23rdto 25th September 2016

New Forest,

Ferny Crofts, Beaulieu Road, Beaulieu, Brockenhurst, SO42 7YQ

Thank you for your entry into the County Marathon 2016. This information pack has been put together to provide you with as much information as we can.

Please download the following from the Marathon Downloads website:

  • Health Forms (must be completed by all Adults and Young People)
  • Event Permit & Training Confirmation Form (one per team please)


Please see separate sheet.


  1. The Marathon commences on the Friday evening. To take part in this event you must register at Marathon reception at Ferny Croft between 20.00hrs and 23.00hrs If you expect to be arriving after 23.00hrs you must tell us in advance, if you find you are running late please contactLyn Rider on 07730 942888.
  1. Team categories for this year’s event are:-
  • Explorer Scout Novice
  • Explorer Scout Experienced
  • Explorer Scout Assisted
  • Network Novice
  • Network Experienced
  • Leader Novice
  • Leader Experienced

There are also Trophies for highest placed all female teams in Explorer Scout Novice and Experienced.

Any team with the right amount of experience and determination can enter as Experienced, any team with two or more members who have completed two County Marathons previously must enter as an Experienced team.

To encourage less experienced participants, we have an assisted category, teams can enter and receive as much or little help from Leaders as they wish or need during the event.

  1. The County Marathon is an active, physically challenging weekend and we will all be looking to get a good night’s sleep ready for an early start both Saturday and Sunday mornings. Please respect this and observe lights out around the campsite from midnight Friday, earlier on Saturday. Antisocial behaviour may result in points being deducted and teams being sent home.
  1. Preparation in the event of bad weather is important. If it is cold, then hot food and drink is essential, especially late in the evening. REMEMBER it's so easy to skip a meal when it's pouring with rain and you are tired. HOWEVER, YOU MUST MAKE THE EFFORT. MAKE SURE YOU EAT AND DRINK WELL.
  1. Not every base has a water supply. Please consult your base list. It is important to keep your water supply topped up at every opportunity.
  1. Each team should carry at least 2 mobile phones for emergency use only. Both phones should be fully charged at the start of the event and you should give both phone numbers to the Registration Team on the Friday evening.
  1. Breakfast will be served from 6.45am until 7.30am on the Saturday morning, disposable plates and cutlery will be provided.
  1. There will be a mass start Saturday morning for all teams depending on your level of experience. Starting times will be:

Experienced Teams:07.30hrs

Novice and assisted teams:08.00hrs (and no later)

  1. Ensure you have handed in you completed route card before leaving the start on Saturday and the base or campsite during the event.
  1. There will be a kit check at every team’s first base. Teams will be asked to produce:-
  2. Adequate tents (a minimum of 2 per team)
  3. Stoves and food for Saturday evening and Sunday breakfast
  4. First aid kits
  5. Torches
  6. Waterproofs for each member of the team.
  7. Each team member shall be wearing suitable clothing and footwear.

Teams missing the above items will have to return to the start to collect these essential items, if not available they may have to withdraw from the event.

  1. You will need a complete team of 4-6 members, all with full kit before you are allowed to start. If your team is not complete, please report to the Registration Team.
  1. Leaders who have requested and paid for meals for the weekend, shouldobtain their meal tickets from Marathon reception on Saturday morning.
  1. Any Leaders who have some spare time during the weekend and would like to get involved, please contact Emma Dell or David Cohen.
  1. Presentations at 15.00hrs with the event finishing at 15.30hrs we expect that all teams to be onsite until this time, the teams of young people have worked hard to compete and this should be recognised by all those taking part.
  1. We strongly recommend that due to the strenuous nature of this competitive event, teams arrange to be driven to and from the event by someone not taking part in the competition.
  1. All tents used at Ferny Crofts on Friday night must be taken down before you depart on Saturday Morning, Leaders who are camping on Saturday Night please speak to organisers before pitching your tents.


We hope you have sufficient information in this pack to enable you to prepare for the event. However, if you have any questions or require any further assistance prior to the event please do not hesitate to contact us.

Event Leader:

David Cohen

14 Highclere Road, Braintree, Essex, CM77 7WX.

Tel: 01376 349 704 / 07711 819038


ACC Events

Bob Bye

27 Fermoy Road, ThorpeBay, Essex, SS1 3HQ.

Tel. 01702 585 535


Registration Team

Lyn Rider (Event Registrar)

117 Southend Road, Grays, Essex, RM17 5NP

Tel. 01375 374081 / 07730 942888



It is vital for the safety of you and your team that you are properly equipped for the Marathon. Your kit will be checked during the event.


Rucksack liner / Personnel Medication if applicable
Walking boots
Sleeping Mat / Suitable walking trousers (No Jeans)
Lunches and snacks
Sleeping bag / Suitable waterproof jacket and trousers
Gloves / Warm layers (2) (e.g. fleece)
Hat / Torch plus spare batteries and bulb (2 cell)
Whistle / Completed emergency card (this will be provided when registering)
Eating utensils / Water carrier (1 litre minimum)
Watch / Emergency rations in a sealed container


Any personal medication must be kept separately from the team first aid kit and clearly marked with the person's name and dosage.

Plasters (Assorted Sizes) / Alcohol wipes
Eye pads / Lint or gauze
2 Medium Bandages / Triangular bandage
Hand Gel
Elasticated Bandage / Safety pins
Micropore Tape


Emergency rations are intended to sustain you for a period of several hours until help arrives in case of accident or getting lost and MUST be in a sealed container. They must only be used in an emergency! Your rations will be checked when you return to base at the end of the event.

May include:-

Chocolate / Ability to make Hot drinks
Mint cake / High energy foods and bars



Compass x 2 No GPS allowed
Adequate tentage, minimum of 2. / Map of correct area (at least 2)
Map cases
2 stoves with cooking sets / Matches / lighter
Fuel (s) in appropriate containers / Toilet paper
2 Survival bags / 2 Mobile phones (for emergency use)

Food for breakfast and evening meal


Cereal, instant porridge orMuesli withhot milk (from powder)and sugar

Baked beans (not tin) frankfurters (cooked in their bag)

Crisp bread, jam and honey

Hot sweet drink


Light, uncooked for convenience

Crisp breads, bagels

Cheese, meat paste, hard boiled eggs

Fresh fruit, salad items

Raisins, biscuits, nuts

Drink (ready-made or cordial added to water)


It’s sensible to stop from time to time. Try to take a snack every hour or so

Chocolate, nuts, fruit, Granola

Cereal bars and biscuits


Soft drinks


This should be substantial

Soup (dehydrated)

Main course,try dehydrated packs available from good outdoor shops.

Pasta or rice with a sauce, tuna in sachets, boil in the bag

Fresh fruit if available

Instant custard with a cake bar or similar sweet

Hot drink, hot chocolate, warm squash


If there is a long period after the evening meal and bed, then a further hot drink should be taken.


  • No food may be purchased locally
  • Weight of food andcontainer
  • Ease and speed of cooking (longer cooking needs more fuel, adds to weight)
  • Salt, sugar, ketchup, tea, coffee (in an air tight container) or use individual sachets.
  • Think how best each item should be packed and carried, cooking on lightweight stoves.
  • Look around for the most convenient packs or buy larger packs and split into individual portions for the team, do not carry more than you need
  • Try mixing your porridge with sugar and milk powder at home so you just add hot water
  • Think up your own ideas but try them out at home first, make sure easy to carry and cook.
  • High calories to replace those used in all day activity, walking and carrying a pack
  • Avoid highly perishable foods to ensure food safety



An example route card is shown below. At the prelim event, you will be given information to enable you to complete the route card to the first base and instructions on how to complete them correctly.

You should practice completing a route card before the event. You will gain points for the correct completion of route cards during the event.

Details of the scoring system for route cards are shown in the ‘Marathon Rules’ and you should consider these items when completing a route card.

You will not be allowed to depart from a base until your route card is satisfactorily completed.


This year the format will be different. There will be 5 separate prelims and based in areas that will mean less travelling for everyone. They will be held during the daytime.

The sessions are being coordinated as follows:

Alistair Baxter

3rd Brentwood HQ

King George's Playing Fields,


10am-4pm,Sunday 11th September 2016

Roger Hobday

Great Horkesley Scout HQ,

The Causeway,

Great Horkesley,

Colchester, CO6 4BH.

Sunday 11th September 2016

Lee Chandler

Writtle Scout HQ


Sunday 11th September 2016

Brian Abbott


Niall Bojko