Personal Development
Mrs. McGinnis
Canvas log in
SYLLABUS/Classroom Guidelines
Personal Development is an introductory course to FACS at the high school. Emphasis is placed on practicing skills through labs, projects, role plays, and class discussions. We meet daily and completenine units.
Food ScienceSept.
Nutrition & Food AttitudesSept.
Kitchen Management & EquipmentSept./Oct.
Small Appliance ApplicationsOct./Dec.
Clothing DesignJan./March
Communication SkillsApril
Relationship SkillsApril
Child DevelopmentMay/June
Sources of Information for this course are varied. There is no textbook for this class and canvas will be used once students have laptops. They should be brought to class everyday fully charged.
A variety of evaluation methods are used which can include but aren’t limited to tests, quizzes, projects, labs, oral presentations, study guides, and class participation. A point system is used for grading with the total number earned divided by the total possible points.
*Labs: Proper procedures and behavior should be followed as they are an integral part of your grade and cannot be made up. If your absence is excused you will receive a NG (no grade) for that lab. If it is unexcused it will be a zero. Possible points range from 10-20 points.
*Rubrics will be used for all projects including oral reports and group projects.
Students are responsible for supplies for the construction project and should be no more than a 10-15$ commitment.
Missed work is the student’s responsibility and should check canvas for assignments. If the work is not on canvas see my absentee folder. If the work is already collected and graded you will get a zero until you have turned it in and I have graded it.
Late Assignments will be accepted 2 days after the due date and will be reduced by one letter grade for each late day. If you are absent when an assignment is due it should be sent to me electronically if possible and turned in the next day you are back.
- Be on time.
- Respect your school, peers, and your teacher.
- Follow school rules.
- Stay in your seat until dismissed.
- Personal grooming is not to be done in the classroom.
- Electronic devices are not to be used without teacher permission.
- School issued laptops should be charged.