Record of Mentor Meeting– (ONE EXAMPLE)
Trainee teacher: / Date:Mentor: / School:
Evaluation of trainee impact on pupil progress and previous targets:
Trainee will need to self-review progress and complete this section before the mentor meeting.
Target: Structure plans that supports pupils in developing their knowledge and skills (TS4)
Spent some time planning first lesson - found out how to use the Brighton lesson plan and how long it took me to plan a lesson. Class teacher gave feedback on my initial plan and then made some alterations as necessary.
The structure enabled me to keep to timings and not to go off at a tangent (for further evidence see lesson evaluation (11.10.17) in teaching file and weekly evaluation (3) in e-portfolio on Pebblepad).
Target: Begin to build positive relationships with the pupils through respectful interactions and feedback (TS1)
I received positive informal feedback from my mentor regarding my lesson, e.g. “excellent first lesson with group”; “good relationships being formed”; “clear instructions- pupils responded well”; “pupils motivated to share answers” (see note book).
Target: Make a positive contribution to the wider life of the school (TS8)
I have been involved in refereeing after school girls’ football which has helped me to begin to get to know some pupils in my class and also in the other year 7. It has helped in the classroomas I could draw on the experience - I used the pupils’ names in a problem solving example which seemed to engage PK in particular (who can become unfocussed) - see weekly evaluation and lesson plan 15.11.17 (TS5).
Key discussion points:
●Discussed positive feedback from CTs and ways forward e.g. how to effectively organise equipment at the start of the lesson
●Reviewed and updated action plan targets and evidence on e-portfolio e.g. mentor agreed achieved last week’s targets in box above
●Looking to take on more teaching as per guidance in the handbook so planned timetable (see teaching file)
●Mentor helped me to understand how to use lesson evaluations to plan next lesson.
●Discussed the use of assessment and how to plan a lesson to assess pupil progress at the end of a half term
●Discussed the use of school assessment plans and success criteria
Targets (linked to the Teachers’ Standards):
Identified targets should be used to updatethe action plan in the e-Portfolio, preferably during mentor meeting.
Target for Action Plan (AP):Use school’s framework for behaviour and apply rules and routines consistently and fairly (TS7)
Actions for AP:
- Meet with SENCO to discuss specific pupils and approaches
- Read School policy on Behaviour Management & discuss practical application with mentor
- Observe, identify and evaluate range of behaviour management strategies in a variety of classes
- Evaluate resources on website
- Implement existing class strategies for behaviour to manage classroom/group activities
- Be observed for developmental feedback on 20th October
Actions for AP:
- Draw on previous assessments of pupils’ achievements – ask CT
- Plan and teach (under direction of CT) in line with week by week overview in handbook and use information on pupils to plan for progression
1. / Pupil progress: is it being effectively tracked and monitored? What impact is being made? /
2. / Inclusion: Are pupil needs being assessed, planned for and reviewed to support progress? Is emotional development and wellbeing being considered? Is there effective communication and collaboration with support staff? /
3. / Planning for pupil progress: Have we discussed the planning for next week? Is planning based on assessments of pupil progress and pupil needs? Is trainee feedback informing future planning? /
4. / Trainee feedback: Have we considered lesson evaluations, SA forms and informal and formal feedback from other teachers from the past week? /
5. / Trainee progress: Have we checked progress from last week's targets? Has the action plan been updated? /
6. / Wider professional issues: Have we discussed any forthcoming key stage/school events? Are there any opportunities for communication with parents and carers? Is relevant research being utilised to inform teaching? /
7. / Personal and professional conduct: With reference to the Partnership’s Code of Conduct and Part Two of the Teachers’ Standards, have we reviewed the trainee’s personal and professionalconduct? /
8. / Developmental targets: Have we set targets for the coming week? Have we discussed how these targets might be met? Have we referred to the Standards and are these noted on the action plan? /
ACTION: (1) Upload to trainee e-Portfolio (PebblePad)