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Submission Information: …………………………………………………………………………
Changes in the 2009 Hazardous Waste Report………………………………………………
Which Forms to Submit………………………………………………………………………….
Instructions for Electronic Filing…………………………………………………………………
Help Line…………………………………………………………………………………………..
When and Where to File………………………………………………………………………….
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)……………………………………………………………. / 1
Form SITE ID - RCRA Subtitle C Site Identification………………………………………….
Form GM-Waste Generation and Management………………………………………………
Form WR-Waste Received from Off-Site Source…………………………………………….
Form OI-Off-Site Identification…………………………………………………………………. / 9
Excluded Materials and Wastes ………………………………………………………………
Special Instructions……………………………………………………………………………..
EPA Hazardous Waste Codes…………………………………………………………………
Source Codes……………………………………………………………………………………
Form Codes……………………………………………………………………………………...
Management Method Codes……………………………………………………………………
Waste Minimization Codes…………………………………………………………………….. / 35
Submission Checklist…………………………………………………………………………..
Forms Site ID, GM, WR, OI……………………………………………………….…………... / Location
end of booklet


The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality’s (ADEQ) mission to protect human health and the environment includes the responsibility to effectively manage the state’s hazardous waste. As part of this task,U.S. EPA and the State collect and maintain information about the generation, management, and final disposition of the nation's hazardous waste regulated by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and theArkansas Hazardous Waste Management Act.

ADEQ prepared this booklet for generators and for facilities that treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste toreport their hazardous waste activities for calendar year 2009. The information collected will:

■Provide ADEQ with an understanding of hazardous waste generation and management activities inArkansas.

■ Help ADEQ measure the quality of the environment, such as monitoring industry compliancewith theregulations and evaluating waste minimization efforts taken by industry.

■All Large Quantity Generator (LQG) reports will be summarized and communicated to thepublic, primarily through publication of the 2009 National Biennial RCRA Hazardous WasteReport.

The data you provide will be entered into a computer database by ADEQ, to whom you submit your Hazardous Waste Annual Report. After review, to ensure the quality of the data, EPA will create a national database for this information. Your efforts in carefully completing all the report forms are appreciated.

Before completing the 2009 Hazardous Waste Annual Report forms, please carefully read the instructions in this booklet.
To obtain assistance in filling out the 2009 Hazardous Waste Annual Report, call the Hazardous Waste Division Annual Report Help Line at (501) 682-0848.


The authorizing legislation for the Hazardous Waste Annual Report is contained in §§3002 and 3004 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended by the Hazardous and Solid Waste (HSWA) Amendments of 1984 and the Arkansas Code of 1987, Annotated, §8-7-209.

Arkansas requires the annual submission of a Hazardous Waste Annual Report, as described in the Arkansas Pollution Control & Ecology Commission (APC&EC) Regulation No. 23 - Hazardous Waste Management, §§262.41, 264.75 and 265.75 (hereinafter referred to as Reg. No. 23). Failure to complete and submit an Annual Report, or submitting false information, may result in significant penalties under A.C.A. §8-7-204 (the Arkansas Hazardous Waste Management Act), including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.

Sites Required to File the Report

You are required to file the 2009 Hazardous Waste Annual Report if, during any time in 2009, your facility was a:

  • Small Quantity Generator (SQG)
  • Large Quantity Generator (LQG)
  • Facility for treatment, storage or disposal (TSDF) for RCRA hazardous wastes on-site in units subject to RCRA

permitting requirements, or

  • Shipper of hazardous waste off-site using an EPA ID Number for a one or more time shipment (provisionalgenerator) for quantities greater than conditionally-exempt limits (100 kg. or 220 pounds).

If you are required to file, seeWHICH FORMS TO COMPLETE AND WHAT TO REPORT on pages 1- 3 to determine which forms you must submit.

A site is a RCRA Large Quantity Generator (LQG) for 2009 if the site met any of the following criteria:
a. The site generated, in any single calendar month, 1,000 kg (2,200 lbs.) or more of RCRA non-acute hazardous waste; or
b. The site generated, in any single calendar month, or accumulated at any time, more than 1 kg(2.2 lbs.) of RCRA acute hazardous waste; or
c. The site generated, in any single calendar month, or accumulated at any time, more than 100kg (220 lbs.) of spill cleanup material contaminated with RCRA acute hazardous waste.
A site is a RCRA Small Quantity Generator (SQG) for 2009 if the site met all of the following criteria:
a. Generated in any calendar month, more than 100 kg (220 lbs.) but less than 1,000 kg (2,200 lbs.) of RCRA hazardous waste; and
b. Accumulated at any time, no more than 6,000 kg (13,200) lbs of RCRA hazardous waste; and
c. Generated, in any calendar month, or accumulated at any time, no more than 1 kg (2.2 lbs.) ofacutehazardous waste and no more than 100 kg (220 lbs.) of material from the cleanup of aspill of acutehazardous waste. If
these generation amounts are exceeded during any period the site would become anLQG.
OR, the site is a RCRA Small Quantity Generator (SQG) for 2009 if the site:
a. Met all criteria for a Conditionally-Exempt Small Quantity Generator (see below), but
b. Accumulates, at any time, more than 1,000 kg. (2,200 lbs.) of RCRA hazardous waste.

Sites NOT Required to Complete the Report

You are not required to file the 2009 Hazardous Waste Annual Report if, during 2009, this site was a Conditionally-Exempt Small Generator (CESQG) for the entire calendar year.

If you received a letter requesting submission of this report and meet the CESQG criteria defined on page 16of the booklet, you only have to file a 2009 Site ID form with ADEQ to change your generator status.


Based on the information submitted in the Hazardous Waste Annual Reports, ADEQ annually assesses hazardous waste generators with the following two (2) fees for generation during the previous calendar year:

  • Annual Remedial Action Trust Fund (RATF [“Superfund”]) fee, due annually by July 1, 2010
  • Annual Monitoring and Inspection Fee, due annually by January 1, 2011

These fees as described in Reg. No. 23, §§25(a)(1-2) and 6(n-r), are shown below to assist you in determining the fees that will be assessed. ADEQ will forward an invoice to each site assessed a fee at least 45 days prior to the payment deadline. DO NOT SEND PAYMENT AT THIS TIME.

I. Remedial Action Trust Fund Fees (Reg. No. 23, §25(a)(1-2)) - Due July 1

1 / 0 lbs to 29,999 lbs / $ 0.00
2 / 30,000 lbs to 99,999 lbs / $ 750.00
3 / 100,000 lbs to 199,999 lbs / $ 1,500.00
4 / 200,000 lbs to 299,999 lbs / $ 3,000.00
5 / 300,000 lbs to 399,999lbs / $ 5,000.00
6 / 400,000 lbs to 499,999lbs / $ 7,500.00
7 / 500,000lbs and Above / $ 10,000.00

II. Monitoring and Inspection Fees (Reg. No. 23, §6(n-r)) - Due January 1

Commercial Treatment/Storage/Disposal Facility (TSDF) / $ 2,250.00
Non-commercial Treatment/Storage/Disposal Facility (TSDF) / $ 1,500.00
Non-commercial Storage Facility / $ 1,125.00
Hazardous Waste Generator - 250,000 lbs or more / $ 1,000.00
Hazardous Waste Generator - 26,401 lbs to 249,999 lbs / $ 500.00
Hazardous Waste Generator - 2,640 lbs to 26,400 lbs / $ 150.00
Transportation Transfer Facility / $ 50.00




Submission Information

1. Facilities are responsible for providing ADEQ's Hazardous Waste Division with updated informationregarding current mailing addresses or facility contacts. Failure to receive a letter requesting an Annual Report to be completed doesnot excuse a facility from the submission requirement.

2. Facilities are responsible for providing ADEQ’s Hazardous Waste Division with updated information on generation status. For example, at the time of the initial mail-out of the Annual Report letters, if ADEQ has afacility on record as an SQG (yet it was actually a Conditionally-Exempt Small Quantity Generator(CESQG)throughout 2009 and will continue as a CESQG), you need only submit the Site ID form. The facility has theresponsibility of providing the 2009 Annual Report Site ID Form so ADEQ can update the facility’s generationstatus.

3. Facilities are responsible for providing ADEQ’s Hazardous Waste Division with updated information on generation status. For example, at the time of the initial mail-out of the Annual Report letters, if ADEQ has afacility on record as an SQG (yet it was actually a Conditionally-Exempt Small Quantity Generator(CESQG)throughout 2009 and will continue as a CESQG), you need only submit the Site ID form. The facility has theresponsibility of providing the 2009 Annual Report Site ID Form so ADEQ can update the facility’s generationstatus.

  1. A copy of the Annual Report and Declaration of Electronic Filing should be kept in your company's records for at least three years after the Report'sdue date. These reports should be kept in a location which is readily available for review and inspection shouldyour facility be subject to a Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI).

Changes In The 2009 Hazardous Waste Report

Specifically, revisions to the 2009 Hazardous Waste Report include:

  • Added Location Country in Item 4 – Site Location Information on the Site ID Form
  • Added Title; Street or P.O. Box; City, Town, or Village; State; County; Zip Code, and Fax in Item 8 – Site Contact Person on the Site ID Form;
  • Added Owner Telephone in Item 9.A – Owner Information on Site ID Form;
  • Added Short-Term Generator and Receives Hazardous Waste From Off-site in Item 10.A – Hazardous Waste Activities
  • Added Waste Minimization Code to Section 1 of the Waste Generation and Management Form

Additionally, for the 2009 cycle, all of the information on the GM Form Section 1 (i.e, waste description, waste code(s), source code, form code, quantity generated, unit of measure, and waste minimization code) and on the WR Form (i.e., waste description, waste code(s), off-site handler EPA ID number, quantity received, unit of measure, form code, and management code) will be required.

WhichHICH Forms To Submit

SITE ID / All LQG, SQG, one-time shippers (provisional generators) and TSDF sites are required to file this Form with the 2009 Hazardous Waste Report. CESQGs that need to change their generation status only need to submit the Site ID form.
You will report your current Hazardous Waste Generator status as of the date of submitting your 2009 Hazardous Waste Report on the Site Identification Form in Item 10.A.1 – Generator of Hazardous Waste. Your status may have changed since 2009.
FORM GM / A site required to file the 2009 Hazardous Waste Annual Report must submit Form GM for all hazardous waste that was used to determine the site’s generator status.
Hazardous waste must be reported if it was:
  • Generated and accumulated on-site and subsequently managed on-site or shipped off-site in 2009; or
  • Generated and accumulated on-site in 2009 but not managed on-site orshipped off-site until after 2009; or
  • Generated and accumulated on-site prior to 2009 but either managedon-site or shipped off-site in 2009; or
  • Imported from a foreign country in 2009.
Examples of RCRA hazardous wastes to be reported include those that were:
  • Generated on-site from a production process, service activity, or routinecleanup;
  • Generated from equipment decommissioning, spill cleanup, or remedialcleanup activity;
  • Shipped off-site, including hazardous waste that was received from off-site (reported on the Waste Received from Off-Site Form (Form WR)) and subsequently shipped off-site without being treated or recycled on-site;
  • Removed from on-site storage for treating, recycling, or disposing on-site or shipped off- site;
  • Derived from the management of non-hazardous waste; or
  • Derived from the on-site treatment (including reclamation), disposal, orrecycling of previously existing hazardous waste (as a residual).
Do Not submit a Form GM for any hazardous waste shipped directly to a foreign country. An Annual Report must be filed in this case as required under §262.56
FORM WR / All sites must submit Form WR if, during 2009, RCRA hazardous waste was RECEIVED from an off-site source. Note: this form only applies to TSDFs. All TSDFs must submit a copy of the site’s Groundwater Monitoring Activity Report with the submission of the Annual Report, pursuant to Reg. No. 23, §§265.94(a)(2)(ii-iii) and 265.94(b)(2). If a copy of the monitoring report has previously been submitted to ADEQ, another copy is not required; however, the facility must include with its Annual Report a written statement documenting the submission of this monitoring report.
FORM OI / All sites are required to submit Form OI if, during 2009, RCRA hazardous waste was RECEIVED from off-site and/or hazardous waste was SENT off-site.
ELECTRONICFILING / All sites required to file the 2009 Hazardous Waste Annual Report must print, sign, and mail a copy of the “Declaration of Electronic Filing”to ADEQ at:
Hazardous Waste Division
Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality
Attn: Eric Bella
5301 Northshore Drive
North Little Rock, AR 72118-5317
/ NOTE: / This is not the 2009 Annual Hazardous Waste Report. This form alone does not constitute submittal of the 2009 Annual Hazardous Waste Report. It is required for all methods of electronic submission of the report.

what to Report

If your site is required to file the 2009 Hazardous Waste Annual Report, the following should be included in your Report:

  • All RCRA hazardous wastes and acute hazardous wastes generated; shipped off-site; or treated,disposed of or recycled on-site;
  • All RCRA hazardous wastes received from off-site;
  • All hazardous wastes managed in units subject to RCRA permitting requirements;
  • All hazardous wastes managed in units exempt from RCRA permitting requirements;
  • Radioactive wastes, if mixed with RCRA hazardous wastes;
  • Hazardous wastes generated as a result of RCRA Corrective Action or other site cleanup activity;
  • RCRA hazardous wastes generated at a Superfund remediation site; and Hazardous wastes generated as a one-time event and for which the site received an EPA ID Number

Documents Helpful in completing the 2009 Hazardous Waste Forms

To prepare the 2009 Hazardous Waste Annual Report, you should consult your records on quantities and types of hazardous waste that your site generated, managed, shipped, or received in 2009. Some records that may be helpful are:

  • Hazardous Waste Manifest forms used for shipping wastes
  • Hazardous Waste Report forms submitted in previous years;
  • Records on quantities of hazardous waste generated or accumulated on-site;
  • Results of laboratory analysis of your waste;
  • Contracts or agreements with off-site facilities managing your wastes; and
  • Copies of permits for on-site waste management systems.

Confidential Business Information (CBI)

Completed Hazardous Waste Annual Report forms cannot be considered confidential documents, or business or trade secrets. Reg. No. 23, §260.2(a) states that any information provided to ADEQ under this Regulation must be made available to the public to the extent and in the manner authorized by the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act, A.C.A., §25-19-100 et. seq., the Federal Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. §552 and EPA Regulations implementing the Freedom of Information Act and RCRA §3007(b), as applicable.

Alphanumeric Fields

Valid characters for alphanumeric fields are limited to:


Invalid characters for alphanumeric fields include:

If the “<” or “>” symbols are used to indicate less than or greater than, these symbols should be replaced with “LT” or “GT”.

Comments Section Of Forms

Use the Comments section at the bottom of the forms to clarify or continue any entry. For each comment, reference the section number and item letter of the entry that is being continued.

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/ NOTE: / All Treatment, Storage or Disposal Facilities (TSDFs), Large Quantity Generators (LQGs), Small Quantity Generators (SQGs), and One-Time Shippers must file electronically.

To assist facilities in reporting 2009 hazardous waste activities by computer, ADEQ provides free software, technical support, and the following instructions. American Resource Management (ARM) willbe developing and supporting the annual report software for Arkansas. The software is web-based and allows ARM and the State to respond to your needs more quickly. We require you to use the web-based version.

The web-based version is available on AMR’s secure web site and no software is needed other than yourInternet browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher). To access the web-based version, please goto and select 2009 Easitrak. Select “New User” andyouwill be asked to enter your EPA ID number and your email address. Once you have registered, you willaccess the software the same way except as an “Existing User.” Your User ID is your EPA IDnumber. Please be sure to print the software instructions available on ARM’s web-site.

Further, if any reporting facility has a computerized tracking database containing the required information,ADEQ will accept the 2009 Hazardous Waste Annual Report submission in:

  • American Resource Management (ARM) software; or
  • The EPA BR flat file format

For information, contact the Data Management Section, Hazardous Waste Division at (501) 682-0848.

Using 2009 Arkansas Hazardous Waste Annual Report Software

  1. Complete the 2009 Arkansas Hazardous Waste Annual Report by following the instructions on the web based version which is located at and select 2009 Easitrak; or
  1. Complete the appropriate computerized forms using the booklet’s instructions, the software’s Helpcommand and the software commands.
  1. After completion of the necessary forms, print a copy of all forms for your files.
  1. Press the SUBMIT button in the software that locks your submittal to the state (you can not change any information on this submittal unless the state releases it back to you to correct and you resubmit your corrections).

When you click the SUBMIT button you will receive a security question that you must answer. This security question is based on one of your security answers that you provide at registration. Answer the question and your report will be submitted. Note: The security answer is case sensitive. You will see a message on the screen that says “Data have been sent to your state!” after your report has been submitted.