How to be an Effective Board Member
Adapted fromJeremy Barlow
Effective boards of directors move organizations towards strategic plans with the goals of growing and strengthening the organization. Conversely, weak boards of directors can stagnate organizations and may even cause them to fail. A successful board collaborates and melds ideas from each of its members. According to Frank Martinelli, President of the Center for Public Skills Training, every board hasthree broad areas of responsibilityincluding:
- Planning and policy development
- Community and organizational development
- Fundraising and support development
An effective board has committees to focus on specifictasks. An effective board has regular meetings. These meetings are used to vote on items that propel the organization forward. The regularly scheduled board meetings are to vote on motions that are being brought forward by thecommittees, Executive Director or any other relevant sources.
Keys to Effective Board Members and Successful Board Meetings
- BE ON TIME (means be 5 minutes early). The time of the board meeting is set as the time the meeting begins. Allow yourself enough time to arrive, find a seat and settle in BEFORE the meeting time.
- Members are given information beforehand. This allows each member to arrive at the meeting prepared to engage in meaningful discussion. Board members are expected to carve out time from their schedules to review it, digest the information and arrive prepared with questions to clarify the issues and comprehend the scope of the agenda items. Board members should also learn how to read financial statements.
- Well-rounded boards have members with differing points of view. Debating is a healthy activity for a board. It ensures all angles of situations have been taken into consideration. Common rules of debate apply to meetings. This includes but is not limited to allowing the person to speak uninterrupted while they have the floor. Giving a non-verbal signal to the Chair to verbally express ideas. No name calling or heckling. Leave personal feelings at the door (as a board member you represent a defined population and must think for the advancement of that population). Research your ideas beforehand so factual statements can be made (to the best of your ability. See point 2.)
- BE VOTE READY. Board meetings are for decisions. The timely distribution of material before the meeting sets the stage for decision-making. When reading the minutes ensure you have formed an opinion / reasonable questions and be ready to vote on the motions. The board stays energized and engaged when all members are active in its progress. Effective board members refrain from obsessing on a single issue and come with an open mind to ask questions about all issues. Once a vote is complete ALL members stand behind the decision even when they disagree.
- This is a volunteer board. The assumption is you are volunteering your time to see progress to the downtown area. We are grateful for this. In order to make this an efficient and effective board there is a reasonable expectation to attend all regularly scheduled meetings unless something unforeseen has happened(or you have scheduled holidays.) Please know that quorum must be reached in order to advance the motions. If you are negligent in your attendance this is grounds for dismissal(can we define this as 3 not explained absences?)
Common Courtesies
- If you must bring your mobile device into the meeting ensure the ringer / notification is turned to silent. Please refrain from engaging in communications that does not pertain to Board business while in the meeting.
- Be on time (this means being 5 mins early) If you are aware that you may arrive late or need to leave early please inform the Chair before the meeting. If needing to leave the room while discussion is going on please do so quietly and quickly.
- Enter the room with a sense of decorum and respect for each person that is in the room.
- If bringing food items please ensure you dispose of them properly.
- Effective board members are engaged in the mission and vision of the organization outside of board meetings. Leadership and seasoned board members should mentor newer members to guide them towards areas where they can use their talents and abilities. Board members share responsibility with the leadership for digging in and contributing at the ground level. Board members are the face of their entire membership and are to reflect the positive and forward moving nature of Downtown Kitchener.
Draft copy. Document created on October 18, 2017.