Understanding assessment and the role of the assessor
Assessment is the process of making judgments about an individual's competence through matching evidence collected to the appropriate outcomes related to a specific unit standard, a series of unit standards, or a full qualification that have been registered by the south African Qualifications Authority.
Candidates who are deemed not yet competent on a summative assessment (following training) will normally not be allowed to be re-assessed on more than two occasions.
When learners have to undergo re-assessment, the following conditions will apply
· Specific feedback will be given so that candidates can concentrate only on those areas in which they were assessed as not yet competent
· Re-assessment will take place in the same situation or context and under the same conditions as the original assessment
· Only the specific outcomes that were not achieved will be re-assessed
Candidates who are repeatedly unsuccessful should be given guidance on other possible and more suitable learning avenues.
A candidate for assessment has the right appeal against assessment decisions or practices they regard as unfair on the basis of
· Unfair assessment
· Invalid assessment
· Unreliable assessment
· Unethical practices
· Inadequate expertise and experience of the assessor
In order to ensure assessments are fair and reliable there are various principles that must be adhered to. These are
· Appropriate: The method of assessment is suited to the outcome being assessed
· Fair: The method of assessment is fair in relation to the subject matter and outcomes to be assessed.
· Manageable: The methods used allow for ease of arrangements, are cost-effective and do not interfere with learning or assessment process
· Integrated: Evidence collection is integrated into the work or learning process where this is appropriate and feasible
· Valid: The evidence focuses on the requirements laid down in the relevant unit standards and match the evidence requirements of the specific outcomes
· Current: The evidence is up to date and does not refer to old or outdated information and knowledge.
· Authentic: The assessor is satisfied that the evidence is attributable to the person being assessed
· Sufficient: The evidence collected is sufficient to establish all criteria, as set out in the specific assessment criteria have been met
· Systematic: The overall process ensures assessment is fair, effective, repeatable and manageable
· Transparent: The process is transparent i.e. candidates understand the entire process and the criteria that apply and can contribute to the planning and accumulation of evidence
· Reliable and Consistent: The same assessor or another assessor would make the same judgment in similar circumstances
Qualities of an assessor
Assessors need to have certain skills and expertise in order to be competent. Generally assessors need expertise in the following areas
Interpersonal skills
It is important for the assessor to have good interpersonal skills and to be able to communicate effectively with learners. The assessor needs to establish a trusting relationship with learners – not only so that they can perform optimally during an assessment, but also can trust the assessor has their interests at heart. The candidate should feel
· The assessment is fair
· The assessor acts with integrity
· The assessor maintains confidentiality
· The assessment is conducted according to the principles of a good assessment
Subject matter experts
Assessors must be proficient in the subject matter of the learning area in which they are assessing. They should be experts in their field of knowledge with a thorough understanding of the unit standard requirements or qualifications for which they are registered to assess.
In addition, the assessor’s subject matter knowledge should be at least one level higher than that of the unit standard being assessed.
Assessment expertise
All assessors must have completed the relevant assessor training and should have been assessed as competent following the submission of a portfolio of evidence.
He or she should have been awarded a certificate of competence by the ETDP SETA.
In addition the qualified assessor should be registered as a constituent assessor with the relevant SETA and should have a certificate indicating what unit standards and/or qualifications he or she is registered to assess.
The role of the assessor
1. Ensure the assessment is appropriate to the requirements of the unit standard and/or qualification to be assessed.
2. Inform the learner about the qualification or unit standard requirements
3. Support and guide the learner in the collection of evidence
4. Help the learner plan for the assessment
5. Inform the learner about the timing of the assessment
6. Conduct the assessment and give relevant and appropriate feedback
In addition to being responsible for, and managing the assessment process, assessors will be required to
· Conduct assessments according to the relevant ETQA/SETA principles and policies
· In association with the training provider, complete the documentation and recording requirements, and forward the results to the SETA to ensure the candidate is registered on the National Learner Record Data Base (NLRD)
· Regularly review and update knowledge on the assessment process and implement changes as and when required
· Comply with all assessment and moderation requirements
The assessor must manage the assessment process so as to ensure the following are part of the process
· Familiarity with the standards being assessed
· Knowledge of current practices associated with the role against which performance is being assessed
· Communication with relevant parties
· Assessment details are worked out, including learning outcomes/standards to be assessed, methods of assessment, time frames, technical details and understanding the process
· Assessment is carried out in accordance with agreed procedures
· Feedback and guidance are given
· Evidence is evaluated
· The assessment decision is made
· Achievements are recorded
· Appropriate people are advised of results
· Candidates are advised of alternative options as appropriate
· Reports are provided
· Personal competence is maintained throughout the assessment process
To this end all documentation as required by the relevant SETA and/or the training provider must be adhered to and completed
© Des Squire (Managing Member) AMSI and Associates cc.