
Position Applied For
Position Title
Position Number
Job Type (Ongoing / Non-Ongoing)
Applicant Details
Given Name
Date of Birth
Contact Number
Postal Address
Educational Qualifications
Do you wish to identify yourself as belonging to any of the following EEO / People from Non English Speaking Background
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
People with Disabilities
If you have any special requirements for an interview, i.e. difficulty with stairs, please indicate
[ Internal-Use-Only ]
Date Application Received
Processed By
Current Employment Details
Note: There are arrangements applying in the Australian Public Service (APS) which limit the subsequent employment of people who have received a redundancy benefit. (The circumstances where the restrictions apply are set out in clause 7.1 of the Australian Public Service Commissioner’s Directions 2013 (the Directions). For more information please refer to:

Are you currently employed in the Australian Public Service? / Yes No
Have you accepted a redundancy package in the last 12 months? / Yes No
Are you: / Ongoing Non-Ongoing
If Yes, AGS Number
Current Employer
Current Classification/Level
Current Position Title
Citizen Requirements
Note: Applicants will generally only be eligible for employment if they are Australian citizens, however applicants for ongoing positions with permanent resident status who have applied or intend to apply for Australian citizenship may be appointed on conditions such as probation, with confirmation of the appointment subject to the granting of citizenship.
Are you an Australian Citizen? / Yes No
If No: Do you have permanent resident status? / Yes No
Instruction: All positions in AIATSIS are Identified Positions – Applicants are required to provide a reference from an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person to confirm your relevant experience and meet Criterion One.
Note: Your referees may be contacted at any time after receipt of the application. However, failure to contact referees does not necessarily mean that your application is unsuccessful. You may be asked to provide written referee reports at interview or with your application.
Indigenous Referee’s Name / Position Held / Contact Number
Name / Position Held / Contact Number
Where did you see the advertisement for this position / Koori Mail
Canberra Times
APSjobs (Gazette) / AIATSIS Website
If Other, Please Specify:

Responses to the Selection Criteria

INSTRUCTION: Please type each selection criteria and your corresponding response below.
The selection criteria are contained in the position description for the role that you are applying for.

If you need assistance addressing the selection criteria, please refer to the APS Cracking the Code document on the Australian Public Service Commission website: .

If you need assistance with the Australian Public Service Integrated Leadership System, please refer to: .

Criterion 1
Criterion 2
Criterion 3
Criterion 4
Criterion 5
Criterion 6
Criterion 7

Application | 1