Ph.D. Planning Form Name Student # U Phone: Date: .

Dept., Course Number, Description / Credits / Term / Grade / From MA / Transfer / 6000-level / Non-Hist / Non-deg.
Courses not in major or minor fields:
Major Field name:
Minor Field 1 name:
Minor Field 2 name:

List courses only once; put an X in any special categories they fulfill. If youhavetoo many courses to fit, list thembelow or on second page.

Advisory Committee:

Major Field:. (chair), 2.(optional) Minor Field 1:. Minor Field 2:. .

Comprehensives Committee (if same, write “same” here: ______):

Major Field: (chair), 2. Minor Field 1: . Minor Field 2:. .


at least 60 credits course work beyond BA

can transfer up to 33 credits from MA with committee approval; no time restrictions

no more than 12 eligible credits taken as a non-degree student

at least 48 credits from 7/8000-level; HIST 8020, 8021, 8022, 8991 are not counted.

at least 6 credits Research Seminar (7/8070); MA thesis may count as one 3 credit Research Seminar.

a historiography course in major field and equivalent in other fields.

one 8990 Reading for and Writing Comps course in each field, option for two in major field

7011/8011, Philosophy and Theory of History, or equivalent

last 30 credits (of 72) from U of M.

6 credits of 8012 allowed; may petition for up to 6hrs more.

not all fields in one geographic area

at least two consecutive full-time terms (9 credits) at U of M.

all post-MA course requirements completed in 10years or less; no more than 12 years total to graduation.

Pass Written and Oral Comprehensives Exams

Prepare and Present Dissertation Prospectus

take dissertation credits; need 12 to graduate

Write and Defend Dissertation

After an Advisory Committee meeting, the chair MUST specify below on behalf of the committeewhat the student must do before taking the comprehensives, including coursework, languages, etc.:

Signature of chair and date: ______