Minutes of the Diversity and Culture Committee

Date: Tuesday, February 9, 2016

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Present: Ben Somoza, Ann Bittl, Trevelyn Yahr, Eileen Crump, Gwen Huddleston, Robert Lawson, Sandy Mason, Claudia Pariso, Raeann Koerner, Niki Milani, Sheryl Leonard, David Carlander

Recorder: Eileen Crump

Absent: Chief Sidnam, Sharon Beynon, Lynn Wright, Sabrina Canola, Raeann Koerner, Nathan Cole, Jocelyn Fechner, Alex Kolesnik, Gigi Fiumerodo, Sara Murillo


Agenda Item / Summary of Discussion / Action (If Required) / Completion Timeline / Assigned to:
Call to order / The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm. / Gwendolyn Huddleston
Approval of Meeting Minutes / Robert moved to approve the February 5, 2016 meeting minutes and Ann seconded the motion. / The February 5, 2016 meeting minutes were approved by the committee. / Eileen Crump
T-Shirts / Student clubs will be offered the opportunity to sell t-shirts during the festival. The committee will need to approve the design to make sure it has the Diversity in Culture logo.
Lanyards / The committee decided to create lanyards for those who are helping with the festival. / Eileen will enter a Marketing Request for the lanyards. / Eileen Crump
Booths / The festival will include an information booth for the Heath Center and Campus Police.
Diversity Fair / Moorpark College will hold its Diversity Fair on Tuesday, April 12, 2016.
Confirmation for Festival Entertainers and presenters. / The Topologist is available on April 12 and April 13.
Versa-Style Urban Hip Hop is available on April 13 from 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm.
UCSB Middle Eastern Group is available on Wednesday night at 7:00 pm for the large group and Wednesday afternoon for the small group.
Cascade de Flores is scheduled for Thursday, April 14 from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm.
Rex and Friends is available on Tuesday, April 12 from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm.
Sade Champagne is tentatively available on Tuesday, April 12 at 4:00 pm.
Jonathan Carlendar, The Pleasing List film is scheduled for Tuesday, April 12.
The Poetry Slam is scheduled for Thursday, April 14 from 11:00 am – 12:45 pm.
Sheryl Leonard, representing VC Voices, and David Carlander, the editor of VC Voices, were present to discuss the Poetry Slam. They would like to use the outdoor stage before 11:00 am so students can practice. Sandy will check ASC 150 to see when this is available so students can practice.
One of Ben Somoza’s students will give a PowerPoint presentation Wednesday, April 13 from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm on Quetzalcoatl. This will be followed with dancers. Ben requested using ASC 150. / Trevelyn will contact Capoeira to confirm a date and time for performance.
Robert has a better contact for UCSB Gamelan Orchestra and for the Bulgarian choir. Robert will contact them to set date and time.
Sheryl and David will email Sandy and let her know what they need for the Poetry Slam.
Sheryl will email poster information to Eileen. Eileen will email diversity logos to Sheryl.
Vendors / The committee was asked to look for vendors that would like to participate in the festival. The vendors need to complete a Vendor Form to participate in the festival. The vendors will get a 50% off the price to participate in festival. / Gwendolyn Huddleston
Adjournment / The meeting was adjourned at 6:03 pm. / Gwendolyn Huddleston