ClickHERE to download a copy of the 2018– 2019 contract.
All participating students mustsign and return the bottom only of the second page

Students will notmissAcademic classes
to participatein band or orchestra

Small groups rehearse on an “A” day, “B” day schedule for each grade

Small groups are combined for rehearsals on a regular basis during FLEX


  • Practice is essential for growth and success as a musician. Students are required to show evidence of practice. There are performance assessments to be passed in each marking period. Below are tips for making the most of your practice time.
  • Make practice part of your regular, daily routine. Develop a schedule for practicing and stick to it.
  • It is recommended that students practice a minimum of 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week.
  • Set goals for each practice session
  • Start with a warm-up routine (long tones and scales,) then practice difficult spots in your assignment.
  • Play something fun at the end of your practice session.

Students receive a letter grade on their report cards each marking period. Grades are determined as follows:

  • 40% Formative
    - Evidence of practice. Students may be asked to turn in written
    assignments and/or logs of their home practice times.
    - Actively & responsibly contributes to daily rehearsals and
    - Demonstrates characteristics of a good musician
    (posture, rehearsal etiquette, etc.)
    - Prepared for class (having instrument, music, pencil, etc.)
    in order to achieve curriculum standards
    - Follows all classroom and school policies and rules
    (see CCPS &NCMS student handbooks) that directly impact the
    achievement of curriculum standards
  • 60%Summative
    - Any assignments (written or performance based) to be completed
    during class time
    - Performance at all concerts and evening rehearsals is expected.
    Your attendance does affect the entire group.
    Excused absences are rare and require prior approval of the
    director. In such cases make up reports, playing exams, and
    otherassignments may be substituted.