Minutes of Executive Meeting held at 9.30am Monday 14th July 2003 at Hume Global Learning Centre.

Present: Lynne Makin, Barbara Horn, Elisabeth Jackson, Patti Manolis, Chris Payne, Julie Rae.

Alyson Kosina (Secretariat) attended for items 9-11.

1. Apologies: Craig Anderson. Suzanne Gately apologized and also tendered her resignation which is due to work pressures.

It was resolved not to fill the vacancy on the Executive as all positions will be declared vacant at the AGM in August.

2. Matters arising from previous minutes

Julie will follow upon the PC booking and related issues

3. Secretariat Duties

The duties have not changed from those listed in the position description and Alyson’s contract has been extended for another year. It was agreed that the Executive needs to monitor the duties and the time spent on them/

Moved Julie Rae, Seconded Barbara Horn:

at the duties of the Secretariat be reviewed in the light of the contract extension

2. That a performance review be undertaken by September this year

3. That the Secretariat report to Viclink through the Treasurer.


4. Staffing in Public Libraries Seminar

A number of issues were discussed at the Public Libraries seminar on 13th June and the Viclink Meeting on the 17th June and it was requested that a seminar be organized for further discussion. The subcommittee which is discussing training issues with the tertiary institutions was requested to work on this and report to next meeting. This is Elisabeth Jackson, Anne Holmes, Craig Anderson, Karen Ward-Smith.

5. Legal Resources in Libraries

Barbara has had discussions with Kathy Laster of the Law Foundation. She would like to establish something like the Legal Information and Advice Centres (which operate successfully in NSW) in Victorian public libraries and she has funding and support for this. She is suggesting starting this in rural libraries and also setting up a collection and possibly advice service at the new City Library. Kathy will be invited to discuss the proposal with Chris Payne and to attend the next Viclink Executive Meeting.

6. Statewide Projects

There has been a request from the Marketing Committee for Viclink to facilitate communication between project steering committees as many of them are working in areas which impact on the others.

It was decided that it is the role of the Project Officers and the Subcommittee Convenors to ensure that this communication takes place.

7. Gulliver

Julie reported that the $200,000 grant has been committed for two new databases . She will write a letter for Lynne;s signature to Helen Balcam reporting this.

Julie has been invited to speak about Gulliver at three conferences and she requested funding from the Gulliver account to pay for attendance at the LIANZ conference in New Zealand and registration fees for CAVAL conference.

Moved Barbara Horn, Seconded Chris Payne: That these costs be paid on the basis of $5,000. A detailed list of costs will be supplied. Carried

8. Viclink AGM – 12 August

Resolved to combine Gulliver and Viclink AGMs – Gulliver to be a report at Viclink. Nominations will be called for Executive positions and Grahm Dudley asked to be returning officer.

9. Budget and Finance

9.1 Annual accounts

Alyson reported that the 2002-3 accounts were at the auditors.

The balance sheets for Viclink and Gulliver had been circulated previously and were discussed.

Moved Chris Payne, seconded Elisabeth Jackson that the accounts be received. Carried

9.2 Accounts for Payment

Alyson presented her account for services during the year. Barbara requested a split of all expenses between Viclink and Gulliver

Alyson pointed out that the administration of the Viclink List was more time consuming that she had expected. It was decided to investigate returning this to Vicnet.

Accounts for Payment were presented as follows:

CSE - for Secretariat services for Viclink and Gulliver 2002- 3 $8,467.45

GST charges - $3,365

Moved Chris Payne, seconded Julie Rae that these be approved for payment. Carried

9.4 Budget 2003-4

The draft budget had been circulated previously and was discussed. This budget is based on increased subscription fees as follows:

Library budget less than $500 --- $100

$5000-1m. --- $175

$1m- $2m ----$250

$2m- $3m ----$300

Over $3m ----$350

It was agreed that the amount for Registrations and Subscriptions could be reduced as the subscription to Public Lbraries Australia is less than expected. It was also agreed to reduce the amount for consultants to $1,500. This will result in a balanced budget.

Moved Elisabeth Jackson, seconded Chris Payne That the Budget with the above amendments be adopted. Carried

Draft Guidelines for Services to be distributed to subcommittees were tabled. Comments to Patti by Friday 18th July.

10. Alyson’s email address

Alyson has been using her private email address for Viclink and raised the issue of whether Viclink should have its own domain name.. It was resolved to purchase a domain name but not to use it for mail at this stage as there is an additional charge for this. Alyson can use a primus address as follows:

11. Not for Profit status

Alyson reported that the auditor has strongly recommended changing the constitution to include a dissolution clause exactly as set out by the Tax Department despite the fact that we have had legal advice to the effect that this is not necessary. After some discussion it was resolved not to change the constitution at this stage and to use legal advice if challenged by the Tax Office.

12. Other Business

12.1 Kinetica

Patti is organizing training sessions with the National Library. Julie to chase up regarding pricing.

12.2 Relationship with State Library

Lynne is to write to Anne-Marie Schwirtlich regarding follow up from 1 May meeting.

The meeting closed at 12.15 pm.