedule.



The ACMA finds that SBS did not breachcode 4.7 of the Code in broadcasting the M-classified programBlack Music: An American (R)evolutionin a PG time zone at 1.00 pm on 19 November 2011.


The complainant is concerned that the program was broadcast at an inappropriate time when young children may be watching.

Code4.5 of the Code provides classification time zones; times when the programs broadcast should be no higher than a certain classification. These time zones are not, however, immutable and code4.7 contains the mechanism for, and an example of the circumstances under which, a program of a higher classification can be broadcast in a time zone allocated to a lower classification.

The M-classified program Black Music: An American (R)evolution was broadcast at 1.00 pm on a weekendduring a PG time zone. Therefore, the issue is whether SBS complied with the requirements ofcode 4.7 in broadcasting the program at this time.

There are three elements that must be met in order for SBS to satisfy the requirements of code4.7. SBS must have ‘sound reasons for any departure from the time zone for a program classification’. The program must be one that deals ‘in a responsible manner with serious moral, social or cultural issues’. SBS must also provide ‘a clear indication of the nature and content of the program’, such as consumer advice, at the start of the program.

SBS has submitted that the Saturday afternoon time zone between 1.00 pm and 4.30pm is reserved for arts themed programming, and has been since 1995. SBS has also submitted that it considered the likely audience, the expectations built by previous programming decisions and the content of the program when deciding to broadcast Black Music: An American (R)evolution in a PG time zone.

It is considered that the program was in keeping with the type of programmingregularly provided by SBS during the Saturday afternoon time zone and would meet the expectations of regular viewers in that respect.It is also noted that the program is the second episode in a two-part series (with the first episode classified PG). It is reasonable to broadcast the second episode of a series in the same time zone as the first episode to provide continuity of viewing.It is considered that SBS had sound reasons for departing from the time zone for the program classification.

The program deals with issues such as civil rights, socio-economic change, politics, arts and entertainment in a documentary format. These mattersare considered to be serious social and cultural issues. Further, the manner in which the issues are dealt with is responsible, being factual and informative.

In particular, it is noted that the violence and coarse language appearing briefly in the program are not presented for entertainment purposes. Rather, these elements are integral to the factual story being told. The depictions of violence and examples of coarse language are used to illustrate and reinforce the information provided by the narrator.

For example, at approximately 40:00 minutes the program focuses on the fraught relationship between urban African Americancommunities and law enforcement agencies in the late 1980s. The narrator discusses the issues of police discrimination and media stereotyping of African American males, along with the music written by African American artistsin reaction to these issues. The accompanying footage includes brief excerpts from the music video clips for the songs Straight Outta Comptonand Fuck Tha Police by the band N.W.A. These songs contain ‘fuck’ coarse language as part of lyrics which relate to the issues being discussed by the narrator. The program subsequently focuses on the reaction of other segments of society to the music of N.W.A. and similar artists, and the narrator explains how this eventually led to the introduction of language warning labels on music products.

In the subsequent segment, the narrator discusses the civil unrest caused by the ‘Rodney King incident’. The narrator explains,‘In 1992 an amateur cameraman filmed a black driver called Rodney King being beaten by white police’. Part of the accompanying footage includes an eight second clip depicting police officers beating Mr King while he is lying on the ground.It is noted that the footage has been filmed by an amateur cameraman from a distance at night time, which reduces the level of detail and the impact of the clip.

SBS provided appropriate consumer advice that Black Music: An American (R)evolution was being broadcast out of its classification time zone. SBS also provided consumer advice prior to the broadcast that informed viewers of the classifiable elements contained in the program.

It is therefore considered that SBS has not breached code 4.7 of the Code.

ACMA Investigation Report 2768 – Black Music: An American (R)evolutionbroadcast by SBS
on 19November20111

[1] As described in the broadcaster’s submission to the ACMA dated 8 March 2012.