3675 Flint Road

Stanley, NY

May 15, 2012

Supervisor Sheppard opened the public hearing on the 2012 Comprehensive Plan Update. Also present were:

Charles Smith, CouncilmanAndrew Wickham, Councilman

Howard Keeney, CouncilmanJason Mosher, Councilman

Terri Quartaro, Town ClerkRick Allison, Highway Supt

Shana Jo Hilton, AssessorJerry Hoover, CEO

Jane Wolfe, Historian

Necessarily absent: Jim Lawson

Supervisor Sheppard noted this document is available on the town website. There were no questions and the public hearing was closed.

The regular meeting was called to order at 7:32 with Supervisor Sheppard leading the pledge of allegiance and roll call.

The agenda was approved on motion of Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Wickham. Supervisor Sheppard added notice that Congressman Reed would be at the town hall this Saturday from 9:00 – 10:00 to meet with any constituents. The amended agenda was then approved on motion of Supervisor Sheppard, seconded by Councilman Wickham and carried unanimously.

Supervisor Sheppard then showed pictures of various farm equipment accidents that were on the internet as this month’s town safety item.

Privilege of the floor was offered to Francis Walker on Gillette Road who asked for information regarding a petition process to allow alcohol sales in the town. Supervisor Sheppard stated the town attorney was working on it.

Joy Martin of County Road 20 encouraged everyone present to vote tonight for the school budgets and requested the town’s agenda be posted on the website. She also wanted to know what the board has done to find out what all the people in the town feel about the landfill. She also complained about noise coming from the recycling plant during the night and asked the board to look into that.

The minutes of the last board meeting were approved on motion of Councilman Keeney, seconded by Councilman Wickham and carried unanimously.

Supervisor Sheppard mentioned the following communications:

Inside DirtMercy Flight Annual Report

Clean Growth Now flyerOCSWD newsletter

Zero Waste vs. DEC decisionPathways overpass update

Water System Operator trainingDEC grant availability

NYMIR solicitationTalk of the Towns magazine

DEC incomplete water application

Written reports were submitted by the highway superintendent, water superintendent, CEO, assessor and historian and are on file. Supervisor Sheppard asked Rick whether the position being vacated by Bill Spangle’s retirement needed to be filled. Rick felt it most definitely needed to be filled and only part time help would not be sufficient. The Town of Seneca maintains more miles of road per man than any other town in the county. With no comments from the board otherwise, the position will be filled. The pay scale begins with 80% of current rate for the first year. A Class B CDL is required and mechanical ability is helpful.

Jerry reported that his pick up netted $9,900 at the auction and he thought the water department’s brought $9,200. Shana Jo stated Grievance Day is Tuesday, the 22nd and the county tax auction is this Wednesday. Fred Kober from Casella reported the new flare is running via generator temporarily. Supervisor Sheppard reported the quarterly review of the justices’ books was done by the bookkeeper this week.


General, claims #227-252 & 267 in the amount of $20,620.26 were approved on motion of Councilman Mosher, seconded by Councilman Keeney and;

Highway, claims #253-266 in the amount of $112,022.58 were approved on motion of Councilman Keeney, seconded by Councilman Mosher and;

Water, claims #62-82 in the amount of $177,506.92 were approved on motion of Councilman Wickham, seconded by Councilman Keeney and;

Hall Light, claims #239 & 240 in the amount of $348.32

Stanley Light, claims #239 & 240 in the amount of $323.44

Seneca Castle Light, claims #239 & 240 in the amount of $273.24 were approved on motion of Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Wickham and;

Town Clerk’s, Supervisor’s and CEO’s monthly reports were approved on motion of Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Wickham and all carried unanimously.

Supervisor Sheppard stated that May is for Mandate Relief. The County has passed a resolution stating this and John presented some statistics for these unfunded mandates by the state. Jerry stated a work crew from workforce development would be coming in a couple of weeks for three days. John reported the CHA audit is progressing and the C2 sewer district discussions continue.

The board then reviewed the short EAF for the revised comprehensive plan and declared a negative declaration on motion of Supervisor Sheppard, seconded by Councilman Mosher and carried unanimously.

The IES case has been adjourned again. The resolution that Supervisor Sheppard presented to the Board of Supervisors last week regarding the 80 acres was tabled. It now requires a majority vote to bring it back off the table. He has asked the CountyAdministrator to convene a meeting with the committee chairs, himself and Casella to try to come to an agreement.

Privilege of the floor was offered again and with no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm on motion of Councilman Keeney, seconded by Councilman Wickham and carried unanimously.

Terri Quartaro, Clerk

Town of Seneca