Date and place of birth 07/07/1972, Genoa
Current Address Via Fogazzaro 35, 20135 Milan
Mobile Number 0039 335 5903499
Nationality Italian
E-mail address

EDUCATION2008Executive MBAat the BocconiBusinessSchool.

1998 Chartershipwith the “Ordine degli Ingegneri di Genova”, Italy.

1997 First class Degree in Civil Engineering, with specialization in structural Dynamics, University of Genoa, Italy.

1991 First class High School Diploma in “Liceo Classico” at “Cristoforo Colombo” High School in Genoa, Italy.

LANGUAGESEnglish: fluent.

French: basic.

PUBBLICATIONS“Costruzioni Metalliche” Magazine with the article “The effect of the dynamic and aerodynamic in the design of a structure subject to wind”.

OTHERS2005 –Italian Champion at the Circuit Mumm 30, (Sailing)

2004 –2nd Qualified at the Circuit Mumm 30, (Sailing)

2002-2003-2004 “Italy Sailing Tour” with the Genoa team.



Executive Summary

He has beenwithin the Building Industry since the 1997, when, after a short collaborationwith the Renzo Piano Building WorkshopOffice in Paris, he joined Ove Arup London, a world leader engineering company. He has gained a solid experience in the integrated design and site supervision, working for projects and sites located in different parts of Europe and with architects of thestanding of Norman Foster, Zaha Hadid, Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers.

In the 2001 he participated at the Arup Italian Office start up and became a leadership board member. In the 2005 he took the role of Building Sector Leader, with the responsibility of a team of 40 engineers, architects and technicians between the office of Milan and Rome, reporting to the Italian Managing Director. Hethen became the financial office responsible and reported directly to the Europe COO.

As project director he has been involved in different projects,supervising the following activities: project management, design, construction and sustainability.

In the 2008 he completed an Executive MBA at the Bocconi business school of Milan, andjoinedPrelios Spa, ex Pirelli Real Estate, anEuropean development company leader, as Technical Director of the Development Business Unit. He strengthened his management and technical knowledge as a developer,being involved in the planning and building permits, design management, procurement, site supervision, financing, corporate structuring and becomes the photovoltaic business leader.

Since the 2011 he became the Marketing &Sales Directorof the technical Prelios Operating company and part of the Management Board.

Prelios, ex Pirelli Real Estate, Milan, Sept. 2008 – today

Prelios, ex Pirelli RE, part of Pirelli & C. SpA, is the Italian market leader in the real estate sector and one of the market’s principal participants in Europe.Pirelli RE is one of the main operators in large-scale urban development projects and in the rehabilitation of disused areas, having realized some of the most important urban transformation projects in Italy, defining new standards at the international level.Pirelli RE is currently involved as development manager in a number of important projects in Italy, Germany and Poland, both in the residential and commercial sector.

Vocational Qualification: Head of Marketing and Sales of Prelios Property & Project Management

He is in charge of a team of 4 people promoting the company services, such as Project management, Property & Building Management and Shopping Centre Management and support the Managing Director for the company business development.

Previously he has been the Head of Technical Planning and Photovoltaic Business leader, operatingacross different fields,such as, offices, residential, social housing, retail andpublic.

He defines the product from an early stage monitoring it during design, constructionuntil thehanding over to the end user. He takes the responsibility of the construction budget and program planning, managing external consultants, such as architects, engineers, specialists and internal consultants, as urban developers, lawyers and quantity surveyorsfor the following projects:

-Rinascente, RomeRetailCibic/Presint

-Manifattura Tabacchi, MilanResidential, RetailCanali/Archea

-Malaspina, PioltelloOffices, ResidentialRagazzi

-Ex area Besta, MilanResidential, RetailZucchi

-BicoccaVillage Gate, MilanRetailLombardini 22

-RCS Area,MilanOfficesCucinella

-Portello, MilanPublicZucchi, Canali, Valle


Regarding the Photovoltaic business he has been involved on the development of different Photovoltaic plants on the roof of existing buildings, supervising the local authorities permission, EPC contractor procurement, the connections, the corporate structuring and financing.


-Construction, programme and cost management.

-Product development, (sqm, volume, structural & services technologies, material and finishes)

-Design, tender, procurement, construction coordination.

-Sustainability, involvedin the Ecobuilding Programme promoted by Pirelli and Class A building design, using the latest technologies on the building envelope, renewable energy and low Carbon emission.

-Disused areas management dealing with land remediation and public work.

-Planning and Building Permission, dealing with Local Authorities.

-Accounting for public work versus urbanization charges for large scale development such as Portello, RCS, Bicocca, PioltelloBusinessPark.

-Consultant assignment: architect, engineers and specialists selection.

-Consultant contract negotiation and completion

-Financing (Project Finance, Leasing).

-Corporate structuring.

-Consolidated experience in teamwork and leadership

Ove Arup Italia, Milan, Oct. 2000 – Sept. 2008

Arup is the world leader in the multidisciplinary engineering, with 70 offices and 9000 employees in different country of the world.In Italy there are two offices: Milanopened in the 2000and Rome in the 2007, with65 employees overallandan annual turnover of € 6.0 Million. Arup operates with a structure subdivided into three business sectors: Building, Consulting and Infrastructure.

Level: Associate Director

Member of the Arup Italy leadership board, he was the Building division leader, as well as the Italian Commercial Leader and reported to the European COO and the Italian Managing Director.

In2000, he took part of the Italian office start up, since then, he has become one of the leaders of the office and helped the company to strengthen the business with competitions and bids. He was involved in different important redevelopments, such as Varesine and Progetto Isola with Hines, Progetto Siemens Vipiteno, Vestebene for the Miroglio Family, Milano Santa Giulia with the Zunino Group, Florence High Velocity Train Station with RFI, giving strategic advice ontechnical and commercial aspects. After 11 years with the company he has gained a strong design international experience and he kept a supervision role, acting as a Project Director in the following multidisciplinary projects:

-RinascenteHHMSclient Milano Santa Giulia

-Siemens HQBoeri Studioclient Siemens

-Torno HQBeniniclient Torno Costruzioni

-Le Varesine, MilanoKPF Londonclient Hines-Galotti

-Progetto IsolaBoeri Studio client Hines

-New HQ Vestebene, AlbaMcAslanclient Miroglio Family

-Pensilina UffiziIsozakiclient Soprintendenza Firenze

-Arcugnano NurseryFontanaclient Arcugnano Comune

-Bergamo Airport ExtensionArupclient, Percassi Group, SABCO

-Stazione A-V FirenzeFoster client Rete Ferroviarie Italiane

-Schio Central ParkFontanaclient Central Park Spa

-INA Office, RomeD2Uclient Generali Properties

-Il Sole 24 Ore HQ , MilanoRPBWclient Il Sole 24 Ore

-He gained strong experience on the Sustainable design on different projects such as Arcugnano and ZIP Padova nursery and in the Schio housing with a Zero Carbon Emission target.

-As commercial leader, he was in charged of the Office finance and definition ofoperating plans, tools and procedures to monitor the projects finances.

-He was part of the business development panels, which decides which job to bid for and how to manage future investments.

-He was in charged of legal and contracts within the Italian operation, with the supervision from the legal division in London.

-As building sector leader, he was in charged of a team of 35 people.


-Overall management of business rapidly expanding.

-Staff planning, recruiting and resource management within world Arup offices.

-Direct responsibilities and consolidated experience in teamwork and leadership.

-Technical experience of high level on engineering and architectural design.

-Experience on Italian standards regulation and permissions.

-Consolidated experience of the building process with a strong background on design and construction.

-Understanding the human and professional aspects of the staff and knowing how to increase their strengthby improving their capability of working as a single and in a team.

-Direct relationship with clients, consultants and contractors within the Italian and Overseas industry.

Ove Arup, London, Sept. 1997 – Oct. 2000

Multidisciplinaryoffice consisting of architects, structural engineers, civil, mechanical, electrical, operating worldwide with an integrated design approach. Part of the London Group 4 (LG4) with 140 staff and an annual turnover of £10M.

Level:Project Engineer

Leader of a structural team he was responsible for the delivery of the structural design and reports to the Project Manager.Responsible for the structural design on the following projects:

-Greater London AuthorityFosterclient London Authority

-Mind Zone, Millennium Dome Zaha Hadidclient London Authority

-Corporation Street BridgeHodderclient M&S


-Multidisciplinary design (team-work with other disciplines colleagues).

-Integrated design (team-work with external colleagues).

-Learn the different approaches to the design of the architectural and external engineering firm.

-Having work for job in different countries made him to gain experience of the Local Building Industries.

-Site experience and relationship with the main UK contractors and suppliers.

RenzoPianoBuilding Workshop, Paris, June 1997 – Sept.1997

Coordination assistant for the Basle exhibition in the 1997.


-Part of the architectural design team of Numea Cultural Centre and a residential centre in the centre of Paris

-Models laboratory