Braintree High School PTO Meeting

May 2, 2012


Kristen Baldiga, a science teacher and SADD Advisor, talked about the pre-prom assembly program for seniors and juniors sponsored by Students Against Destructive Decisions. The presentation was “A Promise to Adam”. Adam London was a young man killed in a car accident. Members of Adam’s family created “A Promise to Adam” campaign to ask drivers to sign a pledge against risky behavior, especially while driving. Over 600 students at BHS have signed the pledge.


John Hurstak handed out two packets to parents of juniors and seniors with information about the junior prom and the senior prom. The packets contained information about contracts, outside guests, and tickets. Mr. Hurstak said that safety is their most important priority during prom season. The junior prom will be held in the BHS main lobby and the senior prom will be held at the Quincy Marriott. There will be a pre-prom reception at the high school before the senior prom.


Officer Toomey from the Braintree Police Department spoke briefly about the prom season task force. She said that there will be extra patrols during this time that include plain clothes police officers and unmarked police cars. She reiterated that safety is the number one concern during prom season.


Andrew Delery talked about senior activities. Parents of seniors were given a packet with the dates of senior activities, including assemblies, lists of responsibilities and school rules. Mr. Delery said that there will be theme days at the end of the year. There will also be a senior barbeque where students can sign yearbooks and watch a slide show in the auditorium. The last day of school for seniors is May 22nd. Volunteers are needed for the all night graduation party on Saturday, June 2nd from 11:00 pm to 5:00 am.


Mr. Swanton said that a new headmaster has been chosen. His name is James Lee and he is currently the principal of Manchester Essex Regional High School in Manchester-by-the-Sea.

Mr. Swanton said that one of the housemasters, Mr. Hurstak, is retiring and as of now this position will not be filled. He will not know whether this position will be filled until the budget is finalized. Mr. Swanton believes that it should be a top priority to hire a new housemaster to replace Mr. Hurstak. He talked about the negative impact having only two housemasters would have on the school. Braintree High School is one of the largest high schools in Massachusetts with 1730 students, including preschool and kindergarten students. Mr. Swanton said that housemasters are instructional leaders who manage a student’s education, supervise and evaluate teachers, maintain order, provide a safe climate for staff and assist in crisis management. He believes that two housemasters could not provide the level of security needed to maintain a safe environment. Karen Hubbard encouraged parents to contact the school committee with their concerns about this matter. There is a school committee meeting on Monday, May 7, 2012 at 7:00 pm at the Colbert School.

The Michael Fowlin presentation for grades 9 and 12 will take place during the month of September 2012.

Thanks to the efforts of Mary Gawron, Braintree High School has received a cultural arts grant of $1,000.00 from the Braintree Arts Lottery Council. This money will help pay for the Michael Fowlin presentation in September.

The PTO announced that it will be selling candles from Yankee Candle and cookie dough for the fall fundraiser. There is also going to be an effort to get parents to pay their PTO dues. The PTO wants to let parents know the importance of these fundraisers and of paying PTO dues because the money raised supports the programs at BHS.

There is a new summer reading program at BHS with a larger selection of books to choose from. In an effort to the make the reading program more meaningful, each book addresses a question and the question is related to the values of the Braintree High mission statement.

The Treasurer’s Report, a copy of the Program of Studies Changes for the 2012/2013 Edition and the BHS School Council Budget Necessities FY 2013 were handed out.