Ironwood Ridge High School

RR Biology - A127

Sheryl Mahnken

Ironwood Ridge High School

2475 W. Naranja Drive

Tucson, AZ 85742

E-mail address: Phone: 407-4142


It is my pleasure to welcome you to RR Biology at Ironwood Ridge High School. I was born in New Jersey and lived in New England. My family moved to Arizona in 1999. In 1985 I graduated from William Patterson University in New Jersey. My degree and teaching certification are in Special Education K-12 and Elementary Education K-8. I am AZ certified as a science teacher. My Arizona certification is in Cross Categorical Special Education K-12 and I am highly qualified in High School Biology. I attend yearly science conferences and workshops to continue my education as a science educator. This school year will bring many new and successful science experiences.J

Course Description

This is a 1 credit, 2-semester course offered to 9th 10th 11th grade levels.

RR Biology allows each student to explore career opportunities in each content area that is covered. The focus of this course will be in the areas of Biology, Earth Science and Ecology. Each semester the students will research a science concept project and present it in class. Activities will include reading the text, completing worksheets, homework, notes, and hands on science lab experiments. All students will complete unit tests and quizzes on each unit covered in class. There will be an exam at the end of each semester.

Overview of Units

The Following Units will be covered this year.

All units include related life science and exploration.

First semester- cells –health issues-animal systems-kingdoms

Second semester- marine biology- earth science- plants- ecology

Course Objectives and Standards

The Arizona State Common Core Curriculum Standards include key science learning tasks in using appropriate scientific processes/principles in making daily life choices and increasing productivity through the use of scientific knowledge about the natural world. All Arizona state standards are available online.

Required Textbook- Globe Fearon Pacemaker Series

AGS Biology Text / Earth Science/Biology / Lab Manuals

The textbooks for this course are supplied in the classroom. Each student is also required to sign out a science textbook for home use at the IRHS bookstore. Homework will be assigned in the form of textbook assignments, worksheets or projects. Supplemental materials include lab experiments with hands on participation and additional assignments from Globe Fearon Science workshop series.


Any student that is caught cheating will receive an automatic zero. I consider cheating to be copying another student’s work or allowing another student to copy his or her work. This policy applies to tests, projects and all assignments. There will be experiences in class will include group work, this is the only time students would share work as a group project assignment.

Tardy Policy

Students are expected to be in their seat, prepared for class, and working on the daily science jump-start when the bell rings. If the student is not in their seat at the time of the bell he or she is tardy. Every tardy is recorded on the school attendance records.

Tardy #1- Teacher warning / tardy is recorded on attendance record.

Tardy #2 - Student is issued a lunch period detention.

Tardy #3 - Parent is notified and student is issued another detention.

Tardy #4- Tardy discipline referral is made to school administration.

This tardy policy is strictly enforced in my classroom.

Attendance Policy

Attendance is a major factor in school success. Class work is 50% of the overall grade of this class. The IRHS school attendance policy is followed in my courses. Excessive absences, excused or unexcused, will require a meeting with the student, parent, teacher, special education case manager and IRHS administration.

Late Work

Students can always request a printout of their current grade and missing work. Students have five days to turn in missing work or the grade becomes a permanent zero. Student science grade reports are online and are updated weekly.

Make-up work

I will give credit for any work missed when a student is absent, even if the absence is unexcused. It is the responsibility of the student to check with me for the missed assignments. The student has five days after returning to school to hand in all make-up work. Students should come for help completing any assigned work during conference periods on Wednesdays and Thursdays (8:15-8:55). This is also the best time to make up all tests that have been missed.

Conference Period

Conference periods – WEDNESDAY +THURSDAY - 8:15-8:55. This time is designed to allow all students to come for help in any subject. During this time a student may come to my classroom, make up tests, complete assignments, and also receive extra help in science class. When students come for conference period they also can earn extra credit points on assignments. Some students may be required to attend if there are missing assignments or failing grades in this course.

Grade Scale

97 - Up=A+ Grade Breakdown

90-96=A Class participation/class assignments 50%

80-89=B Homework 20%

70-79= C Quizzes and Tests 20%

60-69=D Midterm/Final exams 10%

59-Below =F

Online Grades

Please use the IRHS homepage to sign in to view grades and assignments for all science students. All science grade reports are updated online weekly. Feel free to e-mail or call me with any concerns or questions about grades or science classes. Contacts: or 407-4142.

Student Materials- All students are expected to be prepared for class.

ü  A 3-ring -2” notebook with dividers for class notes and Science work.

ü  Blue or Black ink pens or pencils

ü  Highlighters

ü  3 hole-punched lined notebook paper

ü  Please try to donate one box of tissues to the Science lab.

J Thank you

Important Information

IRHS student handbook rules are followed in all RR Science courses.

v  No food or drink in the classroom. Including gum.

v  Water is always okay.

v  All school dress codes will be enforced.

v  IPod players will be used in the classroom with teacher permission. IPods must remain in backpacks unless permission is given to use them.

v  CELL PHONES are not to be used in the Science lab. Please keep your cell phones “OFF” and in your backpack or pocket at all times.

v  All Science Lab Safety rules will be enforced at all times.

Please see attached lab information.


Please contact me with any concerns or questions at 407-4142. I will make every effort to return your call that day. I have 4th period teacher preparation period and appointments to meet with you are always available.

Please sign the attached sheet and return it to Mrs. Mahnken.