Elgin Board of Education Regular

January 27, 2015

The January 27, 2015 regular meeting of the Elgin Board of Education was called to order at 6:00 pm by Board President Jennifer Buchanan at the Elgin Community Room.

Pledge of Allegiance

Invocation – Mr. Wasserbeck

Roll Call:

Mrs. Buchanan Present

Mrs. Everett Hafer Absent

Ms. Conroy Present

Mr. John Metcalf Present

Mr. Wasserbeck Present

Also present were Superintendent Bruce Gast and Treasurer/CFO Kim Reynolds


Teresa Vermillion Bob Imbody Cynthia Gilbert

Molly Hughes Kristen Dyer Nicole Sterling

Mike McCreary Diana Carr Mickey Malcom

Chad Cunningham

Resolution No.010-15 Agenda

Mr. Metcalf moved and Ms. Conroy seconded the motion to approve the agenda as submitted.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Metcalf, Conroy, Wasserbeck, Buchanan Motion Carried

Noes: None

Public Input- None

Mrs. Nicole Sterling and Mrs. Molly Hughes spoke to the Board about the plans to start an Elgin Community garden. This project is to incorporate hands on learning in the classroom and also teach students skills to grow their own gardens at home. This will initially be started with the 5th grade. A long term goal is that this project will become an Elgin campus garden, but the first year will start with 3 beds located in the grass area at the front entrance of the Elementary school. This project is possible through a grant and numerous private donations.

Resolution No. 011-15 Executive Session

Ms. Conroy moved and Mr. Wasserbeck seconded the motion to enter into executive session at 6:10pm for the purpose of the employment of a public employee.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Conroy. Wasserbeck, Buchanan, Metcalf Motion Carried

Noes: None

Mrs. Everett Hafer entered executive session at 6:11pm.

Resolution No 012-15 Executive Session

Ms. Conroy moved and Mr. Wasserbeck seconded the motion to come out of executive session at 6:41pm.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Conroy. Wasserbeck, Buchanan, Everett Hafer, Metcalf Motion Carried

Noes: None

Certificates were handed out by Mr. Gast to the Board members. January is School Board appreciation month.

Presentation by the Principals:

·  Mr. Malcom, Mrs. Dyer and Mr. Cunningham spoke about what a prosperous year this has been for Elgin, and stated a special thank you to the Board of Education for supporting the one on one technology for the students and for approving the current curriculum. Test scores have continued to increase in the Elementary and the Leader in Me program has really taken off. A big thank you was given too Cynthia Gilbert and Codi Kitts for all their support.

·  Dan Gilliam was acknowledged for his outstanding work in keeping the building clean and safe.

·  The Principals stated their appreciation for allowing them to hire outstanding staff members and extending the days for the NCOESC consultants. Diana Carr commented the teacher's really appreciated all the support. Teresa Vermillion stated the participation in breakfast is increasing daily. She appreciated Mr. Cunningham allowing the students a second chance to participate each morning. Cynthia Gilbert stated the students were settling down and now working well with the Chrome Books. There are students taking their Chrome Books home, but many students have devices at home and do not need to take theirs home. Bob Imbody stated his concerns about the timing and release of the Elementary students.

Resolution No. 013-15 Consent Agenda - Fiscal

Mr. Wasserbeck moved and Mr. Metcalf seconded the motion to approve the following consent agenda items;

·  Approval of December 17, 2014 minutes

·  Approval of December Bill List

·  Approval of December Financials

Roll Call:

Ayes: Wasserbeck, Metcalf, Buchanan, Conroy, Everett Hafer Motion Carried

Noes: None

Resolution No. 014-15 Consent Agenda - Staff

Ms. Conroy moved and Mrs. Everett Hafer seconded the motion to approve the following consent agenda items;

·  Resignation of Chase Curren, head football coach; effective January 1,2015

·  Resignation of Virginia Adams, classroom aide; effective January 1,2015

·  Retirement of Mark Ballinger, MS Health and HS Science; effective at the end of the contract year.

·  Retirement of Brian Oliver, HS Art teacher; effective at the end of the contract year.

·  Adjust the salary of Cynthia Gilbert, technology coordinator to 85% of salary upon retirement; effective January 1, 2015

·  Tutors - Monty Maceyko and Kim Cornelius at 17.06 per hour

·  Employment of Matt Sigler and Ashley Lemons as regular time sheet employees.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Conroy, Everett Hafer, Metcalf, Wasserbeck, Buchanan Motion Carried

Noes: None

Resolution No. 015-15 Elgin Energizers

Mr. Wasserbeck moved and Mrs. Buchanan seconded the motion to approve the following dates for an overnight trip for the Elgin Energizers to Medina and Cleveland; February 13-15, 2015.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Wasserbeck, Buchanan, Conroy, Everett Hafer, Metcalf Motion Carried

Noes: None

Resolution No. 016-15 Emergency Procedures Manual

Ms. Conroy moved and Mr. Wasserbeck seconded the motion to approve the Emergency Procedures Manual for the Elgin Local K-12 Building and the Administration Building.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Conroy, Wasserbeck, Buchanan, Everett Hafer, Metcalf Motion Carried

Noes: None

Resolution No. 017-15 Technology Job Descriptions

Mrs. Everett Hafer moved and Ms. Conroy seconded the motion to approve the job description for the Information Technology Specialist/Network Technician position for the 2015-2016 school year.

Mr. Metcalf spoke about the cyber security rules coming down to protect the district's HVAC system; this was how Target was compromised. Elgin's HVAC is not on our server and the district is blocked through TRECA's firewall. This is monitored at all times. Mrs. Gilbert will make sure this cannot occur. HVAC employees should always use one of Elgin's devices, not their own. All fiscal information is stored off site through TRECA.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Everett Hafer, Conroy, Metcalf, Wasserbeck, Buchanan Motion Carried

Noes: None

Resolution No. 018-15 Real Estate Purchase

Mr. Metcalf moved and Mr. Wasserbeck seconded the motion to approve the Real Estate Purchase Agreement between David Wright and the Elgin Local Board of Education.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Metcalf, Wasserbeck, Buchanan, Conroy, Everett Hafer Motion Carried

Noes: None

Resolution No. 019-15 Leave

Mrs. Everett Hafer moved and Ms. Conroy seconded the motion to place Mr. Gerald Cornell on unpaid leave through the end of 2014-2015 school year following the exhaustion of Mr. Cornell’s remaining sick leave.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Everett Hafer, Conroy, Metcalf, Wasserbeck, Buchanan Motion Carried

Noes: None

Mr. Cunningham spoke about College Credit Plus. This is a new mandate for the 2015-16 school year through the State of Ohio. The cost is 100% paid by the Board of Education. The district must develop pathways for a student participating in this to obtain a degree. Faculty members that teach this must have a Master's Degree in the content area. Mr. Pasma will be the only teacher at this time, offering 3 classes. All these classes will transfer to other Universities; these courses will be through MTC. The total cost to the district could be $40,500.00 per year if 15 students are enrolled for each session; a total of 45 students. At this time, 15 students is the minimum required to meet all qualifications of the program. This program is for grades 7-12 and all students must take the ACT and have a specific score if the student wants to participate in the program. It is now mandatory that every junior in High School take the ACT with the State of Ohio bearing the cost. If the students want to take it before, the cost is placed on the student. Education is changing constantly. There are now 7 tests to graduate and students receive points for these test. There will be an informational meeting for parents on February 25th to go over the new testing requirements.

Resolution No. 020-15 Adjourn

Ms. Conroy moved and Mr. Wasserbeck seconded the motion to adjourn the January 27, 2015 meeting of the Elgin Board of Education at 7:33pm.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Conroy, Wasserbeck, Buchanan, Everett Hafer, Metcalf Motion Carried

Noes: None



