Chapel Hill High School

Señora Munday Room E224 Email: Voicemail: 770-651-6368

Course Syllabus for Spanish IV

Course Description: Spanish IV focuses on the continued development of communicative competence in Spanish and understanding of the culture of the Latin American world. Students begin to show a greater level of accuracy when using basic language structures, and they are exposed to more complex features of the language. The major means of communication will be in Spanish.

Performance Standards/Objectives: The Georgia Performance Standards for Modern Languages are posted in the classroom at all times and are available online at

Assessment/Evaluations/Required Student Products: Students will be evaluated throughout this course using announced quizzes and tests, unannounced short quizzes (pop quizzes), written and oral presentations as well as daily class participation.

Daily Assignments, quizzes, homework, classwork 20%

Participation 20%

Test/Projects/CDAs 40%

Final 20%

*Grading Plan:





F=69 and below

*Grading Plan may change at the discretion of the state or district, and will be reflected in this grading policy.

Strategies for Student Learning: In order to help students maximize their achievement in Spanish IV this course will include the use of paired and small group activities, guided and independent practice that reinforces grammatical structures, student led oral presentations, listening activities, songs, mnemonic devices and kinesthetic activities.

Academic Honesty: Students are expected to demonstrate academic integrity at all times. Therefore any student caught or suspected of cheating on assignments or assessments will earn an automatic zero on that assignment or assessment. For the purposes of this course cheating is defined as but not limited to copying another student’s assignment or test, using outside resources during a test or using an electronic translator either hand held or internet based on assignments.

Lost/Damaged Book Policy: Board Policy Descriptive Code: IFAD

The student will be charged full replacement cost for any textbook or workbook lost or damaged.

The Douglas County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, disability or age in educational programs or activities, or employment practices.

Señora Munday’s Classroom Procedures

This handout explains exact procedures that will be followed in this class. You are responsible for reading this handout and for following the procedures described in it. Please keep this handout in the front of your notebook so that you can refer to it throughout the semester.

Materials: Students are responsible for bringing their composition notebooks, paper and a pencil or pen to class every day. Students must have three (3) composition notebooks, which will be used for (a) warm up activities, (b) verb conjugations, and (c) classwork, dialogues, and vocabulary. At designated times, these composition notebooks will be collected, graded and returned to the student. Students will also be responsible for maintaining a Writing Portfolio, which will be left in the classroom.

It is recommended that the student save all work as they get it back. This way if there is any question as to the grade, or if it was completed and turned it, the student will have the assignment in their notebook to confirm the grade in question.

·  Students will need access to a Spanish /English dictionary at home (These may be purchased at the Dollar Tree). There is a set of paperback dictionaries in the classroom, but these are for in-class use only. A student may check out a dictionary on a daily basis but will be expected to pay for loss or damage of any dictionary checked out. Students are allowed to use the online free dictionary This is the only online dictionary students are allowed to use. Word processing programs with a translate feature or online translators are NOT DICTIONARIES, they are considered cheating, and use of them will result in a ZERO on that assignment!

Parent Portal/ Infinite Campus:

·  Parents may check Parent Portal/Infinite Campus for students’ grades in the class. It will be updated at least every 2 weeks. You may obtain a log-in for the system on the Douglas County website.

·  Parents and students may sign up for the Remind

·  .com program to get homework updates on their phones. To receive messages via text, text @lunes4 to (404) 865-3725.

You can opt-out of messages at anytime by replying, 'unsubscribe @lunes4'.

Behavioral Expectations: All students are expected to demonstrate productivity, respect, integrity, dependability and enthusiasm in my classroom.

Consequences: Those who do not meet these expectations can expect (in sequential order or according to severity of the act):

-  verbal warning/loss of participation points

-  detention/parental contact

-  office referral/suspension

Attendance: Students are encouraged to attend class consistently. Please make every attempt to schedule appointments outside of school hours.

Tardies: All students are expected to be on time to class every day. Any unexcused tardy to class will result in detention. Failure to serve detention will result in the student being referred to the office for disciplinary action.

Make-Up Work: Upon a student’s return to class after an absence, the student should present their yellow slip (from 1st period teacher) that describes the reason for the student’s absence. If the absence is excused, it is the student’s responsibility to get the missed assignments from me for the day(s) that were missed.

1.  All make-up work MUST be completed and turned in within 7 school days of return to class. Work not turned in by the last day will automatically receive a ZERO. Exceptions will only be made for extended, excused absences or in special circumstances.

2.  Tutoring, make-up work and tests/quizzes may be done before and after school

3.  Buddy System: I suggest that students exchange phone numbers or email addresses with a classmate so that in the event of an absence, they may get assignments from each other before returning to class. Also, use the program (above) for daily assignments.

4.  Make up work to be graded should be placed in appropriate folders when completed.

An unexcused absence will result in a zero for any grades taken on that day, and the student will NOT be permitted to make up any work.


Active participation is essential to language acquisition, therefore it is an integral part of Spanish class. Class participation consists of students contributing to teacher-led discussions or to paired/small group activities. Spoken communication should be in Spanish. I will keep records of participation and will use these records when determining class work grades. Students are encouraged to volunteer at all times, but will occasionally be called on to answer questions in class.

Participation will be graded as follows:

·  Students will have the opportunity to earn 100 points every 4-6 weeks (depending on school calendar and how many times class was held during that time).

·  Students will be given the opportunity to earn points by following class rules, completing written work, and participating in practice conversations/discussions.

·  Students may lose points by talking out of turn, being disrespectful, being off-task, or by speaking English during practice activities.


Homework will be assigned as needed. Each assignment should be brought to the next class meeting to be graded, checked or turned in.


The use of electronic translators is regarded as academic dishonesty and is strictly prohibited! An electronic translator is defined as ‘any device including but not limited to: pocket translators, word processing programs with a translate feature, or a translation web site’. Students found to be using electronic translators will automatically earn a zero on the assignment or project.

Course Syllabus for Spanish IV

Please fill out, sign and return this page to Señora Munday:

I have chosen these classroom procedures in an effort to provide all students with an organized and effective classroom environment that will make student success a priority. I expect all students to become familiar with these procedures and to follow them. Similarly, students may expect me to follow these procedures. If any students or parents have questions or concerns about these policies, please contact me.

Señora Munday

Students and Parents:

I have read and understand the county policy regarding the use of translators.

I also understand the absentee policy and the class participation. I understand that it is my responsibility to find out and make up missed work.

I have read the course syllabus for Spanish IV. I understand AND agree to abide by all of the policies and expectations described in it. I will come to class ready to participate and to learn and will not disrupt the classroom experience for my peers.

Student Name (printed)

______Class period______

Student Signature


I have read the course syllabus for Spanish IV. I understand and will encourage my child to abide by all of the policies and expectations described in it.

Parent(s) Name(s) (printed):


Parent Signature


Daytime phone number(s): ______

Parent(s) email address:______

**We are always in need of classroom supplies. If you would like to contribute something from this list to our classroom, your child will receive bonus points on the first classwork grade.

o  tissues

o  paper towels

o  white board markers

o  white board cleaner

·  Please sign and return this syllabus by ______