RERC Planner: September Primary: 2

Month/Season: September Class: Primary 2Level:First

Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class/School/Home/Parish / Resources / Assessment
Reign of God
RERC 1-20a I know that I have been called by God to grow in love, justice and peace in my relationship with others.
HWB 1-44a
I am aware of how friendships are formed
and that likes, dislikes, special qualities and
needs can influence relationships.
RERC 1-21a I have explored the implications of Jesus’ command to love God and love my neighbour. / I have been introduced to the concept of justice and can apply this to my own life by playing fairly with my classmates and by sharing in many different ways.
I have listened to the story of Jesus and the children (Mark 10: 13-16), and I know that Jesus treated everyone fairly and wants me to try and do the same.
I know that I can show love of God by loving those around me and with guidance from my teacher, I am learning that when I fail to show love I can start again.
I know that God invites me to love Him and that one of the ways I can do this is by speaking and listening to Him in prayer each day.
I understand that Jesus asks me to show love to my family and classmates just as he showed love by helping and caring for others such as the poor, the sick and those in need eg.,
  • Second miracle of the loaves (Mark 8:1-10)
  • The ten lepers (Luke 17: 12-19)
I can describe practical ways in which I show my love for God and those around me. / Class: Teacher organises the class into two teams and plays a game ofBean Bag Scramble (rules attached to planner). After playing the game, teacher discusses with the class the concept of justice by making the children aware of the importance of playing fairly with their classmates. What if one team had more children than the other team? What if a child picked up three bean bags? How would you have felt if you had not got a turn to pick up a bean bag?
Class:Teacher reads to the class(Mark 10: 13-16). Teacher shows the children the picture Jesus Blesses Little Children (attached to planner) and discusses how Jesus treated everyone fairly. Who do you think brought the children to Jesus? What did they want Jesus to do? What did the disciples do? Why was Jesus angry? Can you remember any words Jesus said? What did Jesus do to the children? Teacher explains to the children that Jesus wants us to try and treat everyone fairly.
Class:Children completeTreating Others Fairlyworksheet (attached to planner).
Class: Teacher discusses with the class the many different ways we can show love to others and explains that when we do this we are spreading God’s love e.g. being kind, sharing our sweets and spending time with someone who is lonely. Teacher discusses times when the children don’t show love to others e.g. being rude, being disobedient and calling someone names. Teacher explains that when we fail to show love we can start again and begin to show love to those around us. Teacher discusses times when the children have failed to show love and then turned the situation around by showing love e.g. fighting with their brother and then deciding to play with him.
Class: Teacher explains thatthe heart is a symbol of love and distributes a cardboard heart (attached to planner) to each child. The children draw a time when they have shown love to others on the cardboard heart.
Class: Teacher explains to the class that God has invited us to love Him and that one of the ways we can do this is by speaking and listening to him in prayer each day. Teacher discusses with the class the prayers that they know and how they can use these prayers to speak and listen to God.
Class: Teacher leads a prayer timewith the class encouraging the children to speak and listen to God.
Class: Teacher explains to the class that Jesus showed love to others by helping and caring for others such as the poor, the sick and those in need. Teacher reads to the class the second miracle of the loaves (Mark 8:1-10) and discusses how Jesus showed love for others. How long had the crowd been with Jesus? Why was Jesus worried about them? Why was there no food available? What did Jesus do to feed them? How did Jesus show love for others in this miracle?
Class:Children make a basket, five loaves and two fishes (instructions and templates attached to planner).
Class:Teacher reads to the class the miracle of the ten lepers (Luke 17: 12-19) and discusses how Jesus showed love for others. Who did Jesus meet on the way to Jerusalem? Why did they not want to come near Jesus? What did the ten lepers call out to Jesus? What did Jesus say to them? What happened to the ten lepers after Jesus spoke to them? How did Jesus show love for others in this miracle?
Class: Teacher distributes the Ten Leperworksheet to the class. The children cut out the leper and colour him in with a sad face on one side and a happy face on the other side.
Class:Teacher explains to the class that Jesus asks us to follow his example and show love to our families and classmates. The teacher asks the children to remember a time when they have shown love by helping and caring for others such as the poor, the sick and those in need. Children complete a simple storyboard with pictures only entitled Showing Love for Others(attached to planner). This should be copied in A3 size.
KEY VOCABULARY: showing love to others / Rules of Bean Bag Scramble
Bean Bags
Jesus Blesses Little Children Picture
Treating Others FairlyWorksheet
GLP (This will mainly be covered Lent/Easter)
Diocese of Motherwell Planning exemplar:

Lanarkshire RSHP Pack Primary 2 page 25
Art Materials
Cardboard Templates of Basket, Loaves and Fishes
Art Materials
Ten Leper Worksheet (photocopied with an image on each side)
Art Materials
Showing Love for Others Storyboard copied A3 size
Art Materials / Children develop understanding that Jesus treated everyone fairly and wants us to try and do the same.
Children develop awareness that when we fail to show love we can start again.
Children develop awareness that God invites us to love Him by speaking and listening to Him in prayer each day.
Children develop understanding that Jesus showed love for others by helping and caring for others such as the poor, the sick and those in need.
Children can describe practical ways in which they show love for God and those around them.


RERC Planner: September Primary: 2

Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class/School/Home/Parish / Resources / Assessment
Word of God
RERC 1-11a I can share some Bible stories and I can explore how God speaks to us through these stories. I have reflected on how these stories can help me to live a Christian life.
RERC 1-12a I know that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that I should treat it with reverence.
P2 RERC 1-08a Signs of God
I know that through the Community of the Church, people can experience God's love and care
and I have reflected on how this community celebrates together.
HWB 1-03a
I understand that there are people I can talk
to and that there are a number of ways in
which I can gain access to practical and
emotional support to help me and others in a
range of circumstances. / I know that God speaks to us through the Bible which is the word of God.
I recognise that the Bible is a special and Holy book.
I can identify where Sacred Scripture is situated in the local Church and in my classroom.
I know that in the Bible there are stories/narratives about God.
I recognise that I should hold the Bible with great care and respect.
I recognise that we are all members of God’s family and, just as we celebrate special events with
our families, we gather to celebrate special occasions with our parish family, e.g. Sunday Mass,
baptisms, weddings, funerals.
I can find out about people and groups of people in my parish who care for children e.g. toddlers'
groups, children’s liturgy, priest(s). / Class:Teacher shows the class a Bible and explains that this is God’s Holy Book. It is a very special book and God speaks to us through the Bible which is the Word of God. Teacher explains that we must show respect for the bible by handling it carefully and storing it in a special place. Teacher demonstrates how to handle a bible and carries it respectfully placing it in its special place in class on the class altar. Teacher allows the children to experience carrying the bible and placing it on the class altar.
Class:Teacherexplains that when we go to mass the priest reads from a book called the Roman Missal. The Roman Missal usually has a leather cover and coloured ribbons to mark the pages that the priest wants to read to us. The Roman Missal, just like the bible, contains stories about how God wants us to live. These special stories are called Sacred Scriptures because they are very holy and when we listen to them, God speaks to us. Teacher explains that at Mass when the priest finishes a reading he says; “This is the Word of the Lord” and we answer with the words “Thanks be to God.” The children practise this response.
Parish:The school chaplain could visit the class bringing a Roman Missal for them to see. If this is not possible most schools have a Roman Missal for the teacher to show the children.
Class: The teacher explains to the children that the bible contains lots of different stories about God. Teacher asks the children to name some of the stories they know are in the bible: Noah’s Ark, The Nativity, The Ten lepers, etc. Teacher chooses one of the stories, locates it in the bible and reads it to the class, followed by a class discussion about the events in the story
Class:Children complete The bible is a Special and Holy Book worksheet by completing the sentence- God speaks to us through stories in the bible.
Children choose a character from the bible to draw on the image of a bible on the worksheet.
KEY VOCABULARY: Bible, Word of God, Sacred Scripture / Class Altar
Roman Missal
Special and Holy Book Worksheet
Art Materials
God’s Loving Plan CD, Primary 2, Worksheet 5
‘People who help us’ topic
Topics such as: making playground friends, group work tasks,
pupil focus groups, Eco Committee, Pupil Council
Meeting members /representatives of parish groups
Class visits by parish priest/chaplain
Diocese of Motherwell Planning exemplar:

Lanarkshire RSHP Pack Primary 2 page 25 / Children know that the Bible is the Word of God and should be treated with respect.
Children develop understanding that God speaks to us through stories in the bible.


RERC Planner: September Primary: 2

Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class/School/Home/Parish / Resources / Assessment
Mystery of God
RERC 1-01a I am discovering God’s precious gift of life and reflect on how this reveals God’s love for me.
HWB 1-50a
I am learning about where living things come
from and about how they grow, develop and
are nurtured.
HWB 1-10a
I recognise that each individual has a unique
blend of abilities and needs. I contribute to
making my school community one which
values individuals equally and is a
welcoming place for all.
HWB 1-15a
I am developing my understanding of the
human body and can use this knowledge to
maintain and improve my wellbeing and
HWB 1-47b
I am aware of my growing body and I am
learning the correct names for its different
parts and how they work.
HWB 1-48a
I am learning what I can do to look after my
body and who can help me.
HWB 01-49a
I am learning about respect for my body and
what behaviour is right and wrong. I know
who I should talk to if I am worried about this. / GLP
I know that God created me, and that I can rejoice in the wonder of my being e.g.,
  • In praise of God’s omniscience – Psalm 139: 13-15
  • The munificence of the Creator – Psalm 8
I am discovering my own God-given talents, and I know that my emerging personality and abilities make me a unique person, loved and cherished by God.
I understand that, because we all have different gifts from God, I sometimes need the support and help of others (friends, family, teacher), and I can offer help and support to others.
I understand that I depend totally on God for all that I am and have and for all the good that I do.
I know that, as I grow and change, God invites me to grow in relationship with Him through prayer.
I recognise that each season brings moments of wonder and awe which invite us to reflect on the mystery of God’s creation by observing the natural world and listening to:
  • Summer: Thanksgiving hymn – Psalm 65:9-13
  • Autumn: a vision of plenty – Joel 2:22-24
/ Class: Teacher reminds the class about the story of creation and reads Psalm 8 to the children. What did God create? What did He ask man to rule over? Where do we see God’s greatness? Who praises God in the psalm for creation? Teacher explains that we should praise God for his greatness which is seen all over the world.
Class: Children complete Thank You God for Creation worksheet.
Class: Teacher explains to the class that God created us all individually and knows each of us by name. God created every part of us- eyes, hair skin, heart, etc. and we should praise God for our very being. Teacher reads Psalm 139: 13-15 to the class and explains to the children that God has known us since before we were even born.
Class: Teacher teaches the class the hymnBefore I Formed Youin the Womb (words attached to planner).
Class: Teacher reminds the class that not only do we look different but we all have different talents. Children are given the opportunity to discuss with their shoulder partner their personal talents. The class come together and introduce their partner to the class explaining what talents their partner exhibits. Children draw a picture of their shoulder partner paying attention to hair, colour, eyes, freckles, etc.
Class: Teacher explains that because we all have different talents we sometimes need the support of others- teachers, friends, family, etc. Sometimes if we have a particular talent we can also offer help and support to others- brothers, friends, gran, etc. Teacher discusses using talents to help others with the children. Who helps you when you cannot do something at home? What did they help you with? Have you ever helped someone in school? What did you help them with?
Class: Children work in groups and help each other to make bird cake (instructions attached to planner). Teacher will discuss with the children
the part of the procedure they will need help and support with. The teacher/classroom assistants will support the group.
Class: Teacher discusses with the class all the wonderful things in their life God has given to them e.g. family, animals, countryside and explains that God has given us everything we need. We have a family to care for us, food to eat, water to drink, food to eat, etc. God also helps us to be good in everything we do but we must listen when he speaks to us in prayer. Teacher discusses with the children that God helps us to be good in school, with our family and wider community.
Class:Children make a Good Neighbour Award (attached to planner) for someone in the class who has done something good.
Class: Teacherexplains to the class that God invites us to become friends with Him and to become closer to Him through prayer. As we grow and change God invites us to develop our relationship with Him through prayer. Teacher asks the children to remember all the prayers they knew by the end of Primary 1 and revises them this month.
  • Sign of the Cross
  • Our Father
  • Glory be to the Father
  • Hail Mary
  • Morning and Night Prayer
  • Before and After Meals (Veritas)
Class:Teacher will take the class on a ‘Welly Walk’ around the school environment examining examples of God’s creation in their world. The children can use this opportunity to hang their bird cakes. At a later date, they can observe the birds feeding from the bird cakes.
Class:Teacher explains to the class that September is the beginning of Autumn. During Autumngrain is cut and gathered in, fruit is picked from the trees, vegetables are pulled from the ground, etc. Teacher reads Joel 2: 22-24 from the bible to the class and discusses the abundance of produce harvested in Autumn.
Class:Teacher sets up a Harvest Festival table in the class and asks the children to bring in produce for display.
KEY VOCABULARY: God-given gifts, wonder, unique, relationship, prayer, season, wonder and awe, mystery, God’s creation / Bible
Thank You God for Creation Worksheet
Art Materials
God’s Loving Plan CD, Primary 2, Worksheets 1, 2 & 3
Diocese of Motherwell Planning exemplars

Link to Science topics e.g.,
• Living Things: sorting living and non living things; growing
and caring for plants; features of each season as
• Topics related to Food, Health and Nutrition – how food is
produced, where it comes from, how to preserve it;
Glasgow SHRE Programme, P2 Lesson 1
Lanarkshire RSHP Pack Primary 1 page 30
Quality Circle Time: Relationships, core values, emotions, light
touch approach to anti-bullying
Whole school approaches - being playground friends, Pupil
Council, Eco Committee
Supporting charitable organisations whihc support human
needs worldwide e.g., Mission Matters Scotland,
SCIAF, Lepra, Mary’s Meals

Lanarkshire RSHP Pack Primary 21 page 27
Words of Before I Formed Youin the Womb
Drawing Paper
Art Materials
Learning about parts of the body, e.g., in games / PE, such
as, Stand/hop on one foot’, ‘Touch the ground/floor with
your knee’, ‘ touch your leg with your elbow’, ‘cross your
wrists’ etc.
Hygiene - keeping my body clean
Lanarkshire RSHP Pack Primary 2 pages 28-29
Yoghurt Cartons
Ingredients for Bird
Cake (attached to planner)
Good Neighbour Award
Bird Cake
Harvest Festival Table / Children know that God created them.
Children develop awareness that God created them as a unique person.
Children are aware of needing help and offering help to others.
Children develop awareness of their dependence on God for all that they have.
Children show awareness that God invites them to grow in
relationship with Him through prayer.
Children reflect on the wonder of God’s creation through observing the bountiful produce of the earth in Autumn