Project Initiation. Planning and Implementation

Request for Certification and Release of Funds Form

All Certified Projects Must Follow NM State Policies and Procurement Code

Project Governance

Project Name

/ EPA FY15 Exchange Network Grant Award – Integrated Compliance Information System Air (ICIS-Air) Dataflow
Date / 9/23/15
Lead Agency / Environment Department
Other Agencies

Executive Sponsor

/ Mary Montoya (NMED Office of Information Technology)/Donna Intermont (NMED Air Quality Bureau)
Agency Head / Secretary Ryan Flynn
Agency CIO/IT Lead / Mary Montoya
Project Manager / Tom McMichael
Project Abstract(Provide a brief description and purpose for this project)
The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED), Air Quality Bureau received grant funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to assist NMED’s endeavors to electronically transfer air compliance data from state databases to EPA’s newly implemented Integrated Compliance Information System Air (ICIS-Air), assistance award #83584201. To accomplish this, NMED will work with contractors to develop an ICIS-Air dataflow that provides for the extraction and conversion of compliance and enforcement data from NMED’s environmental databases into the Extensible Markup Language (XML) format needed for electronic transfer, and the deployment of this data into the ICIS-Air system. The XML formatted instance files will be contained in a zipped archive file, to allow these files to be manually uploaded through EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX) or submitted automatically to CDX through a Node on EPA’s Environmental Information Exchange Network (EN). The dataflow will then provide for monitoring of CDX processing and the receipt of update and error reports to allow rejected data files to be corrected and resubmitted. The implementation of this project will improve efficiency in the data exchange between NMED and EPA and modernize the state’s current data system to allow NMED’s compliance and enforcement data to reach a broader spectrum of individuals and entities.
Business Need
The NMED ICIS-Air dataflow project will provide essential resources needed to address important business needs for NMED. First, it will ensure that NMED fulfills its responsibility as a delegated agency to reliably report compliance and enforcement data to ICIS-Air. Second, the ICIS-Air dataflow project will improve the exchange of reliable high-quality environmental data submitted to the EPA national data system. Third, the project will provide for maximum flexibility in data submission by accommodating fully automated node-to-node exchanges, manual submission using a node or node client, and direct use for manual updates. Fourth, the project will provide for automated processes that minimize manual steps in the workflow to increase the efficiency of the data submittal process and reduce the burden of managing and reporting data. Currently, NMED staff enters data into ICIS-Air manually. The NMED ICIS-Air dataflow project will increase the timeliness and accuracy of the data submitted into the ICIS-Air through automating the data entry process. The project will also provide increased resources for staff to work on other high priority projects to further assist the state in its mission to protect public health and the environment.
Planned Start Date / 10/1/15 / Planned End Date / 9/30/18 (end date of assistance award)
Requested amount this Certification / $124,730.00 / Remaining Appropriation not Certified / 0

Appropriation History(Include all Funding sources, e.g. Federal, State, County, Municipal laws or grants)

Fiscal Year
/ Amount / Funding Source
FY16 / $124,730.00 / Federal Assistance Award #83584201
Proposed Major Deliverable Schedule and Performance Measures

Major Project Deliverable and Performance Measure

/ Budget /

Due Date


Project Phase

Project Narrative, Scope, Deliverables, Budget / Internal NMED resources only to prepare grant proposal / Completed, submitted to EPA, awarded / InitiationPlanning
Implement Tier 1 ICIS-Air dataflow for electronic data transfer of compliance data from delegated state agency databases through Central Data Exchange to ICIS-Air
  1. Identify data requirements for ICIS-Air dataflow project
  2. Design ICIS-Air dataflow
  3. Develop ICIS-Air dataflow
  4. Test ICIS-Air dataflow
  5. Implement ICIS-Air dataflow
  1. Improving the timeliness, completeness, and accuracy of environmental data;
  2. Reducing the burden and costs associated with data management and reporting; and
  3. Increasing available resources to assist in protecting public health and the environment
/ $124,730.00 / 6/30/16 / Implementation
Comments:Funds awarded via Federal Assistance award #83584201.

FY16 & Prior

/ FY17 / FY18 / FYxx / FYxx&After
Staff - Internal
/ Environmental Scientist / $27,488.00
Consulting Services / Java, XML and data mapping services / $97,242.00
Total / $124,730.00

IT System Analysis(On this document, or as an attachment, provide a summarydescription of the technical architecture)

The technical architecture will not change as a result of this project. The Exchange Network Node architecture has been in place and operational since 2006. The hardware platforms hosting the databases were moved to DoIT in FY2015. The hardware platforms hosting the node software and the application software were virtualized and moved to the DoIT UCS platform in 2015. This project will result in enhancements to node software only.

Interoperability (Describe If/how this project interfaces with existing systems/Applications)

This project will result in one new system interface between the NMED Oracle database node staging schema and the department node software via the ICIS-AIR node plugin. Currently the department has eight data flows in operation; all of which utilize EPA provided plugins as the standardized system interface between the database and the node.

Independent Verification & Validation (Include summary of the latest IV V report)

This function is provided through EPA controls. The department submits a Quality Assurance plan to EPA 90 days after the start of the award and the department must submit Quality Assurance reports in accordance to the assistance award (see attached).

Significant Risks and Mitigation Strategy

Risk 1: if the system is not upgraded to meet the new EPA requirements NMED could be found to be out of compliance with the Clean Air Act

Mitigation 1: NMED Cabinet Secretary requests exemption for electronic submission of data until the system can be upgraded to meet the requirements.

Risk 2:

Mitigation 2:

Transition to Operations: (Describe agency plan to migrate project solution to production. include agency plans to fund and maintain this project after deployment. )
The support for the new Air Quality Bureau data flow (ICIS-AIR) will use the same support model in place for existing AQB data flows. The NMED helpdesk will assess the issue and assign tickets to the support staff currently assigned to the existing AQB data flows (AQS - Air Quality System and EIS – Emissions Inventory System)

Revision: 6/18/13

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