Egypt GEF National Dialogue

14-15 December 2008

Grand Hyatt Cairo



  • Share lessons learned from Egypt’s GEF portfolio
  • Promote synergies and develop project ideas based on Egypt’s GEF priorities
  • Support the development of a coordinated framework for energy efficiency
  • Develop partnerships to better manage GEF project cofinancing

DAY 1: Sunday, 14 December 2008 / Laylaty Hall


/ Moderator / Resource Persons
8:30 – 9:00 / Registration of participants & distribution of workshop materials / EEAA
9:00 – 10:00 / Session 1: Welcome & Introduction
Opening and Welcome Remarks (30 min)
Welcome statement by Ministry of Environment – GEF Operational Focal Point and EEAA CEO
Opening remarks by Ministry of Foreign Affairs – GEF Political Focal Point
Opening remarks by UNDP Country Director on behalf of UN Agencies in Egypt
Opening remarks by World Bank Country Director
Opening remarks by GEF Secretariat
Introduction of Participants (10 min)
Overview of Dialogue Objectives and Agenda (10 min)
Comments from participants for additional matters to be inserted in the agenda (10 min) / Chair: Dr. Mostafa Kamal Tolba
Dr Mawaheb Abul Azm
Ambassador Mohamed el Oraby
Mr Mounir Tabet
Mr. Sidi M. Boubacar
10:00 – 10:30 / Coffee/Tea Break / In front of Laylaty Hall
10:30 – 11:45 / Session 2: Highlights of Recent GEF Developments
Update on new policies & procedures in GEF4 (15 min)
  1. Brief introduction to the GEF
  2. Resource Allocation Framework (RAF)
  3. Project Cycle
Discussion and Q&A (20 min)
  1. GEF Focal Area and Cross-cutting strategies (15 min)
Discussion and Q&A (25 min)
Outcome: Participants provided with an overview of the GEF and recent developments / Chair: Ms Yasmine Fouad
GEF Secretariat
11:45 – 13:00 / Session 3: Overview of the GEF in Egypt - Portfolio, Priorities & Pipeline
Overview of Egypt’s GEF project portfolio and coordination, priorities and pipeline (20 min)
Briefing on the ongoing GEF country portfolio evaluation (20 min)
Discussion and Q&A (35 min)
Outcome: Participants informed of status of GEF portfolio and priorities / Chair: Dr Mostafa Fouda
Ms Yasmine Fouad, Director, GEF Unit, EEAA
Dr Tarek Genena, GEF Evaluation Office National Consultant
13:00 – 14:00 / Lunch Break/ Nile Expo Hall
14:00 – 15:30 / Session 4: Lessons learned from GEF Biodiversity and Climate Change portfolios and links to priorities
Biodiversity portfolio & priorities in Egypt (20 min)
GEF Small Grants Programme in Egypt(20 min)
Discussion and Q&A (45 min)
Outcome: Knowledge shared about lessons learned, results, and challenges of GEF biodiversity and climate change portfolio to inform discussions about priorities / Chair: UNDP CO representative
Dr Moustafa Fouda, Head, National Conservation Section & UNCBD Focal Point
Dr Emad Adly, SGP National Coordinator
15:30 – 16:00 / Coffee/Tea Break / In front of Laylaty Hall
16:00 – 17:30 / Session 5: Opportunities for Cofinancing Partnerships

GEF Cofinancing requirements and approaches (15 min)

Examples of private sector engagement in GEF-UNDP projects in Egypt(15 min)
Examples of co financing arrangements (15 min)
Panel Discussion: Opportunities for partnerships (20 min)
Discussion and Q&A (25 min)
Outcome: Possibilities for cofinancing partnerships and private sector involvement enhanced / Chair: Gen Ossama Abdel el Salam, Head, EEAA International Affairs Department
GEF Secretariat
Mr Mohamed Bayoumi, UNDP CO
Ms Dahlia Lotayef, World Bank
18:00- 19:00 /

Reception / Nile Expo Hall

DAY 2: Monday, 15 December 2008 / Akhnaton Hall

TIME / SESSION / Moderator / Resource Persons
9:00 – 11:00 / Session 6: Climate change mitigation and adaptation perspectives in Egypt
Climate Change Mitigation: Energy efficiency (20 min)
Discussion and Q&A (40 min)
Climate change Adaptation (20 min)
Discussion and Q&A (40 min)
Outcome: Enhanced and focused treatment of Egypt’s GEF climate change mitigation and adaptation priorities and further development of coordinated framework for energy efficiency / Chair: Dr Emad El Sharkawy
Dr Hafez El Salmawy
Dr Diaa el din el Quesy
Mr Dimitrios Zevgolis, GEF Secretariat and Mr Benoit Lebot, UNDP are also available for Q&A
11:00 – 11:30 / Coffee/Tea Break / Infront of Akhnaton Hall
11:30 – 14:00 / Session 7: Open Discussion on GEF Focal Areas:
Biodiversity, International Waters, Land Degradation,
Persistent Organic Pollutants
GEF Secretariat & GEF Agency resource persons and national convention focal points available to respond to participant enquiries about focal area strategic objectives and programs.
Biodiversity with an emphasis on protected areas financing: Dr Moustafa Fouda, CBD Focal Point / Mr Alaa Sarhan (World Bank)
International Waters: Dr Khaled Abou Zeid / Mr Ivan Zavadsky (GEF Secretariat)
Land Degradation: Dr Ismail el Bagoury, DesertResearchCenter / Mr Mohamed Sessay (UNEP)
Persistent Organic Pollutants: Dr Mohamed el Zarka / Eng. Dahlia Lotayef (World Bank)
Outcome: Increased participant knowledge of focal areas and possibilities for GEF project interventions / Chair: Dr Mawaheb Abul Azm
14:00 – 15:00 / Lunch Break / Lobby Fontana
15:00 – 16:00 / Session 8: Recommendations about Egypt’s Future GEF priorities and partnerships
Plenary Discussion / Chair: tbd
16:00 – 16:30 / Coffee/Tea Break / Akhnaton Hall
16:30 – 17:30 / Session 9: Workshop Conclusions, Recommendations and Next Steps
Review of major issues raised over past two days (15 min)
Discussion of overall Dialogue results and recommendations (15 min)
Conclusions and next steps (10 min)
Dialogue evaluation (5 min)

Closing remarks (15 min)

National Dialogue Initiative
GEF Secretariat
Outcome: Key results and recommendations of the Dialogue captured and next steps agreed (to be reflected in Dialogue report) / Chair: EEAA CEO