AP Macro Formula sheet


GDP = total value of all final goods and services produced by an economy in a given year

GDP = C + I + G + (X-M) or C + I + G + Xn

Not counted in GDP are illegal activities, government transfer payments (social security, welfare, veterans benefits, etc.) sale of used goods, financial payments (bonds, stocks)

GDP is also refereed to as Output, or Y

GDP per Capita = GDP/population

Real GDP (adjusted for inflation)

Nominal GDP = current dollars

Nominal – Inflation = Real

GDP Price index (deflator) = nominal GDP x 100

Real GDP

Real GDP = ______nominal ______

price index (deflator) in hundredths

Price index = market basket in a specific year x 100

Market basket in a base year

Consumer Price Index

CPI = Recent market basket in a specific year

Market basket in a base year x 100

Rate of Inflation = Current CPI – Previous CPI

Previous CPI x 100

Marginal Propensity to Consume and Save

MPC = ∆C/∆DIMPS = ∆S/∆DI or 1-mpc

MPC + MPS = 1


Simple spending multiplier

1/1-mpcor 1/mps

Government multiplier 1/1-mpc or 1/mps

Tax multiplier = -MPC/MPS or make it 1 less than the multiplier and negative



.5 = 2X

.6 = 2.5 X

.75 = 4X

.8 = 5X

.9 = 10X

∆GDP = change in spending (C, I, or G) x the Multiplier

∆GDP = change in taxes (C, I, or G) x the Tax Multiplier (always negative)

An increase in taxes change is a positive number x negative multipiier = decrease in GDP

Shift in AE will be down.

A decrease in taxes = change is a negative number x negative multiplier = increase in GDP

Shift in AE will be up.

***Spending from a tax break is less then spending because we spend less of our tax break.

Unemployment Rate

Civilian Labor Force = Unemployed + Employed

UR = number of unemployed x 100

Labor Force

LFPR = Civilian labor force

Civilian (non- institutionalized ) Adult population x 100

ER = Employed

Civilian Non – institutionalized Population x 100

U and E have different denominators and cannot be added together with the expectation of getting 100 percent.

The Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population is everyone over the age of 16, not in the military or other institution (such as a mental hospital or prison)

To be considered unemployed a person must be actively looking for work in the past 4 weeks.

Natural Unemployment Rate –varies over time and is the amount of unemployment due to structural and frictional unemployment

Full Employment is w hen the economy is operating at its natural rate of unemployment, but never 100 percent.

Types of Unemployment

Cyclical – due to a recession, downturn in the economy

Structural – skills of worker does not match needs of the economy

Frictional – voluntary between jobs, looking for first job

Seasonal – seasonal employment

Money Multiplier

1/rr x ∆Fresh deposits of money = ∆Money supply

10% rr = 10x

5% rr = 20x

20% rr = 5x

15% rr = 6.67 x

What is money

M1 = currency, checkable deposits, travelers checks

M2 = all of M1 and CDs lower than 100,000

M3 = all of M2 and CDs above 100,000

Velocity of Money

Velocity is number of times money is used in the economy

MV = P * Q

M = money supply

V = velocity of money

P = Overall price level

Q = Quantity or Real GDP

PL * Real GDP = Nominal GDP