Minutes –June 1, 2009 – Page 1
MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2009 – 6:30 PM
Mayor Ford called the meeting of the Temple City Council to order at 6:32 p.m. with the following members present constituting a quorum: Councilmember Richard Bracknell, Councilmember Larry Estvanko, Councilmember Larry Mann; Councilmember Hiley Miller and Councilmember William Simmons.
INVOCATION: The invocation was given by Council Member Richard Bracknell
Mayor Ford opened the floor for citizen’s comments.
Jerry Segal: 281 Huntington Drive, Temple, Ga. Spoke to the Mayor and Council about adopting a resolution in support of Michael Savage and the Freedom Act of 2009. Council voted to put this item on agenda.
Mr. Howard Walden: 440 Centerpoint Road; Comment on the Public Safety Portion pertaining to the hiring of the Police Chief and if Major Sanders submitted an application that we strongly consider him for the position of Chief.
Linda Walden: 440 Centerpoint Road; Financial part of the Committee she would like to know if everyone is aware of the amounts we are being charged by the City Attorney, and make sure these charges are in the budget. The taxpayers need to be aware while things are going up (ex. Water, garbage, etc) what is being paid out.
Council Member Richard Bracknell motioned to approve the consent agenda as presented; seconded by Council Member William Simmons. The motion carried 5-0.
1.) Farm Animals in Residential Zoning Ordinance: Bracknell motioned to send this back to the Community Development Committee for further review; seconded by Mann. The motion carried 5-0
1.) Recognition of Softball Coaches: Certificates were presented to Softball Coaches by the Recreation Director Thad Ferguson and Committee Chairperson Richard Bracknell.
2.) Recognition of Soccer Coaches : Certificates were presented to Softball Coaches by the Recreation Director Thad Ferguson and Committee Chairperson Richard Bracknell.
3.) Recognition of Softball Coach of the Year : A Certificate of Recognition was presented to
Softball Coach of the Year
4.) Recognition of Soccer Coach of the Year: A Certificate of Recognition was presented to
Soccer Coach of the Year
5.) Recognition of Gold Award Presented to the City of Temple (3 years straight): A Certificate of Recognition was presented to David Henson
6.) Citizen of the Month: A Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Ruth Holder
7.) Employee of the Month: A Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Ashley Hulsey
8.) Approval of Contractors and Vendors: Bracknell motioned to approve the list of Contracts and Vendors for the City; seconded by Simmons. The motion carried 5-0
9.) Resolution to Amend the City of Temple Employee Handbook: After discussion to amend the handbook; Bracknell motioned to approve the amendment; seconded by Simmons. The motion carried 5-0
10.) Resolution to Amend the City of Temple Retirement Ordinance: After discussion to amend the retirement ordinance; Bracknell motioned to amend the resolution; seconded by Mann. The motion carried 5-0. Bracknell motioned to waive the 1st read of the ordinance; seconded by Simmons. The motion carried 5-0
11.) City of Temple Insurance Renewal: After discussion to renew; Estvanko motioned to approve; seconded by Simmons. The motion carried 5-0
12.) Nomination/Reappointments of DDA Members: After nomination and reappointments Bracknell motion to approve; seconded by Simmons. The motion carried 5-0
13.) Jerry Segal: After discussion; Estvanko motioned to adopt a resolution supporting freedom of speech; seconded by Miller. The motion carried 5-0
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mann motioned to adjourn at 7:30 pm in order to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel, legal, and real estate; seconded by Simmons. The motion carries 5-0.
RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION: Simmons motioned to return to regular session at 8:47p.m.; seconded by Bracknell. The motion carried 5-0.
ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to discuss; Mann motioned to adjourn at 8:50 pm; seconded by Simmons. The motion carries 5-0.
Rick Ford - Mayor
Angie Williams – City Clerk