Adventurers Science Class Procedures
Mrs. Smith Room 123
Welcome to 6th grade Science! This year you will be studying Environmental and Earth Science. This paper will give you some guidelines for my expectations in science class this year!
- We follow MMS rules, but there are separate lab safety rules posted at each lab table.
- Supplies to use while in the classroom (scissors, colored pencils, glue, rulers) are located on the table under the bulletin board. Just make sure you return them neatly when done!
- Sometime I will have items and equipment set up at lab tables, or on my desk. Please don’t touch anything unless you are told to! We don’t want broken glass or injuries!
Beginning of class:
- Please wait quietly along the far wall of the hallway until the previous class has left the room.
- Enter the room in a calm and respectful manner.
- Take care of sharpening pencils, asking to use the restroom, handing in make-up work, getting missed assignments, etc. as soon as you can when you enter.
- Sit in your assigned seat
- Read the board or screen for any instructions or “Do-Now’s, and get to work!
End of Class:
- Return your work area to how it looked when you arrived, and return anything borrowed to where it belongs- this is very important, especially on days when we do labs!
- I will dismiss class once everything has been cleaned up properly, and students are back in their assigned seats.
- I prefer that you neatly complete assignmentsin pencil. Anything I collect is due when I collect it (usually at the beginning of the class period)- Plan ahead, you won’t be allowed to finish it at the last second in class.
- Homework will be written on the board at the front of the room. You will be given time at the beginning of each week to copy homework for the entire week into your agenda.
Late Work:
- Any late or made-up assignments are to be put in the bin marked “Make-up Work”. This is located on the table next to the homework assignments board.
- Late assignments will lose20%. Late projects will lose 5 points per day.
- An assignment is late if it is not completed and handed in when it is collected!
- After one week, late assignments are worth half credit. Once we have completed a unit, late work for that unit will no longer be accepted.
- It is YOUR responsibility to get any missed work during an absence, or to get it ahead of time in the event of a pre-arranged absence (field trip, sectional, educational trip).
- Check the “What did I Miss?” bulletin board for extra copies of assignments! Also, you can check the Google Classroom page, and the homework board/your agenda book! Try to do this before homeroom starts, or right at the beginning of the class period!
- Labs will remain set up for ONE CYCLE after they are done in class for make-ups. Be sure to see me ASAP if you miss a lab, so we can figure out the best time to make it up!
Required Class Materials:
The following items should be with you in class every day:
- Folder just for your Science materials(with your science materials inside!)
- Sharpened Pencil
- Notebook paper
- Agenda Book (This goes EVERYWHERE you go!)
- SSR Book (This also goes EVERYWHERE you go!)
- ***You will NOT have a textbook assigned to you!
The following items are available for you to borrow in my room, but you may want to have your own:
- Colored pencils, crayons, markers, Sharpies
- Metric ruler
- Index cards
- Dry erase marker/eraser
- Calculator
*Please keep this in your Science folder all year for future reference!