Before reading:

I think this story will be about ______.(orange)

Before reading read this to the students:

This story is called nonfiction or expository. Instead of listing the main characters, setting, first, next, and last, we find subtopics (details) and then the topic (main idea) of the story.



The first subtopic is ______. (yellow)

The cowboys would have a round up. (Round Up)

One small detail is ______. (orange)

Twice a year the cowboys would gather all the cattle together. (p.383)

Another small detail is ______. (yellow)

The biggest cattle were picked to sell at the market. (p.383)

The last small detail is ______. (orange)

The cowboys used a loop at the end of their ropes to catch the cattle. (p.384)

p. 386-387

The second subtopic is ______. (orange)

The cowboys took the cattle on a trail drive. (Trail Drive)

One small detail is ______. (yellow)

After the roundup, the cowboys took the cattle to market on a trail drive. (p.386)

Another small detail is ______. (orange)

Cowboys rode in the front, sides, and back of the cattle to keep them going and safe. (p.386-387)

The last small detail is ______. (yellow)

The trail could be 1,000 miles long and the cattle could only travel 15 miles a day. So it took a long time. (p.386)


The third subtopic is ______. (yellow)

At the end of the trail drive they would get to the market town. (Market Town)

One small detail is ______. (orange)

At the market town they would sell the cattle and get their money. (p.399)

Another small detail is ______. (yellow)

The cowboys would get a bath, sleep in real beds, eat, and have fun. (p.399)

The last small detail is ______. (orange)

Then they would get back on their horses and ride back home. (p.399)

At the End

This story is about ______. (orange)

(main idea)

(This story is about cowboys 100 years ago.)

At the End

The author wrote this story to ______. (yellow)

(The author wrote this story to teach us about the history of cowboys.)

At the End

The theme of this story is ______. (orange)

(The theme of this story is cowboys are part of the American tradition.)


Before reading:

I think this story will be about ______.(orange)

Before reading read this to the students:

This story is called nonfiction or expository. Instead of listing the main characters, setting, first, next, and last, we find subtopics (details) and then the topic (main idea) of the story.


The first subtopic is ______. (yellow)

One small detail is ______. (orange)

Another small detail is ______. (yellow)

The last small detail is ______. (orange)

The second subtopic is ______. (orange)

One small detail is ______. (yellow)

Another small detail is ______. (orange)

The last small detail is ______. (yellow)

The third subtopic is ______. (yellow)

One small detail is ______. (orange)

Another small detail is ______. (yellow)

The last small detail is ______. (orange)

This story is about ______. (orange)

(main idea)

The author wrote this story to ______. (yellow)

The theme of this story is ______. (orange)