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3.1 Management Personnel 2

3.2 Management Personnel Contact Information 3

3.3 Organizational Chart 4

3.4 Duties and Responsibilities 5

President 5

Director of Operations 6

Chief Pilot 7

Safety Manager 9

Director of Training 10

Instructor Pilot 11

Director of Maintenance 12

Lead Pilot 14

Pilot in Command 15

Second in Command 17

Flight Followers 18


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3.1.1 Company Aviation Services, LLC has appointed the following persons to the management positions listed:

(a) President Joe Pilot

(b) Director of Operations Steve Pilot

(c) Chief Pilot John Pilot

(d) Safety Manager Henry Pilot

(e) Director of Training Bob Morgan

(f) Director of Maintenance Kenny Mech


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3.2.1 PRESIDENT: Joe Pilot

Home: 972-836-0066

Cell: 305-503-0845



Home: 404-260-1318

Cell: 617-861-3962


3.2.3 CHIEF PILOT: John Pilot

Home: 312-588-3108

Cell: 816-298-0420


3.2.4 SAFETY MANAGER Henry Pilot

Home: 215-475-5083

Cell: 212-201-3517



Home: 803-234-8035

Cell: 401-427-2990



Home: 817-256-9693

Cell: 305-503-0845



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3.4.1 Each of the following people has the authority to act for Company Aviation Services, LLC and, in his/her respective sphere, exercises operational control under FAR Part 135.77.

3.4.2 President – Duties and Responsibilities

(a) Responsible for the selection and employment of all employees.

(b) Ensures that each employee is properly instructed to perform his/her duties and responsibilities.

(c) Responsible for overall safety and implements recommendations of the Safety Manager.

(d) Responsible for the efficiency of company operations.

(e) Ensures the Director of Operations complies with his/her duties and responsibilities.

(f) Ensures the Director of Maintenance complies with his/her duties and responsibilities.

(g) Makes safety recommendations to Safety Manager.

(h) Conducts monthly safety meetings with company’s Safety Manager.

(i) Reviews yearly safety report by the Safety Manager.

3.4 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES [135.23(a)], Continued…

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3.4.3 Director of Operations – Duties and Responsibilities

(a) Reports to the President.

(b) Supervises the Chief Pilot and other employees as directed by the President.

(c) Ensures that all flight operations are conducted safely and in compliance with all Federal Aviation Regulations, Operations Specifications, and Company policies.

(d) Has authority to act for the Certificate holder, including the signing of FAA correspondence and operations specifications.

(e) Communicates with the FAA Flight Standards District Office and the National Transportation Safety Board. Files all required reports and documents.

(f) Devises revisions to this manual as needed, submits the proposed revisions to the FSDO, receives confirmation from the FSDO that the revisions are acceptable, and then distributes those revisions to all manual holders.

(g) Schedules aircraft availability, including scheduling the aircraft for required inspections.

(h) Coordinates with the Director of Maintenance for the timely correction of mechanical irregularities and discrepancies.

(i) Hires and terminates flight operations personnel.

(j) Manages the MEL Program.

(k) Issue operations notices as needed.

(k) Makes safety recommendations to Safety Manager.

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3.4.4 Chief Pilot – Duties and Responsibilities

(a) Reports to the Director of Operations.

(b) Supervises flight crew personnel.

(c) Ensures performance of all training activities of flight crew personnel.

(d) Advises the Director of Operations regarding the training of flight crew personnel.

(e) Assists the Director of Operations in formulating operations policies, coordinates those policies, and coordinates operations and training.

(f) Ensures that all aircraft are properly equipped for applicable operations, to include current IAP charts, IFR low level enroute maps, VFR sectionals, VFR Terminal Charts and helicopter route charts.

(g) Disseminates information to all crewmembers pertaining to routes, airports, NOTAMS, NAVAIDS, company policies, and regulations.

(h) Maintains proficiency as Pilot-in-Command.

(i) Schedules flight crewmembers, including assigning Pilot-in-Command duties.

(j) Prepares and maintains proficiency records, pilot files, flight schedules, duty time records, reports, and correspondence pertaining to flight operations activities.

(k) Submits all reports regarding flight personnel to the Director of Operations.

(l) Keeps the aircraft copies of this Operations Manual current.

(m) Ensures that all flight crew personnel are certified and supervised according to the requirements specified in the Federal Aviation Regulations.

(n) Updates the weight and balance information the desktop and portable PC weight and balance programs.

(o) Manages flight following program.

(p) Issue operations notices and operations memos as needed.

(q) At the Pagosa Springs base, the Chief Pilot is responsible for ensuring all pilots read and comply with operations notices and operations memos.

(r) The Chief Pilot is responsible for ensuring dissemination of operational notices and operations memos to the satellite bases.

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3.4.4 Chief Pilot – Duties and Responsibilities, Continued…

(s) Ensures that a current collection of all valid operations notices and operations memos are maintained at each base and available to all base employees.

(t) Makes safety recommendations to Safety Manager.

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3.4.5 Safety Manager – Duties and Responsibilities

(a) Reports to the President.

(b) Works with the Director of Operations and Chief Pilot to improve safety.

(c) Develops and maintains the company’s safety program.

(d) Analyses possible safety hazards.

(e) Makes recommendations to improve work place/flight safety.


(f) Conducts monthly safety meetings with the company president.

(g) Creates quarterly employee safety newsletter.

(h) Responsible for ensuring base display of safety posters and or media.

(i) Develops safety presentation.

(j) Performs and or assigns presentation duties of safety presentation for new hire indoctrination training.

(k) Performs and or assigns presentation duties of safety presentation for annual training.

(l) Creates, implements and manages employee safety recommendation program.

(m) Implements and manages incident reporting system.

(n) Attends safety seminars.

(o) Ensure that each base maintains a safety notebook.

(p) Makes a yearly safety report for company president.

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3.4.6 Director of Training – Duties and Responsibilities

(a) Reports to the Chief Pilot.

(c) Ensures performance of all training activities of flight crew personnel.

(d) Advises Chief Pilot regarding the training of flight crew personnel.

(e) Develops training program goals and strategies.

(f) Coordinates with Flight Safety International for the content of the training provided to Company Aviation Services pilots.

(g) Coordinates with Flight Safety International for each pilot training event.

(h) Maintains all pilot training records.

(i) Develops training courses as needed to augment training provided by vendors.

(j) Researches and implements methods of improving training.

(k) Conducts and/or assigns instructors for augmented training, ground and flight.

(l) Manages the Computer Training Systems program.

(m) Manages instructor pilots.

(n) Attends training seminars.

(o) Makes safety recommendations to Safety Manager.

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3.4.7 Instructor Pilot – Duties and Responsibilities

(a) Reports to the Director of Training.

(b) Assists in development of training programs.

(c) Conducts ground and flight training.

(d) Completes training records after instruction.

(e) Immediately reports any pilot deficiencies to the Director of Training and/or Chief Pilot.

(f) Attends training seminars.

(g) Makes safety recommendations to Training Manager and or Safety Manager.

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3.4.8 Director of Maintenance – Duties and Responsibilities

(a) Reports to the President.

(b) Is responsible for all maintenance and inspection personnel and signing of Part D of the Operations Specifications.

(c) Ensures that company aircraft are maintained in an airworthy condition.

(d) Ensures that all inspections, repairs, and component changes are accomplished in accordance with manufacturers or FAA approved procedures.

(e) Ensures compliance with maintenance procedures, airworthiness directives, service bulletins, service letters, and applicable Federal Aviation Regulations.

(f) Ensures all maintenance technicians are trained and current on the types of aircraft for which approved.

(g) Ensures that all maintenance technicians are certified and supervised according to the requirements specified in the Federal Aviation Regulations.

(h) Coordinates with maintenance contracting agencies when maintenance activities are being performed on company aircraft.

(i) Provides the Director of Operations with the current airworthiness status of the aircraft and the forecast down times to facilitate maintenance scheduling and insure timely deferral or correction of aircraft discrepancies.

(j) Maintains a close liaison with manufacturer's representatives, parts supply houses, repair facilities and the FAA.

(k) Makes available to maintenance personnel the necessary overhaul manuals, service bulletins, service letters, airworthiness directives, applicable sections of this manual, and any other required technical data.

(l) Maintains all necessary work records and logbooks, including certification in the aircraft permanent maintenance records that the aircraft is approved for return to service.

(m) Maintains the weight and balance records for all aircraft.

(n) Completes the required SDR and MIS reports and submits them to the Director of Operations for forwarding to the FAA.

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3.4.8 Director of Maintenance – Duties and Responsibilities, Continued…

(o) Provides the Chief Pilot of any weight and balance changes or corrections to the Company Aviation Services, LLC helicopters.

(p) Manages the Suspected Unapproved Parts Program.

(r) Makes safety recommendations to Safety Manager.

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3.4.9 Lead Pilot – Duties and Responsibilities

(a) Reports to the Chief Pilot.

(b) Supervises satellite base flight crew personnel.

(c) Assists the Chief Pilot in formulating operations policies, coordinates those policies, and coordinates operations.

(d) Ensures that all aircraft are properly equipped for applicable operations, to include current IAP charts, IFR low level enroute maps, VFR sectionals, VFR Terminal Charts and helicopter route charts.

(e) Disseminates information to all crewmembers pertaining to routes, airports, NOTAMS, NAVAIDS, company policies, and regulations.

(f) Maintains proficiency as Pilot-in-Command.

(g) Schedules flight crewmembers, including assigning Pilot-in-Command duties.

(h) Prepares and maintains proficiency records, pilot files, flight schedules, duty time records, reports, and correspondence pertaining to flight operations activities.

(i) Submits all reports regarding flight personnel to the Chief Pilot.

(j) Keeps the aircraft copies of this Operations Manual current.

(k) Ensures that all flight crew personnel are certified and supervised according to the requirements specified in the Federal Aviation Regulations.

(l) Updates the weight and balance information the desktop and portable PC weight and balance programs.

(m) Manages base flight following program.

(n) Responsible for ensuring all base pilots read and comply with operations notices.

(o) Ensures a current collection of all valid operations notices are maintained and available to all base employees.

(p) Makes safety recommendations to Chief Pilot and or Safety Manager.

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3.4.10 Pilot-in-Command/Captain (PIC) – Duties and Responsibilities

(a) Reports to the Lead Pilot and/or Chief Pilot.

(b) The PIC of the aircraft is at all times responsible for, and is the final authority as to, the safe operation of that aircraft. Prior to flight, each PIC is responsible for familiarizing him/her self with all available information concerning that flight, including the current inspection status and aircraft discrepancy log, MEL deferral log, and maintenance release, if appropriate.

(d) Before flight obtains briefing information regarding the purpose of the flight, weather, NOTAMs, PIREPS and operating procedures and special instructions.

(e) Determines that his/her crew is legally certificated, adequately rested and in the proper uniform.

(f) Notify the Director of Operations, or Chief Pilot whenever the pilot has violated any rule.

(g) Notify the Director of Operations, Chief Pilot, Lead Pilot or Flight Follower whenever a medical deficiency exists that would affect the safety of flight.

(h) Ensures current aeronautical charts and publications are aboard the aircraft.

(i) Ensures the aircraft is preflighted, inspected, loaded, equipped and manned for the flight assignment.

(j) Supervises loading and distribution of cargo and passengers and determines that weight and balance is within prescribed limitations.

(k) Ensures cargo is properly secured.

(l) Ensures provisions for passenger’s comfort are available.

(m) Ensures emergency equipment such as life vests are on board.

(n) Files a flight plan with Flight Follower.

(o) For IFR flights, files a flight plan with the FAA.

(p) Ensures proper preparation of flight logs, records and maintenance forms.

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3.4.10 Pilot-in-Command/Captain (PIC) – Duties and Responsibilities, Continued…

(q) The PIC is ultimately responsible for the safety of his/her passengers and crew.

He/she shall, before the loading of passengers, assign emergency evacuation

duties to his/her crew. In the event that there is a passenger on board who would

need assistance during an evacuation, an attendant (or passenger) shall be

assigned to that person and be briefed on procedures by the PIC. He/she may

delegate functions to other personnel, but retains the responsibility.

(r) Maintains and wears his or her uniforms to the highest of standards.

(s) Maintains a neat and well groomed appearance at all times while on duty (hair, breathe, uniform and shoes).

(t) Performs additional duties as assigned by the Chief Pilot, Lead Pilot or Director of


(u) Attends and successfully completes initial and recurrent training and evaluations.