Councillors:Councillor A. Lawlor, Councillor M. Glennon, Councillor S. Power, Councillor B. Hillis, and Councillor T. Conway.

Present:Mr. S. Stokes, Acting County Secretary, Gerry Halton, Acting Senior Executive Engineer, Liam Dunne, SSO, John Gavigan, Executive Engineer, T. Walsh, Planner, Charlie Talbot, Projects Officer, Tadgh McDonnell, National Roads Design, Christian Nea, National Roads Design, Phil Hickey, Administrative Officer, John Murphy, Senior Executive Engineer, Damien McNulty, Road Design, Gerry Crehan, Environment Technician, Michael Holligan, Acting Senior Executive Engineer and Christine O’Grady, Acting Staff Officer.




The adoption of the Minutes of the Area Committee Meeting of 21 September, 2000 was proposed by Councillor B. Hillis and seconded by Councillor A. Lawlor and agreed by the Committee.

Matters Arising from the Minutes.

NS 2/1000

A.Widening of the Straffan Road at the Kill Junction.

It was confirmed that this matter had been referred to the National Roads Authority. A report was circulated to the members in relation to a meeting held with P.H. McCarthy & Partners Consultants in relation to traffic signals for the N7 at the Kill and Johnstown junctions. It was confirmed that the NRA had placed a threshold of £200,000 on proposals for improvement at both locations. Following a meeting with the consultants it was agreed that they would revert to Kildare County Council, National Road Design Office with costing associated with proceeding with part of the scheme only. They were asked to advise on the amount associated with anti-skid surfacing on each location and to the cost of full installation at one location only. The members were unhappy with the situation in relation to the threshold of £200,000 which had been place on the project and agreed to write to the National Roads Authority in relation to the matter.

B.Planning file 00/579 – Eugene Dunne – Planning Application.

Mr. T. Walsh, Planning Section confirmed that the planner dealing with the application had recommended that the sterilisation on the part of the development, which is the subject of this application, would be lifted. The decision is due by the Manager on this application on 23 October, 2000.

C.Traffic Lights – Sallins.

John Gavigan, Executive Engineer confirmed that he would be hopeful that the work would start on the installation of these lights in the next week.

D.The LIS – Red Bog

John Gavigan, Executive Engineer confirmed that the Local Improvement Scheme in Red Bog will be completed after the completion of the roadwork’s programme for the current year.

E.Pole on the Footpath in Sallins

The Area Engineer confirmed that Telecom have again been requested to remove this pole and have indicated that they will do so in the near future.

F.Double Ditch Road

John Gavigan, Area Engineer confirmed that pothole repairs were carried out at this location but further damage by trucks have necessitated other repairs to be carried out. This will be done as soon as possible.

Planning Files

NS 3/1000

98/1911 - Tim Parker, Glenmore, Ballymore Eustace - dormer style house, two stable blocks, haybarn and septic tank.

Mr. Tim Walsh, Planner confirmed that he will look at this site and meet with Mr. Parker in relation to his application.

00/1558 - Andrew Ronaldson - dormer bungalow, entrance and septic tank.

A decision is due on this application on 23 October, 2000. On the proposal of Councillor Hillis seconded by Councillor Lawlor, the committee recommended that this application be granted as it does not detract from the amenity of the area in which it is situated as it cannot be seen from the public road. Mr. Ronaldson’s family have lived in the area for the past three hundred years and he is building the house beside his mothers.

00/1209 - Fintan Flannelly - demolition of existing stable arena and residential accommodation and construction of residential development of 52 units.

It was confirmed that further information had been requested. The applicant is responding to this and has sought clarification from the Council. This matter is currently being dealt with.

00/1396 - Sean and Jim Clarke - re-location of Johnstown Garden Centre - change from Clarkes Wholesale Nursery to retail.

Tim Walsh, Planner confirmed that this application had been refused. There were eight reasons given for refusal all of them road issues. Councillor Lawlor confirmed that he had hoped that this applicant would have been given an extension of time until the decision had been made on the issue of the scheme for the interchange at Kill. The members raised the question of a refund of fees, as the application was premature and asked that this be looked at. The members requested a report in relation to the refund of fees in general. This is to be prepared for the next meeting.

Presentation by Conor Furey & Associates on the proposed Development at Palmerstown

NS 4/1000

Conor Furey gave a presentation in relation to this development, which comprises of a business park, golf course and tourism project. The proposal is for 120 apartments, 270 golfing tourist accommodation units, 124 housing units, 318 bedroom hotel. At full development the campus would offer employment to 5,000 people. Meetings have already been held with the NRA, the DTO and CIE in relation to the proposals. The development of the campus would be dependent on the construction of an interchange on the N7 between Kill and Johnstown. In relation to a question raised by Councillor Lawlor on how the interchange would link in with the lights at Kill and Johnstown, Connor Furey confirmed that arrangements would be made to route traffic over the interchange. In relation to Johnstown, traffic would be left in and left out. Councillor Glennon asked if there was any community gain in the proposal to which the presenter confirmed that it had been originally been thought that the interchange and road improvements in themselves would be a gain but now that the NRA is looking at the same improvements the developer is willing to look at the needs of the community if these were identified.

N7 Improvements – Kill and Johnstown Streetscape

NS 5/1000

Halcrow Barry Consultants on this project were represented by Mr. Tom McCracken and Mr. E. Daly who with Mr. Tadgh McDonnell of the National Roads Design Office made a presentation in relation to the interchange at Kill and Johnstown and the Johnstown and Kill Village traffic calming proposals. Maps and drawings were presented to the members setting out the exact location of the interchanges and the precise measures that were envisaged in relation to Traffic Calming in Kill and Johnstown indicating areas for parking the provision of speed tables and other measures that will be taken. The members were informed of the reasons why it was considered that certain measures were appropriate to various areas of the two villages. The members raised queries in relation to a number of items shown on the traffic calming plans. The consultants were also asked to indicate how many parking spaces will be available once the scheme as presented was put in place and also to identify how many parking spaces are currently available with the situation that prevails at present.

Part X Fishery Lane to remain on Monread Road.

Mr. Tadgh McDonnell showed the members a map indicating proposals for the roundabout at Monread Road, Dublin Road, Fishery Lane intersection. The Part X will be published in the next few weeks. Agreement needs to be reached with adjacent landowners for the transfer of land in order for this proposal to proceed.

Interim Composting Facility Proposal for Carnalway/Brownstown, Kilcullen

NS 6/1000

Mr. John Murphy, Senior Engineer together with a representative of Nicholas O’Dwyer Consulting Engineers made a presentation to the members in relation to a service contract for an interim composting facility in the townlands of Carnalway/Brownstown. It was confirmed that the public consultation meeting had been held in Kilcullen recently. Work in Leixlip and Osberstown treatment plant will allow for treatment of sludge. This will be up and running in three weeks.

Digested sludge will be composted at Silliott Hill as a short-term option only. It was proposed to build a permanent composting facility at Osberstown. It is confirmed that one of the reasons Silliott Hill was chosen is that this product can and will be used as a final topping on the landfill and when it is being covered over. Approval has been received from the Department of the Environment and Local Government to proceed with the planning of a long-term solution. An advertisement will be placed in the next few weeks for consultants. Funding has been secured.

The composting in Silliot Hill is a temporary measure while the permanent solution is being built at Osberstown. A summary of the issues raised at the Public Meeting and the answers that were given were circulated to the members. It was confirmed that the Council will not own the facility but will have a service contract for a fixed period. In response to a question raised by Councillor Hillis as to whether the facility could be used to compost the green element of refuse it was confirmed by Mr. John Murphy, Senior Engineer that the Part X is for composting of sludge. If it were to be used for any other type of composting then there would be a requirement to go through another Part X procedure. The contractor is required under the terms of the present contract to take away the plant at the end of the contract period. The public consultation ends on 31 October, 2000 and it is hoped to bring this matter before the members at the Council meeting in November.

Development Levies

NS 7/1000

Mr. Seamus Stokes, Acting County Secretary confirmed that the Finance Officer hopes to be back to Council and Area Meetings by the end of the year with the full report on this matter.

Village Plans (CAAS) for Noting/Public Display.

NS 8/1000

Mr. Charlie Talbot, Project Officer confirmed that three CAAS Village plans had been carried out in the Naas Electoral Area, one in Caragh, one in Rathmore and one in Brannockstown. Twelve studies were commissioned for the County and a further thirteen studies will be commissioned in the current year. In relation to the plan for Caragh he confirmed that initial and subsequent plans went before the area meetings, the next step is that public consultation process meetings will be held in November. It is envisaged that in relation to community input on schemes that there will be a 75% contribution with the balance of 25% from the Community which can be in the form of money, labour or public works.

In relation to the Rathmore plan he confirmed that this had been through the area committee on two occasions and public meetings will be held shortly.

In relation to the Brannockstown plan it was also before the area committee. One hundred thousand pounds has been provided in this years estimates to carry out work on the Village Improvement Plans and it is hoped that the same amount will be devoted to projects next year.

A Charter for Kildare’s Environment

NS 9/1000

Mr. Seamus Stokes, Acting County Secretary confirmed that a draft charter had been circulated to the members and that this would be discussed at the November Council meeting.

Closure of Chapel Lane, Sallins

NS 10/1000

It was confirmed that one submission had been received in relation to the closure of the lane that being from the Eastern Regional Health Authority who suggested that the bollards that are to be put in place would be lockable to allow for emergency access. It was suggested that a key would be given to the area office and the emergency services.

(Resolution to proceed with closure?)

Councillors Queries.

NS 11/1000

Deputy Sean Power
What progress has been made to give Paul Kealy and Martin Kealy, Landenstown, Donore, Naas, Right-of-Way to their sites thus allowing them to complete the building of their homes?

It was confirmed that Des O’Connor, Senior Executive Engineer has been in contact with Waterways Ireland in relation to this matter but has received no response to date. Deputy Power asked that a copy of the correspondence issued to Waterways Ireland would be forwarded to him.

Councillor Conway
(a) What progress has been made in relation to provision of pedestrian lights in Sallins?

John Gavigan, Area Engineer confirmed that he hopes to proceed with the installation next week.
(b) What is the current situation in relation to the making of a cul de sac at Church Lane Sallins?

This item had been dealt with under number 10 – Closure of Chapel Lane, Sallins.

Councillor Lawlor
(a) When will the wall at the entrance to Kill Village be repaired.

It was confirmed that the wall will be repaired when work on footpaths is completed in the next few weeks
(b) How many LIS and CIS schemes for the Naas Area are awaiting to commence.
It was confirmed that there has been only one applicant in the Year 2000 for a CIS scheme namely Mr. Liam Lynch, of Lattenbog, Blacktrench, Naas. A letter was sent to the applicant on 14 August, 2000 to request a map showing the area in question. No reply has been received to date. In relation to the Local Improvement Schemes it was confirmed that six schemes had been approved for commencement within the next couple of weeks with a view to being finished before Christmas 2000. A total allocation of £62,900.00 has been provided for the current year. The schemes are Newtown Kilcock, Curryhills Prosperous, Ballinafagh Prosperous, Cloney Athy, Barnhall Castledermot and Coill Dubh Naas. The members suggested that there were other Local Improvement Schemes that had applied for funding. This matter is to be checked.

Councillor Glennon
(a) Planning: The Gail Roe Montessori School at Newtown, Punchestown.

Mr. Tim Walsh, Planner confirmed that an enforcement notice had been issued in relation to the unauthorised development, which was constructed within the last five years.
(b)That the environmental impact statement requested in relation to housing development in Caragh Village and surroundings are available for scrutiny at the meeting.

Mr. Tim Walsh, Planner confirmed that it was the view of the Planning Section that an EIS will not be required A Village Plan will be prepared for Caragh commencing within the next 6 months.
(c) Update on the moving of the speed limit sign on the Blessington Road to beyond the Oakglynn Housing Estate.

It was confirmed that this work would be carried out as soon as possible.

Current Motions

NS 12/1000

Notice of Motion - Deputy Power

“That immediate steps be taken to make the area outside Caragh National School safer for school children”

It was confirmed that road marking will be improved at this location to facilitate Safe Crossing for children

NS 13/1000

Notice of Motion - Deputy Power

“If the County Council is concerned at the hazard presented at the Railway Bridge in Caragh and what action it is intended to take”

It was confirmed that Plans have been drawn up to reduce the road width and install a new footpath and traffic lights at the bridge.

NS 14/1000

Notice of Motion - Deputy Power

“If consideration could be given to erecting rumble strips from the Gingerstown/Caragh Naas Road Junction to the Community Centre in Caragh”

Gerry Halton, Acting Senior Executive Engineer undertook to issue correspondence to the members in relation to this.

NS 15/1000

Notice of Motion - Councillor Hillis
“That the manager will make provisions in the book of estimates for two C.A.A.S. Reports

(11) Rathmore
It was confirmed that £100,000 was provided in this years estimates to carry out work on CAAS Village Plans and it is hoped the same amount of funding will be devoted to this next year.

NS 16/1000

Notice of Motion - Councillor Lawlor
“That the Council seek increase funding for CIS and LIS schemes.”

It was confirmed that this would be considered in the context of the estimate

NS 17/1000

Notice of Motion - Councillor Lawlor

“That funding be set aside for the C.A.A.S. schemes in Brannockstown and Rathmore.”
This is dealt with under NS 15/1000.

NS 18/1000

Notice of Motion - Councillor Conway
“That Flood’s Cross, Newhall be made safe.”
The signs and lining at this junction will be upgraded.

NS 19/1000

Notice of Motion - Councillor Glennon
“That Kildare County Council and Naas UDC co-operate to alleviate the traffic congestion in Naas Town as a matter of urgency.”

Mr. Gerry Halton, Acting Senior Executive Engineer confirmed that the Council is co-operating with the UDC in this matter.

Any Other Business

NS 20/1000

The members were advised of a proposal to develop a library in St. John’s Church, Kill. A copy of the drawings and letter of application was circulated to the members who requested that funding should be sought for this project. Seamus Stokes, Acting County Secretary said that funding has already been sought as part of a submission made to the Department of Environment and Local Government by Library Services.

The meeting then concluded.


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