Department Head and Department/Research AVP signatures are required prior to submission. All PARs should be routed to the Office of Budget and Finance to have a PAR number assigned. All subsequent routing depends on level of authorization needed. (Additional information on authorization and routing is available here). Salary questions should be directed to HR. Links to salary information and TAMUG’s organizational chart are available on the bottom of page 2.


A. / Department:Click or tap here to enter text. / PAR Originator:Click or tap here to enter text. / Date: Click here to enter a date.
B. / Requested Action: Choose an item. / Reason for Requested Action: Choose an item.
C. / Incumbent Name:Click or tap here to enter text. / PIN Number:Click or tap here to enter text.
D. / ADLOC:Click or tap here to enter text. / Current Title:Click or tap here to enter text. / Current Title code:Click or tap here to enter text.
E. / Title (New): Click or tap here to enter text. / Title Code (New): Click or tap here to enter text.
F / Preliminary Recommended Salary Range (provided after discussion with HR): Click or tap here to enter text. / Pay Grade and Minimum Position Salary: Click or tap here to enter text. / Maximum Requested Salary (must also complete G): Click or tap here to enter text.
G. / Associated Request Salary Action: (Please provide clear justification) Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
H. / Detailed Description/Justification of Need: For staff position requests please include area(s) of focus, relevance to organizational priorities, 3-5 primary roles/responsibilities, how it advances strategic goals, ability to fill jointly with another unit, potential for collaboration, etc. Attach additional pages as needed.
Click or tap here to enter text.
I. / Internal Funding Available:
(If yes, please Complete section J. If no internal funding available, or partial funding available, please complete section K). / Yes: ☐
No: ☐
J. / Funding Account(s): Position#:
Click here to enter text. / Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text. / Amount/Percent: Amount/Percent: Amount/Percent: Amount/Percent: / Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
K. / Central Funding Requested: / Yes: ☐
No: ☐ / Requested Amount: Click or tap here to enter text.
L. / Does this employee have a professional reason to be in a lab utilizing hazardous materials or equipment?
(If yes, must be included in the position description):
This employee does have a professional reason to be in a lab utilizing hazardous materials or equipment). / Yes: ☐
No: ☐

II.*Please see signaturepage*


are required prior to submission)

A. / Approved:☐Denied:☐ / Comments: / Date:
Department Head
B. / Approved:☐Denied:☐ / Comments: / Date:
*Department AVP
Choose an item.
C. / Approved:☐Denied:☐ / Comments: / Date:
Susan H. Lee
AVP Finance & Compliance
D. / Executive Review Required: Yes:☐No:☐ / Comments: / Date:
E. / Approved:☐Denied:☐ / Comments: / Date:
Michael E. Fossum Vice President & COO
F. / Approved:☐Denied:☐
**Jeffrey A. Boyer Executive Director of HR / Comments: / Date:

*100%Research-fundedactivitiesmustbeapprovedbytheDepartmentHead,ResearchAVP,andreviewedbyHumanResources; additional approvals are notrequired.

**Youmaydiscusscompensation,reclassification,promotionsetcetera,withJeffBoyer(HR)togainclarificationbeforeentering any salary information. However, it is to be understood that the Executive Director of Human Resources full review will be the final approval in the PAR routingprocess.
