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Lesson 1: The Scientific Revolution

Directions: Read lesson 1 (p. 396 – 400) and complete the questions below.

1. “During the 15th and 16th centuries a number of changes occurred that caused the natural philosophers to abandon their old views.” Explain how and why ideas from the Renaissance were part of those changes.

2. “After studying, and sometimes discarding, the ideas of ancient mathematicians, intellectuals developed new theories that became the foundation of the Scientific Revolution.” Use the information in your text om pages 397-400 and complete the table below. USE CONTENT VOCABULARY WHEREVER POSSIBLE.

PTOLEMY / Astronomer who constructed a model of the universe that placed the EARTH at the center of the universe ‘GEOCENTRIC” – which is incorrect – but he also had the idea of the universe as a series of SPHERES – and although his theory was incorrect it provided a starting point for later astronomers & it led to better understanding.
COPERNICUS / Astronomer whose HELIOCENTRIC conception of the universe (sun centered) was step one in destroying the Ptolemaic system
KEPLER / Astronomer who took the next step in destroying the Ptolemaic system by confirming that the sun was at the center of the universe & discovering that orbits were egg-shaped and not circular (“Kepler’s First Law”)
GALILEO / Italian scientist who used science & math to conclude that the planets were NOT just orbs of light…. But were in fact composed of material substance just like earth!
The Catholic Church ordered him to stop his work because they believed it contradicted Church teachings about the universe.
ISAAC NEWTON / Tied together the ideas of Copernicus, Kepler & Galileo to define the Laws of Motion. His “universal law of gravitation” explains why the planets revolve around the sun. The law of gravity explained all motion in the universe & thus created a new picture of the universe as one huge, regulated, uniform machine that worked according to natural laws.
VESALIUS & HARVEY / They challenged existing ideas about the human body & anatomy with their dissection work & helped to describe how individual organs worked within the overall structure of the body (advanced ideas about the heart & circulatory system).
PASCAL / Pascal’s law helped tie together liquids and the force of pressure & led to the development of tools for science (syringe) & engineering (hydraulic press).
BOYLE / His controlled experiments in Chemistry led to Boyle’s Law - that the volume of a gas varies inversely with pressure.

MARGARET CAVENDISH / Was one of the first female science writers. As the author of approximately 14 scientific books, she helped to popularize some of the most important ideas of the scientific revolution
MARIA WINKELMANN / A self-taught astronomer who was the first woman to discover a comet.

3.+ “New conceptions of the universe brought about by the Scientific Revolution strongly influenced the Western view of humankind.” Read about Descartes and Rationalism on page 400 and explain the contributions of the French Philosopher Rene Descartes – the father of modern rationalism. (USE CONTENT VOCAB IN YOUR ANSWER)

DesCartes work was rooted in the doubt that pervaded life in the 17th century. He was preoccupied with the idea of his own existence… and the existence of humankind.

Cogito ergo sum[a]is a Latin philosophical proposition by René Descartes usually translated into English as "I think,therefore I am". /

Descartes argued that because the mind cannot be doubted but the body & the material world can, then the two must be radically different. This is the principle of separation of mind and matter – or body. This is the basis of the theory of rationalism – a system of thought based on the belief that reason is the chief source of knowledge.

Mat & rationalism 2 min

Descartes bio 9 min.

DesCartes ideas are the foundation for metaphysics: the part of philosophy that is concerned with the basic causes and nature of things; branch of philosophy investigating the fundamental nature of being and the world that encompasses it.Metaphysicsattempts to answer two basic questions: Ultimately, what is there? And Whatis it like?

4. Who was Francis Bacon and what were his contributions to the Scientific Revolution? (USE CONTENT VOCAB IN YOUR ANSWER)

Francis Bacon was an English philosopher who is credited with arriving at “The Scientific Method” - a systemic procedure for collecting and analyzing evidence. It is based on the idea that INDUCTIVE REASONING should be used to test hypotheses or theories. This doctrine states that scientists should proceed from the particular to the general by making systemic observations & carefully organized experiments.

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AP Euro Bit by Bit – Voltaire Rousseau