September 2, 2004, 3:30 p.m.

Taylor Hall Conference Room

Members Present:Andy Keck, Chair; Al Caniff, Carole Dlugasch, Rob Fillmore, Mark Gibson, Christy Jespersen, Taryn Mead, Maryette Rogers, Marta Smith, Martha Violett, Jessica Young

Members Absent: Sherryl Peterson and Dave Plante.

Guest Present: Ann Wegert

Keck called the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m.

Election of Chair: Jespersen nominated Andy Keck. Dluglash seconded the nomination and Keck was elected chair for the 2004-05 year.

Agenda Items: Keck announced that there are currently three agenda items to be considered by the committee:

1)Consideration of a process to assure that Internships are completed in a timely fashion. A large number of students who are enrolled in a summer internship do not complete the internship until more than 4 weeks after the end of summer term. There needs to be a method to assure completionof the internship earlier, or decrease the student expectation that the degree will be granted with a summer graduation date.

2)Consideration of a policy for a surcharge for classes repeated more than a specified number of times.

3)Consideration of a policy for gathering information when considering academic appeals so that all are on an equal footing. Currently, additional information may be provided by instructors, Learning Assistance Center, etc., but there is no consistent way to gather this information. This consideration should include revision of the instruction form.

Keck asked if there are additional agenda items. If a member receives agenda items from his/her department, please forward them to Keck.

Dluglash questioned the status of last year’s discussion on progress reports. Here is the summary of that discussion:

It was decided that the following revision to the procedure be adopted for fall 2004 semester:

  • Change to online process
  • Make rosters available to faculty at the beginning of the 6th week
  • Make reports available to students at the beginning of the 7th week
  • Leave grade options as S/U/N (satisfactory/unsatisfactory/not attending)
  • Student Affairs will email faculty that the staff is available to contact students who may not be attending or are displaying signs of other problems at any time during the term
  • The population of transfer students will be narrowed
  • Registration Services will notify faculty of dates and deadlines in time for them to be included in syllabi

Peterson was pulling together data to support the effectiveness of Progress Reports and will be asked to provide this information.

Meeting Schedule: Based on the agenda, the committee will plan to meet on these dates during fall semester:

September 16 – begin discussion on internship policy

September 30

October 14

October 28

November 11

December 9

Next Meeting: Thursday, September 16, 3:30 p.m., Taylor Hall Conference Room.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

Prepared by: A. Wegert