Health and Disability NGO email update for February 2012


The NGO Desk’s latest update includes information about Ministry of Health and NGO activities, a wide range of up and coming conference and event information and other items of interest to the health and disability NGO sector.

This update provides an opportunity to share information with others in the sector and around the Ministry of Health. If you have any comments or information you would like as part of future updates, please email me at and I will be happy to include relevant items.

You can read the most recent report from the Chair of the Health and Disability NGO Working Group, Jackie Edmond here. She covers:

  • Information about the Health and Disability NGO National Forum
  • Representing your views with some key people and organisations within the health sector.

We hope to see you in Wellingtonon 29 March for the Health and Disability NGO National Forum. The National Forum is an opportunity for engagement between the Ministry of Health and the NGO sector. We have already got over 240 people registered to attend and space is limited so please go to the NGO Working Group Website and register now! Organised by the NGO Working Group in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, this event has no registration fee.

Kind regards,

Caroline Speight

NGO Relationship Manager

Ministry of Health

For information about the NGO Working Group download the brochure Understanding what we do and how you can get involved or check out our website at

Previous issues of the NGO email update are available on the NGO Working Group website - NGO email updates.

Table of Contents


Ministry of Health media releases

The Ministry’s structure and business units

National Health Board (NHB)

DHB Planning Package 2012-13

New Ministry of Health publications (since the last update)

Mental Health and Addiction: Service use 2009/10 (provisional)

Regional Services Planning: How district health boards are working together to deliver better health services

Briefing to the Incoming Minister of Health, December 2011

Guidelines for Consultation with Obstetric and Related Medical Services (Referral Guidelines)

Prevention and Management of Dental Caries in Children: Guidance in Brief

Healthy Beginnings: Developing perinatal and infant mental health services in NewZealand


Ministry of Social Development Briefings to the incoming Ministers (Social Development, Youth Affairs, Disability Issues and Senior Citizens):


Media Releases and speeches


DPA NZ CEO Announcement

Policy watch

Managed withdrawal guidelines (2011). Matua Raki


Government Green Paper on Vulnerable Children (submissions close 28 February 2012)

Blueprint II - The Mental Health Commission is developing a new Blueprint for the Mental Health and Addiction (MH&A) Sector in New Zealand.


New Zealand Disability Support Network Strategic Planning Forum and National Conference 2012

Development Action March workshop - Better than surviving: adapting your organisation to the "new" New Zealand

Auckland Disability Providers Network Health & Disability Expo “The Big Event”

NZCCSS Services for Older People Conference “Moving Forward Together Nuku Tahi – Hikoi Tahi – Maranga Tahi”

NZCCSS Future Wellbeing Conference

International Conference on Wellbeing and Public Policy Confirmed

Important notice


Ministry of Health website:

Ministry of Health media releases

For the latest media releases from the Ministry of Health go to Media releases include:

  • Public thanked for helping look for other exotic mosquitos. Public Health Service staff in both cities received around 50 calls from vigilant members of the public who reported unusual mosquitoes. More.

The Ministry’s structure and business units

For more information about the Ministry’s structure and business units go to Ministry business units.

National Health Board (NHB)

DHB Planning Package 2012-13

The 2012/13 DHB Planning Package includes:

  • The Annual Plan and Regional Service Plans guidelines
  • The Operational Policy Framework and Services Coverage Schedule documents.
  • The update to the monitoring framework and performance measures.

It is anticipated that the Minister's Letter of Expectations will be released in early 2012. For more details go to planning package.

New Ministry of Health publications (since the last update)

Mental Health and Addiction: Service use 2009/10 (provisional)

This publication provides information on mental health and addiction services provided by secondary organisations in the 2009/10 financial year (July 2009 to June 2010). Also, this publication includes information on mental health and addiction service users (clients) seen in 2009/10. The information provided in the publication is provisional (and therefore subject to change).

This is the first publication in this series to use data extracted from the Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD). Earlier publications have used data from the Mental Health Information National Collection (MHINC).

Key facts

  • The age-specific rate of clients aged 15–19 was higher than the rate of any other age group.
  • The male age-standardised rate was almost 1.5 times higher than the female rate.
  • The Māori age-standardised rate was higher than all other ethnic groups.
  • Between 2001/02 and 2009/10 the crude rate of clients seen increased.
  • During the same period, the number of contacts, received in community or outpatient settings, increased. In comparison, the number of nights spent in inpatient or residential settings decreased.

Regional Services Planning: How district health boards are working together to deliver better health services

This booklet contains examples of how the new regional approach is already giving New Zealanders better health services.

This booklet provides an early indication of progress from clinicians and the sector. It demonstrates the intended value of Regional Service Planning in its first transitional year. It contains examples of how the new regional approach is already giving New Zealanders better health services.

Briefing to the Incoming Minister of Health, December 2011

Also on this page: The New Zealand Health and Disability System: Organisations and Responsibilities, Briefing to the Incoming Minister of Health, December 2011

Following the general election, the Ministry of Health produced a Briefing to the Incoming Minister, as is usual practice. There are seven themes in the Briefing about how we can lift the quality of the health system, improve health outcomes for all New Zealanders, and maintain a sustainable funding path.

The New Zealand Health and Disability System: Organisations and Responsibilities document outlines how the different parts of the health system fit together.

Guidelines for Consultation with Obstetric and Related Medical Services (Referral Guidelines)

These guidelines provide Lead Maternity Carers with information about the categories of referral, referral pathways and criteria on which LMCs should advise women that a referral is warranted.

Prevention and Management of Dental Caries in Children: Guidance in Brief

This user-friendly guidance will be most useful for dental therapists and dentists who provide oral health services to children.

Guidance is provided for oral health professionals on the latest evidence-based and best-practice approaches to the prevention and management of dental caries (decay) in children. It includes checklists and flowcharts that clearly set out key milestones and interventions with practical advice on what issues to cover with patients and families.

Healthy Beginnings: Developing perinatal and infant mental health services in NewZealand

This document provides guidance on improving the range, quality and national consistency of perinatal and infant mental health services in New Zealand and their integration with primary care, maternity, child health and other social services.


Ministry of Social Development Briefings to the incoming Ministers (Social Development, Youth Affairs, Disability Issues and Senior Citizens):

Other departments’ briefings to the incoming Ministers are on their websites.


Media Releases and speeches

Hon Tony Ryall -

Hon Tariana Turia -

Hon Jo Goodhew -

Hon Peter Dunne -


DPA NZ CEO Announcement

Rachel Noble, current CEO of Deaf Aotearoa NZ has been appointed as CEO of DPA NZ. Rachel will bring considerable experience and an impressive track record both in managerial and social change successes. Rachel’s Mana in the sector as a strong advocate for the rights of Disabled People in New Zealand and internationally is noted as she joins DPA.

Policy watch

Policy Watch is the fortnightly e-newsletter from the NZ Council of Christian Social Services. Policy Watch provides a smorgasbord of the latest news, research reports and policy developments relevant to the core of work of NZCCSS.

Items of interest this week include:

  • Government Planning Changes in Social Services
  • The great contradictory child-wellbeing-mix-up
  • Older People and their support services conference
  • How to be an expert on everything
  • What does it mean to do our best for children?
  • Crumbs from the rich man's table
  • Waiting, waiting, waiting

Managed withdrawal guidelines(2011). Matua Raki

These guidelines are specifically written for health and allied practitioners to assist in working with people who may be experiencing withdrawal or cessation of alcohol or other drug use. This resource provides practical information for front line workers in a variety of settings including primary health, mental health, corrections, and addiction treatment services. In addition, 'managing your own withdrawal' a self-help booklet for people wanting to stop drinking or using drugs is available and can be used as a tool to coach people through the withdrawal process.

The guidelines can be pre-ordered by e-mailing


Government Green Paper on Vulnerable Children (submissions close 28 February 2012)

A Government Green Paper has been produced on vulnerable children who have childhoods that make it unlikely they will thrive, belong, and achieve. The Green Paper has some ideas about what the Government could do to improve outcomes for vulnerable children. It aims to open up discussions about the issues and it is a chance for you to have your say. Submissions are due by 28 February 2012. Once all of the submissions have been received and analysed, a White Paper will be released outlining the Vulnerable Children’s Action Plan which will be published in 2012. Seegreen paper.

  • policy and legislative pathways to address the findings of this inquiry.

Blueprint II - The Mental Health Commission is developing a new Blueprint for the Mental Health and Addiction (MH&A) Sector in New Zealand.

Blueprint II will update the 1998 ‘Blueprint for Mental Health Services in New Zealand:”How Things Need to Be”. Blueprint II will propose a bold vision for the MH&A sector which will require innovation and changes in how we meet the MH&A needs of New Zealanders over the next 10 years.

Read more here

All submissions are due by 5pm, Friday 9 March 2012


New Zealand Disability Support NetworkStrategic Planning Forum and National Conference 2012

When: 6 March: Strategic Planning Forum

7-8 March: National Conference - ‘Light the fire for action on inclusion’

Where: Te Papa Conference Centre, Wellington

The Strategic Planning Forum on Tuesday 6 March which will focus on the New Models of service delivery being introduced to the sector and there will be discussion about the challenges and implications that these will present for members. Read more here

Development Action March workshop - Better than surviving: adapting your organisation to the "new" New Zealand

7 March - Wellington only

The goal of this workshop is to help community and voluntary sector organisations gain a better understanding of key issues currently impacting the sector. A panel of speakers will provide a breadth of valuable analysis, as well as new ideas for growing your organisation in ways you may not have considered. Read more here

Auckland Disability Providers Network Health & Disability Expo “The Big Event”

ASB Showgrounds, Greenlane on 9-10 March 2012.

This event will be a Celebration of all things Disability. Our focus is on what people with disabilities can do. There will be a huge focus on sports and recreational activities, so if you sit at home unsure how to spend your spare time, this event will certainly challenge you and more importantly expose you to things you may never have tried before. You will meet people with disabilities from all walks of life (some famous as well) who will share with you what they have managed to achieve in their life. There will be a youth focus with not only the Halberg Trust demonstrating amazing activities, but there will even be a disco on the Saturday afternoon where two great bands will play. Show ambassadors will be available to offer assistance to both exhibitors and visitors. Read more here.

NZCCSS Services for Older People Conference “Moving Forward Together Nuku Tahi – Hikoi Tahi – Maranga Tahi”

29–30 March 2012 Wellington

Steering the waka requires teamwork, good coordination and everyone contributing to help move forward together. ‘Moving Forward Together’ is the vision that inspires us in preparation for the conference. Whether you are involved with home and community support, aged residential care or housing for older people, our conference has something to offer. If you are in leadership, management or service provision, this is the place to build your skills and networks. “Moving Forward Together” means all of us finding ways to cooperate and collaborate across different parts of the sector, the different cultures together with tangata whenua, and different levels of wealth and income.

Our vision for aged care in Aotearoa New Zealand is one where we all have a part to play in ensuring that older people can live with dignity and wellbeing. This conference aims to explore how we can help to build this vision into a reality – we look forward to sharing it with you. Read more here

NZCCSS Future Wellbeing Conference

18-20 April, Auckland

How do we maintain our commitments to responding to need in our communities, help whānau become stronger and New Zealand be a just and compassionate society? Should we be responding differently? How do we ensure our services are effective and sustainable?

It’s time to regroup as a social service sector, amidst significant policy, political, funding and financial changes, work together to shape and gain clarity about the direction ahead.

This conference will provide CEOs, managers, senior staff and board members of community based (NGO) social services with vital information on the future of social service provision in New Zealand. This will be a challenging and thought provoking conference that explores the thinking behind government policy and practice and provides an opportunity for the sector to begin to develop an alternative vision for our whānau, families and communities. Read more here

International Conference on Wellbeing and Public Policy Confirmed

Full details of the international conference on Wellbeing and Public Policy are now available from the conference website. The conference will be held in Wellington, New Zealand, from 13-15 June 2012. Spaces are limited, so those interested in attending, and especially presenting, should register promptly. Read more here

Important notice

The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ministry of Health.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this newsletter, the Ministry of Health is not responsible for any omissions, inaccuracies or changes that may have taken place after publication.

If you do not wish to receive the MoH-NGO email update any longer, please reply to with unsubscribe as the subject.

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